This sucks fucking BALLZ. Shit man, I hope my cousin comes over tommorow because hes selling me 2 grams of good shit for 15. How long have you been without weed
many of us scrap and smoke the resin/tar/poop from our bowls and such when there is no bud to be found.....
I did that. I was soo desperate I smoked some tobacco. It was pure though, no chemicals. I even smoked this shit that my neighbor drenched in coffee. Nasty but I got a little buzz.
coffee huh? idk bout that one........ does sound bad.... when i have to go usually not that bad....depending on what im up too......if i stay busy is all good...if i have nothing to do and dont find something to do i will go out of my mind!
yeah. it was seeds. oh and what is really annoying is me and my sister are growing and my cat pissed on it. BITCHHH. we transplanted to a new pot. hopefully it grows
At first I thought you were talking about sex. After I read the part about your cousin, I was thinking this thread was going to turn into something about incest. After reading your entire post, that's still the part that I chose to focus on and write about. Thank god I reupped today. And after re-reading your post a second time I just realized I answered your question too! Bonus!
it's not THAT big of a deal! it's been 5 days going on 6 for me!and i have some,my cousin came over and offered but i politely declined AND my sister has some and she's over here. It's all about will power!
A week today. Yup its forsure about willpower, just tell yourself you don't need it. Then again, this week of soberness is by choice for me
same here.honestly i just haven't even felt like smoking.when i finally do though it's gonna be nice cause im gonna be stoooonnned!
haha tonight is gonna fucking ammazzingg! im gonna look like the black swan because my eyes are gonna be soo red
I will be without all day today because I left it at my girlfriends this morning and I'm to lazy to make the hour round trip to get it. I just told her to save me a couple of bowls if she smokes any of it.