Making THC butter and oil

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Jessyca80, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. I have some experience making cannabutter and gummies, but not an oil or tincture for sublingual use. I got a new machine that infuses and decarbs your herb too, so I decided to try it out and make MCT oil. I didn't turn out very well or to be very potent. I'm not sure if something went wrong in the decarb or if I didn't use enough herb? Just looking for some advice and guidance. Thank you
  2. Welcome to the City.

    Return what was undoubtedly a rather costly machine.
    You want a glass door Thermostat controlled toaster oven. Target has one for about $25.00.

    An oven thermometer is handy to see exactly what the temp is.
    You want a low sided pan with as much surface as fits the oven to Decarb.

    Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered. This is roasting the cannabis to activate the THC-a.

    5 grams of Decarbed Kief or Hash or Powdered Buds.
    1 tablespoon Coconut oil.
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.

    Fills 30 (0) single zero capsules.
    I work in Dry Ice Kief but the process is the same for buds. This is an unstrained very high strength Oil measured out in drops.

    Processed Coconut oil like this brand has zero smell or taste of Coconuts.
    Any form of Lecithin works.

    Cat food dishes and a Coffee mug warmer to keep the sludge hot and flowing well in an eyedropper.

    I make this for personal pain control of Adhesions from surgeries 10 years ago and it doesn't get any more potency in a tiny package.

    Coconut oil hits in half the time as all other cooking oils. Lecithin acts to enhance bioavailability and you get more bang from a smaller dose as well as extending the ride.

    For use in cooking you add this to the oil called for in your baked good. Blend well then assemble and cook your item at normal time and temps.

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  3. #3 BrassNwood, Dec 14, 2022
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
    Tincture is easy enough.
    Decarb buds 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered.


    You need enough very high proof alcohol to cover and agitate the Decarbed buds.
    Freezing both parts first can help limit transfer of Chlorophyll but room temps works just fine.


    Combine and shake well. 10 seconds is all it needs.


    1 inch is about all the potato ricer will press and I keep the pressed pucks and jar them for alcohol extraction later with a small still.


    I get back about 500ml of the 750ml of 190 proof I started with. An eyedropper of this under the tongue will hit quite nicely like taking several tokes. Can also be added to a beverage if the high proof alcohol is to intense.

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  4. MCT oil it made from refined / fractionated Coconut oil at three times the price and the lauric acid MCT is missing is actually good for you so save money and improve heath and use straight Coconut oil. There is no difference in speed of Stone onset between straight Coconut oil and MCT oil.

    Cold Pressed / Organic Oil will both smell and taste of Coconuts which I find objectionable so shop carefully. LouAna is odorless and tasteless and lets the delicate flavor of the Kief shine through where as it gets overwhelmed with a flavored oil like Organic Coconut or Butter or Olive oil.

    Any of the 6 basic types of Lecithin work. Soy or Sunflower. Granules (hardest to work with) Powder or Liquid.

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  5. BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    Where the recipe comes from. (no longer active)
    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    My work on the same stuff.

    The finished oil is the following strengths.
    Buds 1 drop = 1mg of THC
    Kief-Hash 1 drop = 3mg of THC
    Concentrates 1 drop = 6mg of THC


    A single zero holds 25 drops of Oil or Goo.
    Full capsule of Bud oil = 25mg THC
    Kief-Hash = 75mg
    Concentrates = 150mg

    Buds = 150mg of THC per gram x5 = 750mg of THC for the full tablespoon of finished oil.
    Kief-Hash = 500mg THC per gram x5 = 2,500mg of THC
    Concentrates = 900+mg THC per gram x5 = 4,500 mg of THC

    You can scale the recipe up or down as desired. What you see pictured are triple batches.
    15 grams Kief
    3 tablespoons Oil
    2 teaspoons Lecithin.
    Fills 90 capsules @ 75mg each.

