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Rick Simpson Oil, smoke it?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by JerBear31, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Hey all, I recently made some Rick Simpson Oil. If I eat the tiniest amount, I'm lit for hours! I know you can vape the oil, but can it also be smoked with a lighter in a pipe or on a bowl? Burned on a knife like hash?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  2. I'm sure u can put some on top of bud in a spoon and smoke it like a fullmelt. I just done think its the most efficient means of using the meds. I sometimes put it on a bandaid and then put the bandaid on my hand so its kinda concentrated in the area and it really reduces the swelling. I find it works better for the swelling that way than to eat it. Although I do both.
  3. rso has a lot more of the hemp plant then 'hash oil' in it...not really good for toking or vaping, but is great for edibles and capsules
    you can but it isn't like hash oil or any type of 'full melt'
  4. [quote name="HolderOfTheLotus" post="19392615" timestamp="1390500604"]I'm sure u can put some on top of bud in a spoon and smoke it like a fullmelt. I just done think its the most efficient means of using the meds. I sometimes put it on a bandaid and then put the bandaid on my hand so its kinda concentrated in the area and it really reduces the swelling. I find it works better for the swelling that way than to eat it. Although I do both.[/quote]How much of it does it take to make you feel high after eating it? I eat half a grain of rice size and I get really high, but I'm also on 5 different kinds of medications because of my health problems, so that might have to do with my sensitivity to it.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. [quote name="cball" post="19395360" timestamp="1390531919"]rso has a lot more of the hemp plant then 'hash oil' in it...not really good for toking or vaping, but is great for edibles and capsulesyou can but it isn't like hash oil or any type of 'full melt'[/quote]I only used the buds when making it, no stems or sticks. Is there much of a difference between the two oils as far as ways to create it? Does anyone know if you can mix things like honey with it for better taste?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. you can mix it with anything really, although smoking it would be a hell of a waste. you should be mixing it with at least coconut oil before consuming since it makes it much more bio available. i mix mine at 30-50% coconut oil to RSO.
  7. I didn't mean it is the same as bho or bubble... I just said you can put it onto of bud in a spoon like you can do with bubble or a full melt. It's made with the intent of being eaten not really being smoked.
  8. I take about a amount close to that of the size of a a grain of rice 2-3 times a day. I can feel it in an hour or so depending what else I ate. I usually use it on a bandage for my hand. And ya you can mix it with some honey. I usually put a drop onto of a spoon full of ice cream!
  9. [quote name="Al Swearengen" post="19399172" timestamp="1390591375"]you can mix it with anything really, although smoking it would be a hell of a waste. you should be mixing it with at least coconut oil before consuming since it makes it much more bio available. i mix mine at 30-50% coconut oil to RSO.[/quote]So you cook it in the solvent, once solvent is evaporated, you then mix it with coconut oil?Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  10. I put 3cc of rso in 14 to 16 oz jar of peanut butter and 1/2 a tea spoon is a good starting point. And the taste and smell are very mild. But you can mix it stronger if needed. A jar of peanut butter in the car in the winter is common place.
  11. smoking rso, is wasting rso
  12. I actually have a question for you. I've had to stop using RSO in any ingestible form 'although it's what I love' lol but, does anyone know how to change it into a C02 vape compound? I'd REALLY appreciate some help :hola:
  13. Why did you have to stop?
    With it causing a problem for you?
    Just looking for knowledge
  14. I have Colitis and it aggravated it so much after about 2 weeks I was bed bound and extremely ill. I tried absolutely everything including sublingual. But it was just too hard on my stomach.
  15. Sorry to hear
    I figured it was that, Go to my friends thread here and explain your situation to Sam
    He is very good with these things.
    Ask if he knows if tincture would work better
    I am asking him now
    Have you ever tried tincture (green Dragon) made from 190% drinking alcohol?
    Under the tongue instead of swallowing it?
  16. Have you ever tried a Vape?
    It is like smoking without all the harm.
  17. Funny enough, I've gotten thrush from doing that *rolls eyes*. I'm not giving up though lol.
  18. Cannabis oil (RSO) can be rough on the digestive system and can be less bioavailable than other forms. If you have colitis then you should probably be using some lecithin and coconut oil for a carrier. But the first obvious question that comes up is how it was made, what solvent, how well you know the maker and that sort of thing.

    If the source is good then you may want to use the RSO in coconut oil with lecithin. It's hard to get RSO into a vape cartridge without a lot of hassle due to the extra plant compounds. You can try those liquidizer products that are out now but I'm not sure how it will turn out. :confused_2:
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  19. I wonder how you would do if you took it as a suppository.
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