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Total noobie

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Azrazil, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Help, help help!! I've read and re read advice and info columns about growing but nothing is happening!
    Ok, ok, I had a clone with 6 leaves on and it was looking rather healthy. 3 days later re planted into a bigger pot,(coca coir), and it's fell apart since then. Leaves brown n shrivelled, m8 suggested mute burn. So, rinsed through with good ole h20 and re-potted into drier coco. But now leaves are droopy no color on bottom leaves and top ones are dark green with yellow edges. No grow for 2wks. What have I done wrong? Will Mj recover?
    P.s: in a grow tent with 300w dual cfl about 50 - 60cm away from plant, soil moist but not soaking.
  2. Hi repotting prob shocked it!!! If ya flush with ph water then feed wi a small amount of nutes as no food in coco. Not sure wi sounfs of it if they dead!! Do u av a pic? Wen it went brown and shivelled wat was yr temp then? Cud it av been burnt? Not sure wat to advise other than if its alive just jeep steady temp wi high humidity . If ya put yr hand were plant top is and its hot on yr hand under light then its defo too hot for ya plant love. Keep ph steady around 5.8 /6.00 and give some root stim to help wi stress etc. Then hope for best. Hope goes well but if not better luck next time love Xxx
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  3. Have you been feeding it?
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  4. Sounds like it was a little shocked when you transplanted and then made things worse by doing even more shit to it. I hope it makes it through but doesn't sound good. When you transplant, you need to leave it alone for a couple days except to water if it needs it.

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  5. Yea a lot of times when people freak out and do a lot to them they kill em. Its probably not grown in two weeks because its trying to get its root system back together. I'd just let it be for a little while. Keep it watered and go easy on the nutes. good luck!
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  6. Fingers crossed the little lady survives.
    I've been feeding her canna a+b 4ml per ltr each every other day.
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  7. A couple of pics.
  8. 4ml of canna a+b per ltr each, every other day.
  9. Not familiar with those nutes, maybe someone else can chime in if it's a feeding issue.
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  10. I would say feeding it in the current state is probably not the best idea. I'd leave it alone and let it recoup. Might be fortunate and it come back to life in a couple days. Just my opinion

    My Journal
  11. But, is there no nutes in coca coir except the ones you put in??
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  12. Would Tom feed be any better?
  13. Had this little lady given to me a wk last Tuesday. Put her straight under dee lights, (60cm under) in grow tent on a 18/6 timer. Fed her 4ml canna a+b per ltr every other day. Re-potted into a 12ltr fabric bag into coco coir on the Friday and fed her nutes on the Sat. Down hill since then! Leaves went brown, yellow on the edges, (check pics). M8 suggested nute burn Tues, so cleaned/rinsed with H2O and re-potted into drier coco coir on the Tues night, and watered next day, (kept her out of the tent since). Put her back into tent Thursday night on a 18/6 timer and fed her 4ml of Tom feed per ltr for half a ltr only. Think she's dying judging by the pics, + no growth since a wk last Tuesday, only drooping leaves!
    Looking for advice on what I did wrong? And do you think she'll recover?
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  14. Oops. Sorry I wasn't thinking. Unfortunately I'm not familiar with those nutes either

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  15. Lol, I don't think I can think anymore. Head hurts trying to sponge up info, aaaahhhhh.
    Cheers though
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  16. On Google though
  17. Hi . Way too much. I no even canna say that amount for a veg plant but a baby is 1.9 ml(19ml a liter) i over feed my babies wi 2 ml a lr!!!! I give only 2 ml now and they are 3 weks old plus stim and multi.
    I wood gi em one mil per liter for first week. Sounds low but if ya check on tds its about right for baby plant. So prob nute burn love. Defo flush wi ph water and give that 1 ml per liter a and b and if got it give 2 ml stim and 2.5ml a liter multi x goid look love x
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  18. Will do,
    Cheers hon x
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