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Canna butter

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by mommaspice, Mar 10, 2012.

  1. An it be made with a quarter lb. Of shake? If so, what measurement are needed.
  2. Haha just make it dude. Use Algebra 1 (remember that shit you did in middle school?) and use ratios and fractions.

    If you use an eigth of weed in butter to make enough for 1 pan of brownies, divide it up into 12 squares so each square is 1.5g worth. Can you dig it?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. #3 Clidefr0g, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    I hate the butter, it tastes bad, is hard to make, doesnt work as well, not to mention what happens if you have too much of it.

    I prefer to grind bud up in a coffee grinder until it is powder and then evenly mix it into what ever it is that im cooking, it helps keep the recipe closer and is far more potent than butter. The key is even distribution.

    At an extreme for my dads birthday we put 2oz of top notch bud in two 9x9 pans, them were good brownies..
    • Like Like x 1
  4. I don't find the flavor a problem. I like the fact that it lasts longer in the system.
  5. #5 BadKittySmiles, Mar 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2012
    The below should help.. just a few excerpts from two recent, similar threads. :)

    Before that though, how much shake, leaf or trim you'll need really depends on your tolerance and the trim or shake itself.. if it's mostly bud, and relatively frosty, try smoking a pinch and use that as your guide!
    You'll want to use about the same amount you'd smoke per day, as your edible dose, and you may wish to split that amount up over a few hours, if you don't want it to be much too intense all at once... edible cannabis can be much more powerful than smoking the same amount, when processed correctly. :)

    The ratio or amount of leaf potency varies per unit of weight, from one plant to the next, just like herb, but it tends to vary slightly less than the potency of flowers.
    If the bud was only so-so, and not very impressive, sometimes just doubling the leaf/weight per dose is all it takes. But if it's super-frosty and high quality bud, and you're using the non-frosty leaf from the same plant, you'll likely need to use around 5 times the weight per dose or more, to achieve near the same potency as that frosty bud. With two plants, one producing inferior bud, one producing superior bud, the leaf potency will certainly not be the same, but their level of leaf-potency will be more similar than their flowers. For instance you may need to use only a fraction of the 'superior' bud, to create the same level of potency per dose as the 'inferior' bud, but you may need to use very nearly the same amount of leaf.
    If you want a very rough estimate, if you smoke a half gram of flowers per day, you'll want 2 - 3 grams of barely, to not-at-all-frosty leaf and trim, per dose. When estimating, start by eating only half a dose, just in case.

    Your very best bet, to pinpoint the potency per dose, if you don't feel like 'estimating', and if it's not really 'smoke-grade material'? Make a concentrate, and have a sample smoke or vape, and then judge how much you'll need from there!

    If you make a quality oil, you'll need roughly the same amount or less than you'd usually smoke per session, or per day for very regular/heavy users, in order to achieve a stronger, and much longer-lasting effect. If you make a concentrate, just weigh it before you vape or smoke, then weigh it once more after you're satisfied... the amount that's missing is a good dose.

    The appropriate amount is harder to determine with leaf, and trim, because most of us don't smoke it!... it would take vaping and burning through too much inert plant matter to get us where we need to be, and smoking that potency -gradually- over the course of a longer period of time, doesn't provide the effect or sensation as smoking the same potency in the form of bud. How much you take in, in any given period of time, regulates the experience.. it's why bongs seem to get people more medicated than dry pipes, and why a single dab of hash oil can seem stronger than several bowls of herb (even if all those bowls contained more potency, overall).

    And the excerpts...


    Quality edibles are NOT made, by grinding herb, and adding it to your favorite recipe! That is only a recipe for ENORMOUS WASTE!! :(

    Cannabis glandular material is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb, even after it has been activated, even when it is in the form of a gooey, sticky concentrate.

    That's why the best dispensaries, clinics and caregivers all make edible oil with their hash, using lipids/cooking oils such as coconut oil, palm kernel oil, grapeseed oil and others, rather than just adding concentrates such as BHO to their edibles, candies or other meals.

    To start: When you bake a batch of brownies, the internal temperature barely climbs to 210f by the time you remove them from the oven. All the while before that, it's much, much cooler. While encased in both oil and liquid/water/egg, this doesn't even allow for activation during that amount of time at the proper temperatures.

    By the time they've finished baking, your herb is not only not very bioavailable at all, it's also not very active at this point. We've learned a lot since the 60's about cooking with cannabis, how it reacts with our solvents, and later interacts inside our bodies.


    ** We choose the edible solvents that we do, not just because they break down cannabis glandular material,but because they facilitate chemical absorption within the body.**

    This is what happens when you process in oil or another edible solvent (with oil providing/creating the most persistent coat);


    The above 'water' could be hot cocoa, it could be brownie mix, or it could just be the contents of your stomach after taking a capsule or drinking a sip of pure oil.

