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Decarb or just infuse?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Hestekjerre, Aug 19, 2019.

  1. Had a discussion with my brother on how to make cannabutter. No one of us is any expert on the subject. I've made it once with and he has done it 10 times maybe. So he has proclaimed himself the expert and I just need to stfu. My problem is I cannot make at my home (family and not legal here) so we make it at his place (no family). My method: Decarb at 240F for about 40 min. Then infuse with butter in a waterbath for about 3 hours.

    He tells me there is no point in the decarb. 1,5-2 hours of infusing with butter is all you need. While we still get high from his method I still get the feeling that we might me missing out on some more potent stuff by not decarbing it first.

    Might add that we bake brownies with it @ 350F for 40 min. So that might contribute to activating the THC?

    Glad to hear your opionon in this, thanks!
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  2. You need to decarb just like you said- 240F for 40 minutes. The internal temperature when baking does not equal the oven temperature. Cooking the brownies at for 40 minutes will not do a suitable decarb, though obviously your brother is getting some effects. There are folks who believe baking the brownies for40 minutes at 350F is baking too long, and will begin the degrade the THC. I usually make cookies that cook much faster. Do a batch the decarb way and check it out. Also, if you strain the herb out you're leaving lots of THC in the mash/puck.Save that for reuse, or incorporate the cannabis in your recipe without straining. If you do that grind the herb finely. Some folks will be along who have different methods that work as well and perhaps better than my method as I mainly cook with concentrate now. Good luck.
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  3. You are correct.
    Your brother is wrong by a lot.
    Follow Joker's advice.
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  4. Don't use water in your infusion method.
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  5. Always decarb first. Once submerged in a fluid like oil the decarb process is very slow and your into degrade territory and making sleeper oil.
    Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes Uncovered.

    5 grams Cannabis = Kief, Hash, Concentrates, Powdered buds.
    2.5 teaspoons Coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin.
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Freeze (optional)
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes (skip if you didn't freeze)

    Fills about 30 (0) sized capsules @83mg with Hash @25mg with powdered buds.

    Now this can be used as is or blended with the rest of the oil called for in your cookies or brownies. Bake at the recipe times and temps.

    Coconut oil = Hits fastest of all the cooking oils
    Lecithin = Doubles the effects and duration.
    Freeze = Softens the gritty mouth feel.
    Never use water at any step. Useless and it actually prevents a good infusion.
    Straining = removes 25% of the stone.

    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads

    I started making this for my medical pain control but it has a little side effect = the best stone per gram I've ever seen.
    0.166666 grams of kief per capsule. 80mg est.
  6. Thanks guys! Had a feeling that we where missing out. I showed him your response but he's to stubborn to change his ways! Man brothers sometimes can really get in under your skin :mad2: I got the chance this weekend to bake by my self since he's going on vacation. So I'l make the same recipe he did but this time with the decarb first. Then maybe once he feels the difference I can convince this stubborn brother of mine.

    I forgot do add that after decard I grind it to almost fine dust and dont strain at all. Put it all into the prebake-mix so to get it all in.
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  7. The baked goods will be better if you infuse the decarbed herb powder into the recipe oil.
    Add about as much lecithin as flower to the measured oil, quickly pre-heat the mixture to 220 F, then bake at that temp for 20 min. Then follow the box recipe.
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  8. I didn't understand your method there. pre-heat, then bake for 20 min then bake again after the box recipe? From what I understand lecithin makes it more potent?

    Here's my plan:
    1. Decarb @240F for 40 min
    2. Infuse with oil over a waterbath for a good 2-3 hours. Hovering around 175-195F
    3. Mix the pre-mix with lecithin. About 50/50, then add the infused oil
    4. Bake in oven but, only bake for half the time
    5. Straight from the oven to the freezer to make them hard and compact like a chocolate

    That way they will be compact and easy to cut into bricks like edibles?
  9. After your step #1 the herb is as potent as it will ever be, and any more heat reduces potency.
    But the decarbed herb won't be very digestible, and grinding, plus some lecithin and infusion heat helps with that.
    The infusion will produce slight over-decarb, but the increased digestibility will more than compensate.

