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Can't Get High Anymore

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Darkwolfnero, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. So over the coarse of a month my tolerance for weed has drastically shot up. I went from smoking half a bowl and feeling blasted to smoking 2 bowl and barely feeling a buzz. My smoking habits haven't changed, Ive smoked usually a bowl a day, but I've been smoking a lot more recently. So I don't think it's my tolerance. I was on a antipsychotic for a couple months a while back ago but that didn't seem to change my high at all.
    The only thing I think is a possibility is that I somehow damaged my system from smoking excessive amounts of a nicotine vape. I would go through 1 about every 5 days and it was 2000 puffs 5 percent nic per hit .I would say it was around the time I started smoking these vapes is when I noticed a dramatic increase in my tolerance, so idk. I can still get drunk and even a nicotine buzz, but not high on wèed.
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  2. I manage my tolerance by not smoking 2-3 days per week is hard at first but well worth the wait

    good luck
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  3. Not only do you have to give your body a break from weed, you also have to give your mentals a break. Let it forget a little.
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  4. #4 Storm Crow, Sep 26, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2022
    @Darkwolfnero You may be right about the nicotine messing up your ability to get high! :eek2: Seems that tobacco reduces the number of CB1 receptors in the brains of males (and likely females, too). CB1 receptors are the ones that get you high, reduce pain and much more. :smoke: Get comfy, hon, this will be long!

    Decreased Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Male Tobacco Smokers Examined With Positron Emission Tomography. (USA/ Finland) (full – 2018) Decreased Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Male Tobacco Smokers Examined With Positron Emission Tomography
    "Tobacco-smoking healthy men have a widespread reduction of CB1 receptor density in brain."

    Now, on top of the damage done to your CB1 receptors by the tobacco, you are also very likely suffering from the effects of the standard "Western Diet" which is filled with artificial chemicals of all sorts that nature never made and is overloaded with pro-inflammatory Omega 6, while lacking anti-inflammatory Omega 3.

    Here's how that lack of Omega 3 affects your ability to get high. To properly make the CB1 receptors that cannabis uses to heal, you need omega 3! Most folks are WAY low in Omega 3 because the cheaper Omega 6 oils (corn, soy, "mixed vegetable" oils) are favored by food manufacturers.

    I found out about this originally in Nutritional omega-3 deficiency abolishes endocannabinoid-mediated neuronal functions. (full – 2011)

    Here's the key sentence (n-3 = Omega 3) “In n-3-deficient mice, presynaptic cannabinoid CB(1) receptors (CB(1)Rs) normally responding to endocannabinoids were uncoupled from their effector G(i/o) proteins.”

    It's like a radio- the signal (THC) goes into the receiver (CB1 receptor) which sends the music down a wire (a connector fiber) to the speaker (the G i/o effector protein) and you hear the music (the pain stops/ you get high/ the cancer cell dies).

    But when a person is deficient in Omega 3, a connecting fiber is made imperfectly and the receptor is a "dud"- unable to transmit the healing message! This can have major effects on both physical and mental health, and also your ability to get high.

    Although they are just focused on the effects of a lack of Omega 3, and not the resulting damage to the endocannabinoid system, this quote from a study makes the results of our Omega 6/Omega 3 imbalance pretty clear. (pathogenesis = the start and progress of a disease)

    “Excessive amounts of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and a very high omega-6/omega-3 ratio, as is found in today's Western diets, promote the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, whereas increased levels of omega-3 PUFA (a low omega-6/omega-3 ratio) exert suppressive effects.” From “The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids”. The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids - PubMed

    So you have got a lack of CB1 receptors from the tobacco and half(?) of the ones you do have don't work! This is not going to be fixed in a day or two! :(

    First off, QUIT THE TOBACCO VAPE! Get a strong CBD vape pen to use whenever you feel the urge to smoke. Although this study used a CBD inhaler, the results were pretty amazing.

    “Cannabidiol reduces cigarette consumption in tobacco smokers: Preliminary findings”

    “24 smokers were randomised to receive an inhaler of CBD (n=12) or placebo (n=12) for one week, they were instructed to use the inhaler when they felt the urge to smoke. Over the treatment week, placebo treated smokers showed no differences in number of cigarettes smoked. In contrast, those treated with CBD significantly reduced the number of cigarettes smoked by ~40% during treatment. Results also indicated some maintenance of this effect at follow-up. These preliminary data, combined with the strong preclinical rationale for use of this compound, suggest CBD to be a potential treatment for nicotine addiction that warrants further exploration.“

    And on to healing those CB1 receptors through your diet. THE IDEAL RATIO OF OMEGA 6 TO OMEGA 3 IN A HEALTHY HUMAN IS 3 TO 4 PARTS OMEGA 6 TO 1 PART OMEGA 3. Your cooking oils are almost certainly messing up your high and your health!

