Leaf Symptom (Mangenese deficiency I Suspect)

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by WTC, Sep 22, 2019.

  1. Hi
    Cant seem to figure out what the problem is, the closest thing was Mangenese deficiency! Can someone help please.

    Attached Files:

  2. tooslow posted a leaf chart there.....
  3. Manganese deficiency is usually just a ph problem
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. I think you and Jon are both right...

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  5. You’re really stepping your game up with these articles lol

    They read very well and are spot on accurate for Cannabis. Can I get a link?
  6. Of course.....It's my favorite 'Grow Bible'....Plant Doctor - Diagnose Your Plants! | Grow Weed Easy
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  7. pH is stable at 5.8, I'm trying to get it up to 6 now!
  8. Try for 6.5 ish
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  9. Thank you all! I tried flushing 2/3 of the reservoir, a 1/3 every day (tap water is around 7.5 and general hydroponics solutions make it difficult to bring down the pH) so I'm taking it slow not to throw offer the pH level. So far it seems to be working, the plants had new leaves today and the spots don't seem to be increasing!
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  10. Is that your soil or your water? 6.5-7.0 is where it needs to be for soil. Water should be around 5.8-6.3 what you have now if you have very good 7.0 soil.

    If you’re using tap water and having issues with it, try flushing your water heater out. A lot of sediment builds up in there and tends to cause ph issues.
  11. That's the waters pH, it's a hydroponic system.

    Usually I prepare the reservoir two weeks prior to moving the plants in, once the pH is where I want it to be it remains at that number as long as I add the nutrients in small more frequent doses and avoid drastic water changes.
  12. Ahh I hear you. Hydro needs a lower ph than soil does. What is it 5.8-6.2?
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  13. That sounds right
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