    But your step #2 could lead to over-decarbing, because it's too much heat for too much time, exacerbated by the baking the recipe calls for.

    My advice to bake the (herb+Lecithin+RecipeOil) @ 220 F for 20 min, then continue with the baking recipe.
    In-oil decarb at that temp is around 3 hours, so 1/3 hour won't over-decarb too much.
    During the baking, more decarb will happen, so try to keep it to a minimum.

    Baking for half as long as the recipe calls for might harm its texture.

    I use mini-muffin trays, and bake 10 gram cookies for 10 min @ 350 F.
    For brownies, spreading the batter thinly on a large surface area will allow baking for a much shorter time, and will make dosing easier.

    I've been experimenting with infusion, and for me, more than about 60 min @ 220 F leads to thc destruction.
    The accepted wisdom is that thc degrades into sleepier cbn, but that hasn't been my experience.
    My experience is that if cbn is producedt is less sleepy than the thc that degraded into it, and the degradation harms sleep.
    So for me, over-infusing (more than 220 F for an hour) destroys thc with only negative consequences.
    I think that could happen to your oil if you infuse @ 195 F for 3 hours, but the lesser temp (175 F for 3 hrs) might not over-decarb too much.
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  10. Follow steps exactly for best results. We've done endless variations on this and made all the mistakes possible.

    Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes uncovered.
    If using buds grind to flour grade dust.

    5 grams Cannabis. Kief, Hash, Concentrates, Powdered buds
    2.5 teaspoons Coconut oil
    1/2 teaspoon Lecithin. (Any kind)
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
    Freeze ( removes gritty mouth feel from kief-hash-buds )
    Heat 220 F for 20 minutes ( can omit if you skipped freezing )

    We do this in small batches to get the best incorporation of Lecithin , Oil and Cannabis. You can scale the batches up but keep the same ratios.

    Once the small amount of very concentrated oil is finished it can be used directly or added to more oil as required by a cooked good like cookies, brownies, gummies, chocolate.

    Do not change the times or temps on baked goods. Cooking is half art and half rocket science and messing with a recipe is always a disaster. Internal temps of all baked good is to low to degrade the cannabis enough to matter. It got far hotter during the decarb step.
    This small stainless steel cat food dish holds a triple batch of 15 grams of Kief and 3 tablespoons of Coconut oil, lecithin.
    It'll fill 90 capsules @ 83mg each.

    TLDR:: Make small amount of very strong oil. Add to oil called for in baked good and blend well. Follow box directions on cooking.
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  11. Wow thanks guys! This forum has taught me alot!

    I will do your method BNW, but a little unsure on the first step. I grind the herb to fine dust and blend with coconut oil/lecithin before any heat? Do you then use the oven to bake it and if so how? In the stainless steel cat bowl?

    The capsul would be nice, but they are impossible to do a half dose for times when i just want that. So baked goods is for me a bit easier to handle. I found a cookie recipe like yours bkarnaze. 350F for 10 min. Resulting in 16 cookies. If I calculated right with 5g of weed it should be about 50mg a cookie. Never eaten more then 25mg by the same calculation and that got me high as hell for a good 4 hours. Planning on eating 70mg tomorrow but that's from my brother "no decarb" method so I think I should be fine. Sorry for the wall of text here. Just really excited
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  12. If you want your brownies to actually be good brownies then my advice is:

    1) Follow BNW's recipes, they really work!
    2) Follow the brownie cooking instructions from the box (don't cut the cooking time in half!)
    3) Don't use lecithin; it will change the texture of the brownies.
    4) Decarb is best done just with the ground herb on a cookie sheet or baking dish in the oven. Decarb is the first step, before you add any oil or other ingredients.
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  13. We can estimate the potency of those cookies by assuming good 15% thc herb.
    THC = 0.15*(5,000 mg) = 750 mg
    1 Cookie = (750 mg)/16 = 47 mg

    I make slighley weaker cookies of about 40 mg thc each, and give them to friends.
    Many of them cut the cookies into fourths, and get a 10 mg thc dose.

