Deficiency or fungus

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Chef86, Feb 8, 2023.

  1. Is this a deficiency or fungus. Started on the lower leaves but seems to be spreading a bit

    I just removed any leaves that it was getting bad on


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  2. Hadn't correlated that thread with this one. Leaf pic definitely looks like calcium deficiency to me. Whether or not that means there isn't enough calcium in the media, or the media has issues preventing proper calcium uptake, no idea.
    Its funny though, "light burn" is almost never actually light burn. People will go on for days and days about 'lights are too close' and dimming down their LEDs, but not spend 30 dollars to actually measure it and stop guessing. Some folks would rather go down endless rabbit holes that have nothing to do with the actual problem than just spend a few dollars to actually know 100% for sure.
    Seeing that the plant has been in FF for more than 25 or 30 days it makes sense that nutes would be running out, lines up with a calcium deficiency I am thinking. What's your take on it?
  3. Also a I moved the light 10 days ago and it’s showing on newer growth as well. I am running two HLG 100 r spec lights in a 2x3 tent with 3 plants. Not sure if this was right but I did trim some of the more affected leaves and the plant looks pretty happy. I will add cal mag with the next watering


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  4. ya I'm just guessing the two posts are connected. Was just curious if your opinions would change after looking at a plant vs a leaf. I'm still in the over fert camp due to auto sensitivity.
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  5. I have not fed them other than cal mag after the spots started showing up. They also go a dose of recharge which they seemed to really like. Either way things seem to be much better today.


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  6. most off the shelf cal-mag is full of nitrogen. The dark leaf color and eagle clawed tips is the reasons for my opinion.
  7. So I got a very light nitrogen cal mag, it is 1-0-0 and I am giving a half does. That being said next time around I am going to start things off very different.

    This was grown 100% in ocean forest soil.

    Best time around I will do 2 parts ocean forest, 1 part happy frog 1 part pearlite. The ocean forest has a tendency to be a little hot

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