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Eating it ?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Enzo$&@123, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. Is there a way to help something like RSO hit you faster than 2 hrs ?

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  2. BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    Mine. Basically the same.

    Bind it to an oil and wrap it with Lecithin.
    Buy the smallest palm sized stainless steel cat food dish you can find.
    Place RSO and an eyeballed matching amount of Coconut oil in dish (LouAna) (no smell or taste)
    Add 20% lecithin. Eyeball is good enough.
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes.
    This should speed onset, dial up strength, and prevent tolerance build.
  3. no shit ...go suck a mango its got the chems to make weed wac you out

    same as cinnamon like in a bun or cake, in other stuff too but they are the best
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Mangoes and cannabis share the same terpene profiles. Lots of Myrcene in both.:thumbsup:
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  5. Under the tongue gets effects much faster, but its kind of hard to hold very much at a time in there.
  6. thanks JM.. Myrcene is the word I needed
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  7. Do you add 20% to amount of RSO or the RSO and oil total ?

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  8. 20% of the Oil Volume.
    For example Kats base recipe is
    5 grams of Hash
    2.5 tablespoons Coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.

    I'm a bit more sloppy going to a full tablespoon of oil and a drizzle so long of the molasses like Lecithin. I know how big a puddle it should be so I dispense with measuring it.
    My RSO is a layer of Tar in the pan when fully reduced and I have to think how many fifths of 190 proof I used and wing the amount of Coconut oil I use. They are a lot more variable running half to twice as potent as my Kief capsules.

  9. Thanks
    I have 31/2 ml in a 5ml syringe. Trying to figure out to weigh it as a solid or liquid. Is there a comparison Chart. I really hate math.

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  10. What do mangoes do. I love mangoes

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  11. sucking a mango before a toke of low quality weed, makes the hit run hard
    the THC uses the myrcene as a vehicle to get deeper into the brain
    be warned the hit is hard as hell and will totally screw any weed tolerance you currently have
    thats the bad news also California govt see lower down at wiki
    claims it causes cancer,

    give it a shot

    good luck
  12. I just run the whole numbers and base everything off the total of the THC used
    Dividing by servings or doses gets the answer.
    RSO we class at 70% = 700mg x 3.5 = 2,450mg of THC possible.
    25mg dose you'd need 98 pieces.

    It's about 15% high not de-rating for decarb and infusing losses but who is counting.
  13. Can u add myrcene to weed ? Like if making RSO

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  14. Yes, you can buy terpenes to add to rso or such. Amaz** has them. I'm sure a lot of places sell terpenes now.

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