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I'm A New Member Saying Hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Electrik Sun, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. Hello already,
    I'm a not-so-masterful grower, smoker, dog lover, hiker living it up in California with my wife and 2 furocious ankle-lickers. Starting to grow again. I took some time away from it, life you know. Now things are set up again and I can focus on the grow. I love growing in soil, although I have a real interest in hydro, we'll see. I want to grow all the differnt ways and cutivars there are to grow.
    GDP is one of my favorites to grow and smoke, any Kush, Trainwreck is close behind then Chem Dawg, Northern Lights and Skunk.
    Thanks for reading. See you in the forums.
    Electrik Sun (Ken)
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  2. Hello and welcome to GC.
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  3. Thank you very much.
  4. Welcome to the City.
    My grow is Southern California outside year round.
    4 harvests per year.


  5. Thank you,
    Outstanding. What do you prefer to grow?
  6. For me it make zero difference as I shake it all with Dry Ice for the Kief and that has very little if any difference to me between strains when smoked or used in edible oil.

    My primary method of ingestion.


    Separated from all that pesky and useless plant material the Trichomes alone produce a surprisingly generalized grade of Kief-Hash with no real detectable differences between strains shaken. All the jars smell like a spicy faintly Cinnamon flavoring.

    No real change in the stone either so I long ago stopped bothering keeping it all carefully separated and marked by the jar and harvest date. I make very high potency Oil Capsules for pain control and that is the only really important thing. Did they silence the angry dragon in my belly left from 3 rounds of Colon surgeries?

    So Indica Sativa or Hybrids it is all good to me. High THC is what works with just enough CBD to take the edge down a notch.

  7. Welcome to the city.
  8. Hi Ken, Welcome to GC!:gc_rocks:I'm "Granny", a total cannabis science nerd. I collect those cannabis studies that "don't exist" (at least according to the prohibitionists) and also news articles related to cannabis. If that sounds interesting, you can access my collection here - New 2022 Granny Storm Crow's List

    You know, we might even be neighbors, since I'm in NorCal, too. :biggrin:

    Have fun at GC! It's easy to make new friends here!

    Granny :wave:
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Welcome welcome brother man :passing-joint:
  10. Very happy to hear you have found some pain relief. Surgery is no joke. Thanks for sharing the pics. Great looking way to make of as much of the plant as possible. I have yet to attempt what your doing. I am planning on doing more as the grow progress. I want to make a variety of ingetibles, just got a lot to learn more about it as the time comes.

    Good to know about there being no real difference in tast and feeling. I can use whatever I am growing at the time and know there won't be an odd taste or some wierd feeling going on. Afterall we all have lives to live and place to go so knowing some random wierdness wont be happening is good. Thanks for all the schooling.
  11. Thank you very much Annicus. I appreciate it. How you doing?
  12. Hello Granny, How are you getting through this "Series of Cyclones" is what I've heard the weather being called a few times. You ok? We are fine so far been very fortunate. So far just a few large branches broke but wedged themselves in the rest of the canopy tightly, WHEW! Tree services are booked 2 weeks out. Lucky them though, make your money right. Power has stay on for this entire time. Big time luck there.

    I love the science side of growing. I have several books on the soil food web and different microbiology books. I do read studies and papers too. Love learning about this plant and what makes it tick. the more I know the better I grow and the better my plants grow. Yes I am a believer in knowledge being power. Thank you for your invitation to your collection, I will be in and out often.
  13. Thank you very much KillaNugz. How you doing? So far all good here. Just getting my new grow going.
  14. Hows it going mate, welcome aboard, and it looks like we may have concurrent grows. I've got a tent of photo gelato-33 and a bruce banner auto tent I just got up and running the other week, but your post reminded me of the my great love for GD purps, so I while everything is still mostly sub soil I may throw 1-2 of them in with the gelatos.

    Best of luck on your upcoming run!
  15. Good
  16. @Electrik Sun I'm doing fine, hon! Across the road from me, there's a pasture that's about 5 feet lower and it leads into a valley- so no probs with flooding! The wind might be a problem, we have an old poplar that could fall, but it would only hit the garden area. But it's leafless now, so less likely to fall- it's the early fall storms that worry me. We've been lucky about the power, too. We did have a 4 hour blackout on the 4th, but that was no big deal - Just a part of rural living.

    I'm always glad to meet another science lover! Be sure to check out the "Cultivation" sections in my List. You'll find links to stuff you won't find anywhere else, like this oldie! (I even have this one in the original 1789 format (with those "f"-like double "ss"), but this version is much easier to read.)

    Observations on the raising and dressing of hemp. (USA) (full - 1789)
    As text (with newer photos added) "OBSERVATIONS on the raising and dressing of HEMP" by Edward Antill, 1770

    Granny :wave:

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