Help sexing plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Aqualung, Apr 22, 2016.

  1. I think my preflowers are starting to come in!
    Just wondering if anyone more experienced can tell what it is yet..
    This picture is of the top of my plant, I fimmed 2 days ago but I think that teardrop shaped part is maybe a preflower?
    That's the best pic I can get.
  2. When I sex my plants I usually dim the lights, get us a little something to drink, put on some R&B...a little flirtatious brushing up on the leaves and before you know it I'm handling their stalks, gently at first, then I pull back those leaves and get a good look.
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  3. Looks like either where you fimmed or it
    could be male pre flowers. Really hard to tell.
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  4. Looks male
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  5. Balls!
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  6. Damn.. So it's probably a male then? I'm gonna try A Guy's method tonight and hopefully then I'll know for sure. Thanks for the replies!
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  7. Take a lil better close up, but if you see any cluster formations, then it's a male. Theyre easy to tell apart during pre flower
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  8. This is the best I can do for pics.
  9. I don't see any clusters though
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  10. Last picture looks like soon to be pollen sack. I can't really tell. But good luck hope it's a Girl!

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  11. Thanks for the replies guys. What I'm getting is that it's either too early to tell or my pictures aren't good enough. Either way I guess I'll just have to wait and see!
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  12. I think whats throwing a lot of people off is it being right next to the fresh cut and new growth.

    Look up images of first signs of cannabis sex

    CanniAnnie's Quest for balance
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  13. I looked up pictures but still wasn't sure. This one you posted looks a lot like mine. I'm thinking it might be a female!! Thanks for your help!
  14. No worries. If it's that far you should have a better idea 2 days tops. If not post a pic and I should be able to say 100%

    CanniAnnie's Quest for balance
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  15. Cool, will do.
  16. Is that the only place where any actions happening? No other nodes are doing anything? Could be a FIM job as it looks to have a calyx in one pic. Looks like my iPhone 6s photos. They take beautiful pics until you try close up then everything gets blurry. Burns my ass...
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  17. You called it, took those pics with my iPhone 6. Yea I don't see anything like what I took pics of anywhere else except for the same spot on the other side of the same node. The other one is a little smaller and harder to see though. Are you saying it could be growth from where I fimmed? Like a new top instead of a pre flower?
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  18. You got it. It looks to have a calyx just under and to the right of the mass were debating. Man iPhone better fix this jank camera!!
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