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So when you say resin is shit....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by blkarmphoenix, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Can I get a source?

    I mean I'm tired of seeing people answer 18 "drug test questions", "13 how to smoke around my parents questions", 24 "is my weed laced questions", and 3,675 "does this amount look right questions" DAILY, And as soon as somebody pops up with a resin question, they are flamed withing 3 replies.

    I smoke resin. I believe resin gets you higher than weed, I save my resin like my keif, and sometimes will chief on a nice resin bowl when I have bud and keif laying right there. Sometimes I take the resin, and roll it around in ground up buds and keif, to make one big sticky oozy greeny mess! Smokes great though.

    So let the flaming begin.

    Tell me resin is only 1% thc, tell me that resin is going to kill me, tell me i'm a fiend for smoking it, tell me it'll give me a headache, and tell me how much you hate it.

    But prove it.
  2. You just feel like your getting higher b/c of all the carcinogens and other bad shit thats in the resin. /thread
  3. Yay, a flamer.

    No /thread.

    You missed the point.


    /thread does not apply because I consider my question unanswered.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. real men smoke resin blunts
  5. I'm here to stand with this blade.

    Resin gets me stoned as a rock. :wave:
  6. If you think resin's getting you higher than weed then you're crazy son.
  7. Personal experiences.
  8. Bottom line, resin is bad for you. It tastes like shit, smokes like shit and gives a very dirty high. I throw gobs of it away whenever I clean my slides.
  9. Bottom line, inhaling anything that's been combusted is bad for you. It smokes pretty well actually. Usually lights and rolls as well as any bowl. A dirty high? Most of my resin highs are good highs, they just don't last as long.
  10. Lol, obviously. Whatever, you guys stay smoking your nasty resin, Ill stay tokin these dank buds and throwin that crap out.
  11. One thing with resin that DID seem to work, was saving roaches in a jar and when you had enough, rolling the contents into new joints, then saving those roaches in a different jar, doing the same, and repeating this process until you had separate jars with several generations of roaches. We used to call it Ming 1, Ming 2, Ming 3, etc.
  12. #13 blkarmphoenix, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011

    This backs up nothing that your saying. Did you just google pipe resin and copy and paste the first link that popped up? He basically said resin was fine. Without saying resin is fine.

    Yes its bad for you. But I wouldn't think that its any worse than smoking "x" amount of blunts all day.

    And it says in the first paragraph of that article 'The general concensus is".

    Maybe you should google the word proof as well. :/


    Yeah, how is smoking resin any worse than generation joints/blunts? Once you get to 4, 5, and 6 you might as well be smoking resin out of a bowl anyway.

  13. You're just wrong. It's not an opinion as to whether resin or bud gets you higher, or whether or not resin is terrible for you. You're just wrong. Common sense by a person of below-average intelligence could detect this.
  14. "I'm not advocating using bong resin, but I know that sometimes there is nothing left and you're down to the proverbial stems and seeds and bong resin. Consider my suggestions a harm reduction strategy. If you have to use the resin, clean it up."
  15. #16 Psilocin420, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Thank you Jawsome. OP, you wanted proof, how else did you expect me to find proof, send some resin to a lab to be analyzed?:laughing:
  16. #17 SIRSOG, Jan 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2011
    Well, resin, is anything but resin. Resin is an excretion from plants, what we call trichomes. What you are smoking, is called tar, partially combusted and healed particulate matter, coincidentally, this is the same substance, that makes any smoking bad for you, because it is what gets left behind in the lungs. So in essence, you are smoking, exactly what you want to NOT end up in your lungs, and after its already partially combusted, you finish the job, and it lands smack dab in your lungs. Regardless of if it gets you high, its fucking horrible for you. Much more so than smoking cannabis, and the residue from cigarettes, is considered MUCH more harmful to a human if smoked than the actual tobacco to begin with (they call it third hand smoke, if you really want to look into it). Is this enough for you? I would figure if tobacco residue is considered MUCH more harmful, the same goes for any smoke residue, as its a concentrate of the shit you just dont want inside your body.... And as for the argument it gets you high, so does fucking gasoline, i dont see you making any arguments towards huffing it, or paint, or heroin.... they all get you high, that argument is dumb
  17. Considering a big part of how our mental state and essentially our reality is controlled by ourselves, really resin getting you higher is an option.

    Hes saying that bong resin gets you high, and isn't good for you. Thats exactly the same as smoking a nug. It depends entirely on how much of each substance you're smoking as to which is going to be worse for you.

    Maybe a source that actually said resin doesn't get you high? Or a source that says resin is actually worse for you than smoking nugs? :laughing:
  18. I'm not flaming you.
    IMO it tastes like shit, gives me a lousy high and a bad crash after. But that's just me.

  19. Funny, because common sense from a person of average to higher intelligence can't even decipher this post.

    You my friend are the one making no sense... I'm wrong. Ok. Why? Because everybody says so?


    This is a cannabis related counter-culture community. Resin is cannabis related, resin smokers are part of the community. So unless someone can come up with something better than...

    "Your just wrong"


    "The general concensus is"

    I say lay off once and for all. Your doing the exact same thing the people who throw us in jail are doing. condemning something with absolutely no justifiable proof or reasoning.


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