HLG 100v2 lights for small grow

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Bransen23, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. Hello friends. I am new to growing and will be starting my first grow soon. I plan on growing in a 2’x2’x5’ tent (only one plant)

    I found what I think is a good deal on 2 HLG 100v2 boards. One of them is 4K and the other is 3k. They both pull 100 actual watts from the wall.

    Here is the link: HLG 100 V2 Grow Lights (3k And 4K) | eBay

    Are these lights a good deal? I know many people have had great luck with Samsung diodes.
  2. Have u compared to www.horticultural lighting group.coms price

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  3. brand new they run about $150 USD per board. The listing price is $200, making each board $100 USD. Is that a fair price?

    Thanks a bunch!
  4. What parts do you need to make a hlg 100

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  5. Never mind i read it wrong I didn’t see the ad for the lights that’s a good deal

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  6. Should I snatch them up really quick or do you recommend a better light system? :)
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  7. It is overkill so is the light I linked they are close to equal in power but the 96v2 has an improved spectrum and are at the top of the list of these kind of lights
    It's good to have more potential power than your space that way you can run them around 60% and they stay cooler. Heat is a big issue in small spaces.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. It is overkill so is the light I linked they are close to equal in power but the 96v2 has an improved spectrum and are at the top of the list of these kind of lights
    It's good to have more potential power than your space that way you can run them around 60% and they stay cooler. Heat is a big issue in small spaces.
  9. One of them will do you good in a 2x2

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  10. yes jOSHuAE is right might run a lil hot though and maybe a lil bright in the center, but darker along the perimeter.

    bro might be better off using strip lighting in a 2x2 and space em out on top.

    I would not use used boards. You can find a real crazy assortment of boards from abroad; try this thread
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  11. Well those lights sold anyway. They weren’t even online for a day. crazy.

    I Appreciate all of the information you guys have provided.
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  12. then consider getting a V2 QB96. I own four of them and run each one using a 240W driver. Excellent lights, bit hot.
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  13. I actually took your advice and ordered it along with the driver you provided. Only $160! You are great my dude.

    That $40 dollars I saved will go towards some student loan payments ;)
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  14. I guess they do 240 watts to each lol
    I'm running my 2 with 240 watts split between them. Once I got them in the right place that's all I can use in a 2×3.
    I don't know if you've seen these builds.
    They got all parts listed and linked using like 4 different kinds of strips https://ledgardener.com/diy-led-strip-build-designs-samsung-bridgelux/
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  15. How much do u yield off one of those 240 watt 96s

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  16. Nope you're going to need some of that $40 for a power supply cord for the driver
    Some wire for driver to light 18 gauge solid core . You will need some hangers also, anything will work, I've seen people using premade fishing leaders,
    Still a top quality light at a good price
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I did 1.5 gpw last run using the 96s

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