    We need a fair amount of Omega 6 because a lot of it is changed into other compounds that we need, but subjects in some studies have had a 50 parts Omega 6 to 1 Omega 3, and that put their bodies into a bad state of inflammation. Omega 9 is OK- it has several health benefits and is main Omega in olive oil. Flax seed oil hass the highest amount of Omega 3, but hemp seed oil has a healthy 3 Omega 6 to 1 Omega 3 ratio.


    Chart swiped from
    Healthiest Cooking Oil Comparison Chart with Smoke Points and Omega 3 Fatty Acid Ratios This chart is quite long, so I just grabbed the first few items. (I don't know how accurate the article is- I just wanted a clear, easy to read chart. :))

    Diet is VERY important to keeping your endocannaboid system healthy and working right. Check the oils in your kitchen with the full chart.

    Quality of Life and a Surveillant Endocannabinoid System. (Brazil) (full – 2021) Quality of Life and a Surveillant Endocannabinoid System

    “The recommended n-6/n-3 ratio for optimal eCB production is 4:1 Nevertheless, the current Western diet adopted in many countries with high amounts of vegetable oils enriched with alpha-linoleic fatty acid usually lends itself to ratios closer or higher than 16:1. Thus, dietary supplementation with popular food sources of n-3 such as fish (mackerel, salmon, seabass, and sardines), seaweed, edamame, hemp, chia, and flax seeds, are suggested as a part of a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and hypotriglyceridemic effects of these fatty acids and derived n-3 endocannabinoids are also involved in reproduction control and in the stress response which reinforce actions which are co-preventative and co-therapeutic in the management of several diseases.”

    The secret to better cannabis highs? Eat your broccoli (and these other high-enhancing foods).
    (news – 2020) The secret to better cannabis highs? Eat your broccoli (and these other high-enhancing foods) | GreenState

    I don't know if you like fish, but if you want to use supplements “A daily intake of 3–6 g of EPA-DHA is generally considered safe.” I take 2 to 4 grams per day depending on what I eat. If I had a big salmon steak, I'll have 2 grams, but most nights, 4 grams. Fish oil works better than flax seed oil, simply because your body has to change the plant type Omega 3 (ALA) into the animal forms (EPA and DHA) and we aren't really that good at it. :coolalt:

    In studies on depression, Omega 3 took a month to 6 weeks to have a noticeable effect. (Yes, getting more working CB1s with Omega 3 helps with depression, too. :biggrin: ) Your CB1s have been abused for years between the Western diet and the nicotine- so it's going to take a while to fix things. (Think of it like making and changing out a billion tiny broken light bulbs)

    So it boils down to "Eat like your Mama said", take some Omega 3, and quit the damn tobacco!

    Granny :wave:
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  5. If you've smoked daily for any amount of time even with little amounts of cannabis you'll get a tolerance. Try to take a break, anything from one week to a month will suffice.
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  6. 1. Obviously, take a break. 3 days will help a lot. 2 weeks will absolutely clear you out.
    2. Try a different strain. If you've been doing sativa, try indica - or vice versa.
    3. Change the time you smoke. I get the most results from smoking on an empty stomach, especially in the morning.
    4. Try a strain with high THC content. If that doesn't work, you will have to take a break and tough it out.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Been there, done that, tolerance sucks!!! :thumbsdown:
    Taking a break definitely helps. I took as little as one day for awhile and it was fine.
    Less is more too. Take a little bud and smoke/vape it or take a half tsp of AVB. Do a couple days of this and increase slowly. Any kind of switching it up always helps. Good luck!!! :)
  8. I tried taking a tolerance break one time, it was the worst ten seconds of my life.
    Smoked my first joint in 1972
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  9. I didn't know cbd helps with nicotine addiction! Thanks for all this info, Granny!
    I vape nicotine all the time, full strength, 24 milligrams. Rn tolerance hasn't been as bad as back in 2021 and earlier this year. But I would welcome any more improvement, nicotine doesn't do anything good for us anyway. I'm going to the dispo and getting some CBD. I once got some hemp flower at a smoke shop. That was pretty good.

    I digress. Switching to indica helped tremendously. @Darkwolfnero do you smoke a lot of Sativa? Idk if that's part of your problem since everyone is different but for me in particular it really cranked up my tolerance. When I switched to indica it improved dramatically.

    Anyway good luck! Thanks again Granny!!!
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  10. For most of the population BadKats medical grade edible oil will consistency punch your clock day after day after day and leave you wishing you had NOT taken quite so much today.

