New grower, first problem please help.

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Paustin121697, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Hey a few days ago I realized that one of my plants has a leaf that I think got Lightburn because it was too close to the light so I moved it further back and then I come back today and another leaf at the top has the same problem but it's not close to the light I don't know if it's when the plant does it's "breathing" throughout the day where it rose up and got too close to the light or what but can somebody tell me what this is or if I am right about Lightburn?[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

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  2. What are you feeding with? What kind of lights are you using? Whats the temp?

    You gotta give more details. A lot of plant defiencies/sicknesses look pretty similiar.

    Stoners journey to cannabis
  3. I am using five soft white CFL bulbs right now I was using it a LED also but I took it down for now I don't know the temperature in there but it's warm not too hot a

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  4. Im feeding them this [​IMG]

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