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Let's say you have a gram..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by montypython24, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. And you're feelin a blunt. What would you guys do?

    a.) roll the whole g

    b.) roll two .5 blunts

    what do you think gets you higher? more hits or more at once?

    personally I like option b haha
  2. Option A: You'll be stoned, think oh i'll have anoth . . :cry:
    Option B: You'll be stoned, thinking oh i'll have another blunt . . 5 minutes later - :smoke:
  3. [quote name='"montypython24"']And you're feelin a blunt. What would you guys do?

    a.) roll the whole g

    b.) roll two .5 blunts

    what do you think gets you higher? more hits or more at once?

    personally I like option b haha[/quote]

    Pack it all in the bong and rip it in one hit so u dont waste smoke and get super high
  4. .7 blunt

    .3 bowl
  5. This does not belong in this section.

    Secondly really? A gram? lol If i only had a gram I'd be thinking I was just robbed or really really really needed to re-up.
  6. The only option I can see is roll the whole g. Even a gram won't fill out a blunt properly... it depends if you mix them with tobacco or if you're using cigars or wraps I guess though.

    If you have some small joint sized blunts or something and its possible to roll .5s i'd say go for two of them, just for the sake of having more option preparing and rolling them.
  7. [quote name='"Husky42"']This does not belong in this section.

    Secondly really? A gram? lol If i only had a gram I'd be thinking I was just robbed or really really really needed to re-up.[/quote]

    How does this not belong in this thread? Its a question on personal prefence about what you would do with a gram. You don't have to be a dick dude. The question had nothing to do with how much weed you have in your stash

  8. Then that explains why u didn't start this thread dumbass. Not eveyone buys oz at a time bud ain't cheap everywhere THINK RETARD..... Roll that shit into two and fuking smoke bro enjoy that fuking gram:D

  9. No some of us grow it....This thread...DOES NOT BELONG IN THIS SECTION..

    And Retard is a general insult, i'd edit the post. I wont report you as I could care less what you say to me but somebody else see's it you will likely get an infraction.

    This "topic" Belongs in the apprentice section.

    This is not a topic for "Seasoned Tokers"
  10. I would roll one just because I have some weird thing about me where I like to smoke my gram all at once...

    But I recommend rolling two. Chances are you'll be high from the first and will save the second for later :smoking:

  11. No, you just ignore forum and section guidelines with ridiculous question like "if you had a gram" a gram? $5 worth of bud? And you post it in seasoned tokers?

    Think about it for a minute....
  12. Dude a gram is 20 in most places. Not everyone lives in a medical state or has the opportunity to grow
  13. Are you suggesting that seasoned tokers never have just one gram of weed?

    Think about it for a minute...

  14. Can careless about a rat ass what u do lol don't post dumb ass shit and wont get dumb reply he's asking u personal question, not asking what u think about his statement.
  15. Yea buds 5$ a gram everywhere..... My bad slip my mind u were right husky I'm sorry hahahah
  16. #16 Husky42, Nov 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2011
    You do not fucking get it do you?

    This section.. is NOT for threads like this.

  17. All out the bong !
  18. 2 super fat one hitters and I'll still have a shit ton in my bag after and I'll be as blazed as I would smoking a blunt
  19. secret option 3
  20. Lol Husky are you trying to be an asshole?
    OPs post does belong.

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