Quantum computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Brain 3D printing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The first things this will lead to will be faster computers, and faster internet. I think after quantum computers, companies will start experimenting with using entanglement for long range communication, leading to a near instant internet. Brain interface devices will be able to connect wirelessly with your pc. Your PC will be much smaller, and portable, and will be able to connect with the internet almost anywhere. The computer will send the immages directly to your brian; and will be controlled by the brain directly. This will reduce the need for keyboards. This wont be entirely practical at first and will be fragile like all technology. Only rich people will be using it, and they wont be using it for important things because of risks of crashes and the like. Eventually it will improve, spread, and become affordable to normal people, and reliable for commercial use. This will create a universal economy, as all transactions for anyhting anywhere will be uplinked instantly. With the mastery of 3D printing, we will be able to buy many things on the internet and print them at home. This will be limited to things that can be produced with 3D printing materials. As such, stores and delivery will still exist. (it will be a long while i think before anyhting like those things from star trek are in the making.) Ultimatly, if entanglement leads to instant long range communication, It will allow us to not only send probes everywhere into the universe, and voer time be able to see everything as it is now, instantly, but also send colony ships. We will be able to instantly controll robots from afar to terraform planets while we ready colony ships. This will be the beginning of interstellar travel. This spreading will set the stage for stargate building, if the technology ever develops. Now I dont know much about quantum entanglement so please feel free to add imput on the subject and discuss ways that the technology can overcome hurdles and such
Remember of course that we must consider Moore's Law when discussing the possibilities and limits of computer technology. However, the prospects we have at the moment are very exciting - I recently did a research project focusing on the immediate to short term (As who knows for the long term) implications of computer systems on society. Some are daunting, perhaps even worrying; the idea of having a computer processor within your clothes, every vehicle, obviously phones and other electronic devices, knowing your location at all times (which Apple will soon use to limit our activity, understand our actions etc - for instance, stopping you from taking photos at concerts) Other ideas that show potential though could vastly change society as you have brushed upon. Brain wave technology holds immediate noticeable consequences, which can be determined as good or bad - being able to portray emotion and thoughts to a device which can transcribe them etc. Security of course will be vastly increased, hopefully aiding in the fight against identity fraud. 3-D printing is already being used by car companies for instance to display designs and help in production. Exciting times indeed for technology and those involved in the computer science industry - though believe me, it's getting no easier to program
Computer Science isn't moving very fast at all. Just take a look at the "P versus NP problem". And how small do you expect hot-running CPU's to become?
Polynomial problems effect all sciences and mathematics, They have been problems since the travelling salesman, the towers of hanoi and before. This shouldn't discourage us, there are other potentials for the future of computer science, such as a technological singularity etc.
moore's law has nothing to do with power, it doesn't really apply to quantum computers because with them you are replacing whole systems with 1 qbit. how do you measure how many parts are in an IC when the IC is represented by 1 piece of hardware? you should check out MIT's computer science section on YouTube. The issue with N vs NP problems isn't that they can't be solved but how long it takes to solve them. Right now you need a whole lot of transistors to do the math but when 1 qbit does the work of thousands of computers in a very small fraction of the time the calculation times drop dramatically (exponentially). I posted a google talk a while back about D-Wave. It could only answer yes or no type questions though but they were offering anyone that wanted to learn how to set up the coding for it, if they wanted to learn that is. Needless to say it's very complex and will put you to sleep (even the guys presenting it said this). On a side note it was really interesting how one of the inventors of it presented his theory about what the brain is at the end, I'll have to see if i can find it again and post it. Edit: I think I should add that I don't think quantum computers will be around very soon. Not because they are hard to build but because we still have plenty of room to grow with the types of computers we have today. Moor's law may seem like it's about to run out but it doesn't cover things like putting processors in parallel or adding memory to the chipset. There are lots of ways to increase the speed/capability of current technology, just like we once thought we would have 50 GHz processors today but when we got to around 10 GHz or so we found it's faster to have several slower ones work together.
I have a problem with 3d printing. Maybe It's because I don't know much about it, but what's stopping some crazy fuck from printing out an armory of weapons?
same thing stopping them from taking a milling machine and making them, it's cheaper and easier just to buy them already made. All 3-D printer's I've seen so far work with a type of plastic (I have seen 1 that uses the sun and sand also). It's basically like taping a hot glue gun to a 3 axis motor and putting a layer of glue down and building it up to whatever you want. oversimplified a lot but that's the idea.
I was of the understanding that Moore's law described the amount of transistors on an IC, which would supply it with higher processing speed, memory capacity etc.. which i was using analogous to power. Wouldn't the quantum entanglement used need to be processed, despite the memory and state of the system being an arrangement of the entanglement and differing from usual transistor systems? Sorry if i sound ignorant on the matter.
3d printing requires a special material. You cant just print things like uranium its a powder that binds into a shape so right now we can only print things like toys and tools, things that dont require a special material to function
Yea, transistor being just a set switches or gates. Although they aren't analogous to power because depending on the materials they are made of changes how much power they require as well as how much power they leak though (this being the larger problem as they get smaller). The leakage problem is where Moore's law stops, the switches are so small that they can't prevent the current from flowing across it and then there's no power difference between them being on or off (which is why memestors(sp?) are becoming more popular). It really depends on the computer. There are really several different types that they can build. The one's I have seen or read about don't actually use entanglement. The best way I can describe it as a novice is that they use a small ring that is in a superposition and then the coding uses that same part as a variable that stands for a situation rather than 1 specific value. I think of it as if you were describing what a room looked like to a friend. Some might describe it in more detail (lots of variables that each describe the table, bed, chair, walls, all with the color they are etc.) and others would use less detail. In the computers case each thing you describe would be a variable in the equation your running on it and each var. is related to a qbit. This is also why the D-Wave machine could only do yes or no questions, because the states each qbit could be in would be a yes/no/maybe. I hope I didn't yammer too much here. Honestly I'm only just beginning to learn this stuff. We are currently using the same equations in computers today but they are smaller because with each variable you add you add an exponential to how much you have to compute. EDIT: I finally found the thread I was talking about here with the video's describing the quantum computer and how the generally work (in video 1). The warning below goes for any of the video's. and the guy's idea about how our brain is really a quantum machine, WARNING~!!! He is a very dry speaker so expect to fall asleep unless you just woke up. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qAIPC7vG3Y[/ame]