    One whole cookie will knock new users into a very dark place.
    I gave some to a friend, with instructions to eat only 1/4, but he ate a whole one, and won't touch herb again.
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  14. I've made thousands of cookies using a shortened version of BrassNwood's excellent method.

    Decarb before grinding because undecarbed herb is very sticky.
    Then grind to fine dust.
    Mix with lecithin and the recipe oil.
    Lecithin is used in many commercial baked goods because of its emulsifying capabilities.
    Most people who use it say lecithin improves their edibles a lot.

    Next, quickly pre-heat the oil/herb/lecithin mixture to 220 F on a stove top, and bake at that temp for 20 min.
    Then freeze for a few hours and thaw.
    At this point the cookies can be baked, and the baking probably takes the place of BrassNwood's 2nd heating, but it really doesn't matter that much.
    Finally, mix all ingredients and bake.

    I make pills, cookies, oil tinctures, and nutella spreads while always using the same amount of herb, and they are all about equally potent. I believe that's proof that the cookie method is as good as anything.
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  15. #15 Hestekjerre, Aug 23, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2019
    Again thanks for all the advice! I'l post som updated here later today on the progress. Got the whole next weekend without wife and kids so me and 2 friends are gonna enjoy the cookies I plan on baking today. I figure half a cookie should be more than enough each. Maybe 1/4 even. It's their first time with edibles I think, and I don't want them to have a bad time.

    One person I do want to send to a dark place though is this brother of mine. So stubborn, and I guess it's safe to say that the last batch we made was a real waste. We used 6g of weed and no decard just 2 hours of infusing in butter over a waterbath. I tried to talk him into decarbing it, but "my house, my rules. I'm the expert and decarb is just bullshit. I've done this so many times". He even wanted to strain it but I manage atleast to convince him to put it all in without straining it. While we got high I think we missed out by alot. 900mg devided by 12 brownies should be about 75mg each. I told him that done right half a brownie should be enough for a pleasent high. He then had to brag that 1 was not enough for him and that he was going to eat 2 next time. He even complained to me that "You take all the fun away from baking" since I calculated the potency in each brownie. "Half the fun is not knowing the effect". So I guess after all these years of him baking without decarbing he thinks he is this beast at eating edibles. I allways show caution when eating since I've read so many horror stories from eating edibles. One sentence just burned into my memory "Remember you can allways eat more, but never eat any less". When I told him that he responded "Yes, but there was nothing worse than eating to little". Meanwhile the last batch I made alone (that time I did decarb @240F over 40min) he ate 1 brownie at around 60mg and he wasn't able to funtion at all. Just had to go straight to bed and fell asleep. And still after that he refuses to decarb for some reason. Probably hard for him to take advice from his "inexperienced" brother on the subject he has proclaimed himself as the expert. He may be the biggest consumer of us, but I'm the nerd when it comes to doing my homework/research what ever the subject. So yeah, really tempted at making a 300mg brownie for him since it's all a joke to him.

    Sorry about the rant :p Brothers can really piss you off sometimes!
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  16. Haha I feel you man!! Let him get on with it, and test your own batches to get it right in small batches, and they’ll speak for themselves!!
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  17. I wouldn’t be to upset. You messed up / didn’t activate all the thc out of the 6 grams.

    It’s really not a lot of weed. Now if it was 6 oz of partially decarbed weed that’s a lot of wasted money.

    I’m unsure of really fucking up your brother that much- I get it I have two younger brothers... but a huge dose might really not be fun .... and fun is what weed is all about
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