    Set your baseline at 80% of how high you like to be and a toke or two will add the 20% and you'll be good to go. As a 40 year smoker of the Herb I'd long since reached that point of not getting a real good burn on.

    Edibles especially ones done Kat style with 20% Lecithin will send me to heights unimaginable. For most of us it stacks in your system and you need less with each progressively passing days. Eventually I start skipping a day or two a week as I'm just to damned high.

    It works as pain / spasm control from multiple abdominal surgeries that left me with a belly full of Adhesions that feels like a hand in my guts squeezing and trying to rip a handful of them out my navel so I really need it to work day after day with no loss of strength and this does that quite well.

    BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    Kats base recipe is on page 1. (no longer active an member)
    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    My take on the same stuff.

    Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered
    Grind to dust if buds

    5 grams Decarbed Kief or Hash or powdered buds
    1 tablespoon Coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes

    Buds 1 drop = 1mg THC
    Kief-Hash 1 drop = 3mg

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  11. #11 BrassNwood, Dec 21, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2022

    When the music reaches this point I know I've taken enough of Kats oil.


    I take the Kief Capsule when I get up in the morning and by the time I've showered and sat down at the computer the oil is burning holes in my mind. The music starts to hammer in my head and even at minimal volumes it sounds like front row at a concert.


    Vision gets that cracked glass outer edge like a kaleidoscope with stuff I know isn't real dancing just out of direct sight. :) A few milligrams more and I'll fly off into space.

    If I have one real regret it is that I didn't take the time and effort to really explore the miracle of what your Liver does with eaten cannabis when it transforms Delta-9-THC into 11-Hydroxy-THC. It was always just to wildly unpredictable with a few fragments of brownie enough to blow your mind for 3 days.

    Always make it yourself if at all possible. Make the same exact recipe every time and you always know what to expect from a set amount.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  12. Finding that sweet spot dosage.

    Take 5mg
    Wait 2 or 3 hours
    If not stoned
    Take 10mg more
    Wait 2 additional hours Maybe 3.
    If not stoned
    Take 20mg more
    If not

    Keep doubling the dose and waiting between until it works. It will work. It always does at some point.
    If your feeling overly spooked than stretch it out over days rather then hours. Same results it'll just take a bit longer.

    If you get a bit to high.
    DO NOT call 911. They can not help other then hold your hand. It will wear off and you'll be fine in a few hours (days) :). Inhaling the aroma of fresh cracked black pepper can take the edge off and soften the ride a bit.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  13. 1976 Cannabis brownie recipe.
    1 cup flour
    1 cup Cannabis dust
    Half cup coco powder
    2 sticks butter. water, salt, baking powder.

    God it's no wonder 3 crumbs was enough to wipe out even Superman. We had that frozen tray of brownies around for years as I knew it was deadly strong and useful when times were dry.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  14. #14 King718, Jan 2, 2023
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
    I thought you were supposed to eat the Black Pepper lol

    I've been exclusively buying Sativas because I cannot find a good strain for energy/focus. I may just give up and use Indicas to end my day. But I also feel I cannot find good Indica strains to go to sleep. Its all hype strains now it seems and the classics (Sour Diesel, OG Kush, Blue Dream, Granddaddy Purp, .etc) don't hit the same or even smell the same.
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  15. Yeah I'm having that problem myself. The only way is to take a tolerance break, or change up your strain or consumption type (TCH oil to flower to edibles). I had a bunch of vape carts which shot up my tolerance, and once my tolerance shot up from it I got some flower which helped a little bit as I get a slightly different high from it, but realistically a tolerance break is your best bet.
    The longer you abstain, the better it'll be next time. And to avoid this, smoke at large intervals.

    EDIT: Now that you mention the nicotine vapes I do puff on these 24/7 so maybe that has something to do with my tolerance issues as well. I will look into this.
  16. Yeah I went as someone who never needed a tolerance break until the moment I got on nicotine. Been smoking weed non stop for 8 years before I started messing with nicotine then I get hooked on nicotine vapes and all of a sudden my tolerance shoots up.
  17. Bull Shit.
    Ask a medical user how to stay permanently stoned.

    People just use Kat's Oil. You can abuse the shit of this stuff and do it all over again the next day. Lecithin encapsulation keeps this stuff ripping to shreds any thought of tolerance build you might have thought you had.

    I use Cannabis medically to control pain. It has to kick total ass every day for me to remain pain free. I take 75mg every morning and the first 3 hours are an intense trip grade stone. Every single day without fail. Stuff lights me up like a torch every single time I take it. Same punch today and yesterday and the day before that and the day before....... If anything I take less now per day for the same bang as I did 5 years ago. I can see that just reading a few years back in my thread.

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  18. Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    You never have to sober up

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  19. #19 Joker1121, Jun 27, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2023

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