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Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by BrassNwood, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    I needed some tincture so I knocked out a quart.
    A near filled quart jar of Decarbed Bud scraps and 750ml of 190 proof. Shake 10 seconds.


    Rinsing the tools.


    I get back about 500ml of Tincture. I'd already taken off 200ml of this to gift. An eyedropper is enough to light most people up really well. Tone it down with a touch of water if needed but it works best full strength. Squirt it in and swish it around in your mouth until it's gone.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  2. Solid post and good photos there brassa. I like it.

    I guess there were some straining/filtering out of material in the end too. I did not get it from what you wrote.

    10 seconds shake then filter out?
  3. I use the metal potato ricer to squeeze the weed out then just run through a Coffee filter paper to get the small stuff out.
    I broke the plastic ricer so I bought a commercial grade metal one the next time.

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  4. Do you use the buds after running the through the Hashmaster ? And how much gr approximately was the nearly filled quart jar ? Thank you in advance !!
  5. Yes. After I shake the Kief I decarb the (Scraps) and wash them to Tincture with 190 proof then reduce that to Tar for making my RSO. Nothing goes to waste. I'd have to actually weight it. :) Never had a reason to. It really shouldn't matter. I use just enough Alcohol to flood the Material and an additional 1/2 inch to give it enough fluidity to shake well. That same method should get real close to the same Tincture strength. Yours will be a bit stronger as it didn't have part of the Kief shaken off.

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  6. Speaking about tincture, I made last badge 30 ml from 5 grams of good morrocan hash. You said you visited Europe, so how is this hash compared to yours?
    Also, I found the tincture to leave sticky layer in my mouth - guess rso. Does this means that it’s too concentrated for optimal sublingual absorption?
  7. My Dry Ice Kief might be just a touch stronger but real close to the hash we got in West Germany in the mid 70s.

    All my Tincture leaves sticky residue. It's just part of the beast. It gets worse the more you reduce.

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  8. This type of hash is yet very expensive - last I bought which was a good one was 75€ for 6grams. I know a guy with the limited stash now which has a very nice mid grade hash but very clean - 65€ for 10 grams. For this price I get 20–30gr of good shake. Pretty sad :/ before Corona pandemic the good hash was lots cheaper.
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  9. Hey Brass, I had another question as you maybe already tried that:

    I was watching BKS thread and I saw her making canna-oil just by soaking the decarbed bud in oil and cook it for additional time. I want to try this method with additional changes:
    I will grind the weed to dust, split 10grams into half: soaking and cooking 5grams, strain and use the strained oil for the another 5grams - hoping this will make it more concentrated.
    Do you have any experience with that method ? I will add additional lecithin to it. I am not sure on how far this will be better or worse compared to tincture - infusion method, but it will save me the alcohol.
  10. A timely post, I’m preparing to do the same thing. I’ll be using my Ardent FX to do this, my license won’t let me use my home kitchen anymore.
    I like the sound of the double infusion for more potency. I will be making a 1:1 thc/CBD infused oil.
  11. Well I will give it tomorrow a first try following the steps:
    1. Grind 7 grams weed - don’t need to be powdered, but joint consistency - I know this will dissolve more chlorophyll, but assuming this, I hope it will dissolve more THC as well. Aside of that - less volume, less oil needed.
    2. Standard decarb at 240F for 40mins.
    3. Take out, let it cool of and spray the material with 190 proof alcohol - just a few small puffs or drops - this will help dissolving the thc in the oil. the amount of alcohol is small so it will evaporate while you infuse.
    4. Blend with just enough coconut oil to cover the material by 1/2 inch and start infusion for 90 mins at 180-200F. After 90 minutes, stir well, press the material on the bottom with a spoon like you squeeze it, add lecithin to it and infuse for additional 30-90 mins. The reason why I add lecithin lately in the process is because of the alcohol - if you add lecithin straight away, it will mix the water in the alcohol as well making it hard to evaporate afterwards.
    5. Freeze for 2 hours, melt it down and fill your capsules or take a teaspoon.

    This is very much a copy/paste of BKS recipe, except the alcohol step. I saw couple of guys doing that. It seems logical to me and as you need a few ml per cooking, it isn’t a big deal as one bottle will last long!

    PS: I never tried to make the oil this way. Tomorrow I will try it and will post photos and the results.
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  12. If I remember is it just the same direct oil infusing that the Hash Caps use only with bud dust. I have a real time test of it around here someplace.
    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    The next few posts cover it. It takes about 5 bud caps to equal 1 hash cap.

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  13. Indeed ! I remember it haha.

    Well just for the science - not something new, just confirming old stuff:
    I tried to: decarb the bud, spray with alcohol, add melted coconut oil and lecithin and infuse for 3 hours stirring once in a while. The oil was not as potent as alcohol solvent transfer described in details by PsychedelicSam.
    The straight infused oil was almost black on colour and it tasted not great. Sadly I got only one photo which I can’t upload, but I can upload a photo of the capsules made with infusing coconut oil with tincture:

    I used 10 grams of shake, made tincture, infused 30ml of coconut oil and lecithin and got 50 capsules out. I found 1 capsule to work just a good as one hash cap for me, but the hash I get now is low quality, while the shake I have is premium quality - only trichomes, popcorn buds and a bits of sugar leaves. Lots of people are smoking it…but I get 10grams of premium quality shake cheaper than 5 grams of low/mid quality morrocan hash. It acquires more work and grain alcohol, but if you can get it and you don’t have hash or kief, this is a good alternative. Still - if you have hash - go with it - lots easier, less time to prepare and no grain alcohol needed.
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  14. BrassNwood, Dec 14, 2022 at 8:35 PM

    15 grams of Kief


    Ready for decarb.


