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How's this bud look

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by RolledBuds, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    Whatcha think

    Stoner at heart
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  2. What do you mean?

    Stoner at heart
  3. I swear I've already read this thread before. Like yesterday?
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  4. I usually think its obnoxious to post a pic of weed and ask "whatcha think ? But in your case , with that weed
    That's the best weed I ever saw . Holy Cow , you are one lucky dud .
    Can you get more ? I'd buy all I could of that top quality shit .
    Looks perfectly manicured , possibly by a topless female , cured to optimum taste and smell .
    Looks like it was stored in vapor barrier containers .
    Appears to have been grown within 50 miles of your residence .
    Check , so many crystals . I bet its smells delightful .
    • Like Like x 6
  5. I believe he is referring to your last post about the same subject. We are trying to steer you in the right direction here.
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  6. The pots getting to you, man.

    Stoner at heart
  7. I'm still learning

    Stoner at heart
  8. Vapor barrier containers lol
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  9. Waiting for him to ask us how it tastes
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  10. Check this out bro How's this bud look
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  11. Not just to be an asshole either but your totally right, I mean what kind of question is 'what do you guys think about this weed' how are we supposed to know all we can see is a few medium sized nugs and that's all there is to it, smoke some in a joint,bong,vape and you will see 'what you think about it' for yourself then, weed quality cannot be judged on merely the appearance of the flower alone. Kudos dickie fickle! Good answer to a dumb question lol another under age user possibly?

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  12. Holy shit I think that might be weed! But seriously I could understand trying to start a conversation about the bud or some shit, but just posting pics of weed on a weed forum and saying "here look at this" it's like.... pointless? It's like going to a car show and going up to everyone around you and brag about your car... bro your at a car show... everyone has nice cars. Happy new year ya filthy animals
    • Like Like x 1
  13. People like you need to grow up

    Stoner at heart
  14. There's a special place in hell for you.

    Stoner at heart
  15. lol why though
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  16. I'd like to know why he's going to hell?

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  17. This shit is funny good stuff!
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  18. Likes like decent bud dude idk why everyone's getting on you lmao.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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