    The glandular material could alternately be a vitamin, or a supplement, or a pharmaceutical, or another chemical that you now need to take for instance 10 times less of, in order to receive the same or higher absorption and more reliable medicinal benefit. [​IMG]

    (Without creating a solution using an easily absorbed edible solvent, our cannabinoids primarily bounce off our cellular walls, rather than passing through them for delivery to the blood stream.. the majority of your potency continues down your tract for 'evacuation' without providing ANY effect!

    Your body absorbs a very miniscule fraction of glandular material without the proper processing: this is why we have so much dosage discrepancy, it's where the rumor that you need to 'east more than you smoke' came from, when edibles can actually be MUCH more powerful than smoking the same material, and it's why we have so many failed edible stories... because processing matters!)

    More Info and FULL post here


    If you decarb well enough in the beginning, and use decent temps with your oil, even the pure oil shouldn't taste too offensive, and it can easily be blended with other flavors to actually become complimentary. [​IMG]

    Overcooked oils and water-butters often taste burned, or 'green'... either due to too much heat (oil) or too much inert and unnecessary plant matter, such as chlorophyll, bitter salts, and plant waxes (watery butters). Water contamination during the process can make an oil or butter taste especially foul, for many patients.

    I have a hard time stomaching a lot of food.. I wouldn't eat nearly as many edibles as I do, if they didn't taste REALLY good. [​IMG]

    This may be able to help some folks, from the stickied CannaPharm thread in the edibles section;

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Canna Oil

    Med-Grade Canna Oil


    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Cannabis Concentrate (Edible & Smokable recipes included... similar to BHO, but made with food grade/drinking alcohol)

    -Medical Grade Cannabis Concentrate-


    (*** To the OP, Mommaspice, the above two links are what you are looking for!)

    BadKat's Highly Activated & Bioavailable, Med-Grade Hash Oil (same as capsule recipe, oil can also be used for cooking)

    Med-Grade Hash Oil



    BadKat's CannaPharm: Edibles, Drinkables, and more...

    Med-Grade Hash Capsules


    Med-Grade Capsules w/out Lecithin


    Minimalist Canna Capsules


    Sloppy" MacGyver-esque Capsules


    Chocolate Covered Canna-BOMBS


    UV GLOWING Hash or Canna Candies


    Raspberry Hashy Mudslides


    No Bakes That Get You Baked


    Herbed Chicken & Biscuits


    Spicy Coconut Chicken -'Tom Kha'- Thai Hash Soup


    'Fair Dinkum' Hashy Aussie Meat Pie


    Chocolate & Almond Hash Ice Cream


    Herbed Salmon & Buttery Bud Buns


    Easy Citrus Acid Extraction/Infusion


    UV/Glowing Strawberry Mango POW Right in the Kisser


    Smokin' Hot Ham


    Canna-Bread w/ Herbed Ranch Dessing


    Potzza's, aka Canna-Pizza


    Hash Infused Sirloin Steak with Chips & Gravy


    Chocolate Canna-Cookies & Hashy Space Truffles


    'Pot'ato Salad




    Hash Blondies (Cookies)


    Chicken Pot Pie


    Raspberry ~Hashy~ FauxJito's


    Glycerin Tincture


    "Baked" Chicken Dinner




    Peanut Brittle


    -Canna Gummies- Non-Vegan & Vegan


    -Canna Candy Apples!-


    -Canna Infused Beef & Chicken Jerky-


    -~Tazo Chai~ PumpCanna Pie-
    w/ pecan topping


    -Sausage Cheese Bread w/ Hash Oil-


    -Holiday Hash Nog-


    -~Hash Liquor~ Cordials-



    Quick, discreet, **All-In-OneRecipe** (starts with herb, and finishes with an edible):

    -"Kat Crackers"- Canna Quickie ~Fudge~ Cookie Sandwich



    Posts of Interest:

    Terpene Information


    Important Hard Candy Making Info/Tips


    Important Notes on Activation, and Desired Outcome (useful for MS, Parkinson's and other potentially frail patients)


    Important Information: Why You Should -Not- Dilute your Oil with Water


    Triple Berry Hash Wine


    Plant Shots


    BKS: Who Am I, and where should I live next?


    Sorry for the long post! But hopefully it helps clear things up :)

    Good luck! :wave:
  6. I love you...
  7. wow, way over the top, so easy to grinder and insert, 1oz of bud ground to a powder is like 1tbs worth of ingredient and 3 seconds of work.

  8. Grinding and adding herb directly to food, is not how you make edibles... that's why we have so many failed edibles stories, and that's why even firecrackers don't work for many people.