    Since it was done processing I capped up the dish for the expected 90ish capsules. That eases my mind as these are my primary method of madness. Time to shake more kief from the summer grow and make enough to fill a big oil jar. 800 or thereabouts.

    • Winner Winner x 2
  15. I really enjoy looking at your hash! I love hash as well and I’m a little bit sad how expensive the good quality has become the last years. I think the type of hash you have is rarely to find here. Aside of that - it will be expensive. You can become a rich man assuming for good quality hash, the price can go up to 15€ for gram.

    This is the hash I get from the regular coffeeshop next to me for 10€ - a gram of morrocan hash called “Zero”. As far as I can determine the hash - it’s nice and clean, but it’s not really potent. There was another type which was more expensive and it looked a little bit like yours - light on colour and soft on touch. The one I have is a little bit darker and the taste is spicy - I prefer the flowery taste and smell of the blond Moroccan hash, although this one is also good.
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  16. I got about 20gr of good shake. I tried the powdered buds caps and they work, but as I am dumb enough to start smoke again and my tolerance got up, I am currently using 0 size hash oil capsules. If I must take buds caps it equals 4-5 to get at the same level as 1 hash cap as Brass already stated.
    What is your advice to do with this 20gr? Tincture ? Or use the tincture to infuse oil for a dropper or capsules ?
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  17. Edible oil is always the best bang for your money. With your Liver making 11-Hydroxy-THC your getting 5x the stone for your cash spent.

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  18. #2038 rpangelov, Dec 22, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2022
    So Brass I followed your advies and I shot couple of photos:

    20gr of shake

    Decarb 240F for 40mins

    Split into two portions

    Put the first half in a jar, pour enough alcohol to cover it by 1/2 inch and give it a good shake for 2-3mins. I do a little more than required for thc only as I take it as painkiller too and (not sure) but maybe some waxes will have additional value?

    Make two washes and collect the alcohol separately

    Use the alcohol for the second half of the shake (add additional fresh alcohol if needed) and run it through a coffee filter

    Evaporate the alcohol down to 30ml and take another jar with 30ml melted coconut oil

    Blend together and put back in the rice cooker until the oil stops bubbling. Add lecithin and fill a dropper bottle to fill capsules

    Nice golden colour, a little chlorophyll taste but still tasty. One capsule equals my hash capsules, BUT as you see it takes lots more work and time to make it. Hash will save you lots of work and time…and grain alcohol haha! Hopefully next week I will get some good hash. Will keep you up to date.

    A little information so you can compare your self. I’ve done this the last couple of years many times so I have a routine. Still:

    Bud oil caps: preparation time 6h30mins and you will need grain alcohol
    Hash oil caps: 1h30mind and you don’t need any alcohol.
    Financial: it depends on where you are ofcourse. I paid 50€ for the shake and alcohol needed and got 45 caps. For 50€ I will buy some questionable quality hash and I must be lucky if it’s potent - although I don’t see any really bad hash, most of it it’s not potent - like 9-10% thc…bruh - there is raw bud with more THC. Good quality Moroccan is easy to find but expensive - still beautiful stuff. Afghan is rare to find and mostly bad quality. Lebanon also rare to find but bad quality. Temple balls are rare to find and when it’s about 18-19€ per gram. Another type available here is so called ICE-o-lator - the same principle as BrassNWood makes his hash… this can be up to 50-70€ per gram!
    Another side - the shake is mostly popcorn buds (I grinded them not to dust but crumbled them) because people don’t want small buds in a bag…? I don’t get it - I don’t really care if I will smoke from the huge bud or from some smaller buds collected from the huge one…but I am happy - the shake isn’t expensive because they can’t do much with it and it gets better quality than in the past…win-win situation for me. I paid 35€ for this 20gr of shake.

    Next year I might get license to grow 1 plant. I dont think 1 will be enough to make hash, but I can use the buds to make good amount of oil hopefully. I don’t have any idea of growing so I am prepared for the worst.

    Attached Files:

  19. Spent the morning making more Kief so I spent the afternoon making oil and filling Capsules.


    15 grams per dish.


    3 tablespoons of Coconut oil and a long drizzle of Lecithin. (2 teaspoons)


    Put the roasted (Decarbed) Kief into the warm Coconut oil and process 220 F for 20 minutes.


    One at a time it eventually gets done.


    Licking my finger after wiping out the first dish hit like 2 more capsules. :)
    The first dish was 90 capsules and I'm most of the way through this one. To dark to see I'll finish this in the morning.
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  20. Santa needs to bring you a capsule filling device!
    Or maybe you’ve been naughty…?
    • Funny Funny x 1

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