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  6. [​IMG]

    Short filling a mess of capsules with 1 to 6 drops lets people find their personal sweet spot without jumping in the deep end fully dressed. Edibles can be unpredictable with wildly different dosage needs. For example my wife is blasted on 2-3mg and even 10 can make her miserable and not having fun. I need more like 75-150mg for a good solid ride. What she takes I can't feel and what I take would make her sick as can be for 12 hours or longer.

    Some people have higher levels and efficiency of the Liver enzyme (cytochrome P2C9 (CYP2C9).

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  7. What machine do you have?
  8. Dude you are the GURU I can make a decent butter but you have this shit down to an actual science thanks for the info PEACE
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  9. Once I figured out that edibles worked better at turning off the post surgical adhesion pain then even opioids do it sent me on a quest for the best of the best and BadKat was still active on the City when I started making her oil so I had the benefit of her direct coaching. I might have learned a thing or two of my own along the way as well. :)

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  10. Active Guy Gear infuser
  11. @BrassNwood I don't think enough people give you the credit you deserve for the work you put in towards helping everybody with stuff like this... But you're the man!
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  12. Thanks Pistils.
    Kats oil gave me back a big portion of my life and I figure the least I can do is try and pass along her teachings as best I can. The 3 capsules (225mg) I took when I woke up are reaching maximum intensity when things get absolutely trippy. I don't usually dose this high but when the pain strikes I double down on my meds but it's skating close to the edge of what even I like.

    It has killed the kicked in the belly pain that woke me up and that is all that really matters. :) I really don't mind the side helping of intense stone that comes with my pain meds but I need to stay below the 4 way hit of acid trip to much of this stuff carries.

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  13. How much cannabis and MCT oil did you use? Without knowing any details I think you probably needed more cannabis. I'd use the same oil to do a fresh extraction.
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  14. I used roughly a whole ounce of cannabis with 2 cups of MCT oil. I used the default decarb setting on the machine, because I couldn't figure out how to adjust the time and temp settings. So the default setting is 250° for 1.5 hours. I'm not sure if I should start another project and use butter or a different oil. My friend said she had good results with 7g cannabis and 2 sticks of butter. I'm wondering if I can try 1 cup of oil with 7g cannabis and I'm also wondering which one I would prefer?
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  15. Active Guy Gear Electric Infuser
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  16. All cooking oils save one take a full 2 hours to kick in. Avocado, to Butter to Safflower oil all take 2 hours.
    Only Coconut Oil (MCT is refined Coconut oil) works in 45 minutes.

    However Large amounts of Coconut oil can cause loose stools (Diarrhea) so it is best to work in as small an amount as you actually need. I do 5 grams of Kief in just 1 tablespoon of Oil.

    7 grams to a cup is 16 times more oil then you actually need. Do you want to eat 4 drops of oil / paste or a full tablespoon for a dose.

    It doesn't matter what ratio of Cannabis to oil you use the only thing that changes is how much oil your consuming to get your high on. You'll still need to figure out how much is a good personal amount.

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  17. So I have only 7 grams of cannabis available to infuse. I'm still trying to decide on butter vs oil, but I'm leaning towards oil. I understand what you're saying in regards to me most likely using too much oil. In your opinion, how much oil do you think I should use for 7 grams cannabis? What is your oil of choice? Getting one tablespoon of oil doesn't really give me much to work with. I really want this time to be successful.
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  18. Coconut oil will give you the most bang for your buck. You'll get a better high and longer than with butter. You should also consider adding sunflower lecithin in the future if you haven't yet.
    The binding of lecithin in cannabis edibles, including both sunflower and soy lecithin, increases the potency. Lecithin improves the rate of absorption of cannabinoids in cell membranes. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are fatty acids.
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  19. What do you plan on doing with your oil? The amount of oil to cannabis will change according to what you're making.
  20. My end goal is to use the oil as a drop to go under my tongue. Or possibly use it to make gummies

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