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Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by BrassNwood, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Hey Brass and all cappers!
    Just thought I’d share some information. I’ve been making really large batches of caps for the dispensary lately and I’ve run into some issues.
    Mainly… leaking capsules.
    As in, a batch of 2000 caps stored for a week ends up leaking oil and ruining the whole lot. It only started when I began large runs.
    I think I have it solved though, I narrowed it down to this. Excessive water/ moisture left in the decarbed bubble hash. And yes, the BH was dried properly, but it’s the decarbing stage that added it back in. I always see moisture condensation on the under side of the foil when it’s done and cooled. I never paid much attention to it before but losing 8k$ of product made me look closer at what was happening.
    So, on the last batch I put the decarbed material back in the refrigerator for a few days a stirred it occasionally until it was dry as a bone. Then made the caps. The problem appears to be fixed.
    I hope!:unsure:
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  2. That is exactly why I stopped covering my Decarb. Let the Hash / Kief bake uncovered and it should prevent the Capsules from melting. Spread it out thin so it all has good exposure to the heat.

    My Capsules seep a bit at room temps and higher but it never melts the capsules and is only slightly annoying as the Caps will have a light film of Oil and the inside of the jar will have the same. Even the pill bottle I keep in the trunk of the car over the hot muffler has never done any more then that.

    Any trace of water will make a royal mess of things with half melted capsules all glued together. The fridge or freezer was a good idea as that is a stone dry environment and should desiccate things in a few hours.

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  3. I never had issues until I ran large batches. All I got was oily caps and containers, but that’s not good for resale.
    I wasn’t sure if it was because I use bubble hash and you use kief.
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  4. It could be the difference between Bubble and the Dry Ice method all my Kief comes from. Mine is very dry to start with.

    What I kept having issues with was my RSO. I eventually learned to bake the oil long enough that it becomes dead still with no bubbles or foam before adding the Lecithin and finishing. The base tar has a fair bit of water content left from reducing the Tincture in the still.

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  5. Just finished my first batch and everything went very well. I had planned on 5g but scaled down to 1g in order to figure out my daytime & evening doses this week. Once I have my doses figured out I will scale up.

    I measured the coconut oil as a solid, and probably packed it too tight. I ended up with more total drops than expected. Next time I'll melt the oil first and then measure out.

    I also tried measuring the lecithin and only about half of it poured out of the spoon. So I followed with a small drizzle out of the bottle which probably doubled the total amount used.

    I used size 3 caps and filled about a dozen 1 drop and 2 drop with the rest at 4 drops. With the overage in oil/lecithin, I calculated my concentration at 2.6mg/drop. I will mix and match these to determine my dose.

    After reading the horror stories...there was no utensil licking! Since I have to shuttle the kids around this afternoon the experiment must wait until evening. Can't wait!
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  6. Took 15 drops yesterday around 3pm. Lasted around 5hrs. No appreciable difference in high from 10 drops. Will try 20 next time & likely fill the rest with 10 drop caps to give me the option between 10-20. The hash oil high reminds me of back in the day making hash cakes- more sedative than high. I’ve felt more trippy from the weed version. I dare say, if I pushed the envelope with the hash oil it would be a different story. I used MCT oil this time for convenience (which I was surprised to discover doesn’t freeze even after 5 hrs) but I’ll try the solid stuff next time.
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  7. Coconut oil vs MCT.
    MCT is usually made from Coconut oil with some palm oil on the side so your both paying a premium price for MCT and it also lacks some of the good things Coconut oil has.
    MCT = Not worth the extra coin.

    Coconut oil comes in 2 basic types not including the liquid types "Virgin" cold pressed usually sold as "Organic" and this both smells and tastes like Coconuts. Vile stuff. The refined version like the LouAna I use is neutral with no smell or taste. Nothing to interfere with the wonderful taste the Kief has.

    Once I realized the liquid Lecithin pours like molasses I stopped trying to measure and just use a short or long "Drizzle" depending on batch size I'm making and eyeball it. My capsule count per batch is always dead on so it really is close enough for our needs. Triple batches fill 90 (0) size capsules.

    I'm just the reverse. The bud based capsules don't seem to amp me up like the hash version does. :) It's like any good Hallucinogenic to me. Trippy with a slight side helping of get up and go.

    Makes the music in my headphones feel like it is melting my brain. <Feels ears to make sure they are dry>.

