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Not getting high from bong??

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Ultramaxx, Mar 25, 2023.

  1. #1 Ultramaxx, Mar 25, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
    I’m curious why I am no longer getting high. At first I thought it was the weed but I am not sure if I’m not smoking enough??
    Came back from a year long t break. Bong worked fine for about a few weeks now it’s no longer working .
  2. It’s probably garbage weed. How much are you smoking in one session?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. #3 Ultramaxx, Mar 25, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
    2-3 bowls ℹ essentially just waved the white flag didn’t try more then that.

    Even my best stuff clearly sucks , my best bowl peice broken also the one that ripped harder. No replacement for it yet. How could it be tolerance if it’s such weak weed?
    Replacement slider for bong ?
    I can try just using my best stuff and see if I get high I mix mid grade with loud shake lately. Don’t know we’re the loud is but I can’t afford to buy it right now. I’m obviously out of anything fire. I really don’t want to roll blunts it’s a pain, plus I’ll probably still not get high although it might make weak weed a little stronger.
  4. Park the bong. Find an old stone or metal pipe. Take a medium hit you know you can hold a while. Suck in more air. Wait. Suck again. Repeat until you can't cram any more air in. Wait. When your eyes start to cross blow some out. About 1/3rd. Inhale again topping off lung capacity. Wait. When the urge to exhale becomes overwhelming blow out that 1/3rd again and inhale again. Repeat gradually blowing out a touch of smoke each time. The whole thing should take about 3 minutes. Continue as needed.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. #5 Ultramaxx, Mar 25, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2023
    I thought you weren’t supposed to inhale longer than 3-5 seconds, why would a metal pipe be stronger than a bong ?? Can you explain more ..
    I used to think bong was the strongest tool for smoking, you’re saying a non water pipe is stronger ? I’d still expect bong rips to be far larger.
  6. Pop goes the weasel. Damn I dont even have a bong what did I ever do. Noww leeets seeeeee. Ooohh Yeah I made a pipe. Peace Out
  7. I just love those new rubber pipes that are out.
  8. I learned to smoke Hash in Germany this way as a very broke American GI. We damn sure didn't have cash to waste so you needed to extract every bit of stone from a single toke. I still smoke this way and always will.
    Lung full of THC laden smoke. Blood rushing past all them exposed avaoili That whole you don't get stoned holding the hit past 5 seconds is a huge load of horse crap promoted by dispensary owners to boost sales and profits.

    I've been smoking pure Hash-Kief exclusively for the last 12 years and it damn sure does make a difference in how long you hold the hit and no it is not lack of oxygen. The first thing we had to do was teach new arrivals to the country how to correctly smoke Hash. " I'm not getting stoned" Learn them and the next day. " I can't smoke this as 1 hit is to much"

  9. Unfortunately to say, you are now immune to cannabis.
    It happens to a few people.

    Find a new coping mechanism.
    • Creative Creative x 1
  10. #10 Ultramaxx, Mar 26, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
    Is this possible, why did just a few weeks ago it effected me . Did I try to do it to many days In a row ? It worked again but only with my best stuff.
    rubber pipes??
    how long do you inhale it for??are you saying 5second is too short ??..

  12. Yep good ole germany. Plenty of hash. opium laced hash only at shit park. I would be chewing on a piece during morning formation.
  13. #13 Ultramaxx, Apr 6, 2023
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2023
    Wow they go hard , wish I could get hash the best I can get is loud. Which seems to be the only thing that gets me high. Mids alone isn’t strong enough.
    Most the time I can’t get high.
  14. I find smoking in different ways gets you higher than sticking to just bongs and I'm not sure about the whole holding your hit longer than 5 seconds thing. I do know when I end up coughing my ass off I always end up high as shit but beyond that I have no clue. You would think I'd know more since I've been smoking for over 30 years now.
  15. I wish I had another method, and my best bowl peice broke so now I gotta go to a smoke shop and buy another. I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for online, the style i want can’t be found yet but I’ll keep looking. Any help ??
    Best affordable bowl piece for bong

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