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dud this weak weed?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mrsubstance, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. yeah just started smoking Marijuana again since my teenage years,to see if it can help with my depression and anxiety, I've been smoking free bags of weed my mate has finished growing,am wondering where is the heart beating fast feeling, where is the every thing you touch tingly feeling, where is the am "gonna die" wheres all those scary feelings i remember as a teen? am starting to wonder is this from a dud crop,wasting my time smoking,it has seeds stems buds in it smells like weed…but the high is not scary intense? i do feel more chilled relaxed,slowed down feeling, my appetite feels messed up…i got this feeling hungry all the time feeling, even after eating …
  2. sounds like you need a more sativa cross...I get fucked up on all these gorilla glue and wifi crosses going around
  3. Everyone swears by sativa strains but higher thc will do the trick. Sounds like reggie or mids and you were used to smoking that indoor shit. I have a tolerance but even a bowl of fire gets me pretty damn lit

    Stoners journey to cannabis
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  4. I like a nice 60/40 indica or 50/50
  5. Same. The high is the best. I prefer indicas tho.

    A lot of people say its just hype... but if you can get your hands on some top shelf cookies it will knock you off your ass. No other strain gets my mind running like some gsc. I literally cant function too efficiently cause it hits me right in the head. Indicas are a perfect daytime smoke tho imo

    Stoners journey to cannabis
  6. funny my mate said the same things...its a sativa strain,'were used to smoking that indoor shit' but he tells me he has death me scared to try it

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