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  8. Maybe just need to take more. :jump:
  9. Well...that was not what I expected. After a 2 week T-break...30mg of my regular gummies would get me to about a 3 or 4 level high. Perfect for the daytime and getting work done.

    Last night I started with 5 drops and after 30 mins felt a slight headspace change...kind of fixating a bit. Waited 1 hr with no change and took another 5 drops (26mg total for the 10 drops). Never felt any other change. Absolutely nothing in the body or any feeling of being high.

    All in all it felt like I had a cup of coffee but only about a 0.5 level high. Woke up with a bit of a headache as well
  10. Well Damn. Did you not Decarboxylate ? Usually that is the only reason it is weak or ineffective.

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  11. No palm oil. No taste or smell.
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  12. Decarbed at 240-250 for 45 mins and then infused at ~225 for 20 mins.

    When I have some free time I'll up the dose and try again. Glad I only started with 1g
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  13. This is where the extractocraft source turbo is a game changer....I reclaim my 190 everclear and boil down under vacuum. Usually 104°f is peak temperature during this process.
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  14. Ya that is my next suggestion. We know the recipe works it is just a question of finding what dose works. If I do one of my 15 day breaks it takes a few days of doubling up before I plateau again and throttle back on the number per day. It's like I reach a saturation point.

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  15. I had similar story - after couple of weeks of t-break I took 4 drops. The only difference is that I never felt so stoned ever in my life - nothing I have smoked can compare to this. The recipe works for sure - it’s matter of finding out your dosage.

    did you use an oven thermometer ? Believe it or not, but it will surprise you how inaccurate some devices can be. I am saying from experience as I burned lots of material with small cooking ovens or ricecookers…
  16. Threw out the first batch...took 25 drops at once and nothing.

    Just tried a second batch with 1g bubble hash. I think my oven thermometer may be off. Oven was set to almost 300 but thermometer was showing just under 250. After about 7-10 mins, the hash was dark brown and looked like it had melted.

    I finished the process and came up way short in the amt of capsules it should have filled. Took 6 drops about 2 hrs ago and nothing. I should be able to feel 15-18mgs. Will double and tripple up just to be sure.

    Going to order a new thermometer and try again later in the week
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  17. Don't throw anything out. :)
    We all make different amounts of the conversion enzyme cytochrome P2C9 or CYP2C9.
    "Because 11-hydroxy-THC is made by the liver, and we all have different liver enzymes and genetic mutations in those enzymes, cannabis edibles can affect people very differently. There is a huge range in how individuals metabolize delta-9 into 11-hydroxy-THC, with age, sex, historical cannabis use, concurrent medications, and other factors contributing to variability," Dr. Rae concluded.

    The Kief based oil I make works out to 3mg per drop and I take 25 drops at a time. A full single zero capsule (0) holds right at 25 drops of fluid. My wife needs 1 drop or less to be hammered on this strength oil.
    Me = 75mg
    Her = 3mg

    Buds = 150 milligrams of THC per Gram.
    Kief-Hash = 500mg of THC per Gram
    Wax, Shatter. Things in the 90% range = 900mg per Gram.

    You may be like me and need a healthy dose to get really cranking.
    Take 50mg
    Wait 2 hours
    Take 100mg more
    Wait 2 more hours
    Take 200mg more.
    Keep doubling and waiting between.

    It'll work at some point. Most cry uncle before a 1000mg worth.
    Neighbor = 750mg
    TTS = 800mg
    mrsilly = 1000mg
    StitNspin = 800mg
    Me = 400mg

    This is where it is not fun any longer and we've taken a wee bit to much.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. I call BS, I think you need to send me 40-50 of these capsules and let me try them out... I PROMISE to let you know how many it takes for a high. :) :) :)
  19. I hear you BNW...but if after a T-break 20mg of store bought gummies gets me to a 3 and ~60-75mgs of hash-cap gets me nowhere, then that batch is worthless to me. I'm still testing today's batch but I don't have much hope for it.

    I know that I can get blasted on edibles, as I've been eating them for a few years...20-30mgs is my typical daytime dose and 50-75mgs in the evening gives predictable results. I had to have screwed up the decarb process.

    Just bought another thermometer and will make another batch on Thursday.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. @swiper

    My Dry Ice Kief looks like this as it is made.


    It gets a bit more dough like a few days older then the powder consistency it has when just shaken free.
    It doesn't change shape at all. It'll go from blond to medium brown with even a blackened tip or two but it never slumps into a puddle.


    Here is a cooked tray 15 grams per side 40 minutes at 240 F.

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