    For those folks that firecrackers do work for, they still require consuming several times the amount of material (in others words, you consume, waste and lose multiple doses for one mediocre experience, due to the lack of processing).

    Processing matters. :wave:

    An oz of bud turns into just a bit more than a Tbsp, too. :p :)
  9. Id give a tray of my brownies to anyone here and i guarantee 1 of them would have had you drooling in the corner, granted we dont use shake or bunk or crap bud even, we use top notch, and used to make butter as well but found this was better, more potent, and easier. Just personal experience, i am by no means the be all end all of edible pot :p and a lot of those things look cool to try and make, but damn thats a lot of work..

    And not that im doubting you badkitty, but do you have any documents to show that? it wouild be interesting to see, from my experience if you do what i do which is grind it up and make sure its evenly distributed, it lasts quite a bit longer due to being something physical that your stomach can break down, I had 1 brownie at 9pm, and another at 11pm and i slept til 3pm the next day was awake for 2hrs and had nothing to do then went to sleep again until 11am the next day! these brownies kick fucking ass!! lol
  10. Didn't you ever wonder why people bother to make canna oil, and butter? :)

    I guarantee you are wasting multiple stronger, more powerful doses, per single working dose, by not making oil. I'll also mention it again, that I think you may be confused with your measurements... I've never had an ounce, ground up, fit into a tablespoon! :p

    That's why the dispensaries and clinics, caregivers and patients, and coffee shops in the Netherlands, make oil or clarified canna butter, even when working with hash and concentrates such as BHO, and it's why we have people coming here, who have made edibles without having done their research, wondering why their cookies don't seem to work. :)

    It's not just a matter of removing the potency from the inert plant matter, otherwise professionals and experts would not bother going through the trouble of making oil with their hash and concentrates; we use the edible solvents we do, explicitly because they are responsible for facilitating absorption or bioavailability.

    A simple google search will shed some light on the situation for you. :smoke:


    But before I finish, consider this; a pan of brownies barely reaches 200 F by the time it's been finished baking, and most pans are closer to 170 f internally.... and all the while before that the temperature is much, much lower.

    At only 200 degrees or lower, after a 20 - 35 minute bake depending on the depth of the pan, that's much lower than the temperature commonly used just to activate cannabis, all on its own, in a completely dry environment!

    Beyond the fact that you're not even fully activating your cannabinoids, you have more rapid, and more complete absorption, when you've created a solution with oil.


    It's the very same technology used with pharmaceutical medications and chemicals, also known as Liposomal Encapsulation Technology, or LET. Much like vitamin C for instance, when it comes to cannabis glandular material our bodies pass much more than we absorb, when it is not properly broken down, and coated.

    This is why some cheaper and basic vitamin C powders require that you take 4,000% of your 'recommended daily value', to achieve the same absorption and chemical distribution, as a dose containing only 150% - 300% of your daily value that has been treated liposomally.
    We treat medications or chemicals liposomally, because that treatment allows us to receive more medicinal or therapeutic benefits, from a mere fraction of the material initially required, and that small amount hits us faster and harder because it is so readily absorbed, than eating between ten and fifteen times the material. It's why we use both coconut oil and lecithin for processing cannabis.

    Have a read around, and try out google, it's very common knowledge these days so there is a TON of good information out there, just waiting for you to find it! :hello:

    We've learned a lot about cannabis since the outdated methods popularized by a few folks back in the 60's and earlier, who did not know any better (and even then, many, many people who knew best, were already making butter and oil... edible cannabis concentrates, tinctures and infusions with oil have been made, since ancient times :) ).
  11. Seconded a THOUSAND times over :)
  12. I understand what you're saying, but its a lot more work, and us personally, we dont care. Id rather use 2oz of bud and not have to make oil, if i waste a bit i guess im ok with that, i know that the brownies get me fucking destroyed. But i do know what your saying and thanks for explaining it. it makes a lot more sense, but i could still not be bothered to make oil lol.
  13. That's perfectly OK, everyone is certainly entitled to use their meds however they like! Like the placebo effect, satisfaction in your methods can produce a sense of well-being in the end product. :)

    ...But you don't know what you're missing. :D
  14. [quote name='"Clidefr0g"']I hate the butter, it tastes bad, is hard to make, doesnt work as well, not to mention what happens if you have too much of it.

    I prefer to grind bud up in a coffee grinder until it is powder and then evenly mix it into what ever it is that im cooking, it helps keep the recipe closer and is far more potent than butter. The key is even distribution.

    At an extreme for my dads birthday we put 2oz of top notch bud in two 9x9 pans, them were good brownies..[/quote]

    This is why I NEVER buy edibles. You have no idea how many people still think this is acceptable. Throw a bunch of weed in hope it gets you high. There is local dispensary by me that makes their edibles with butter and water. I asked why? He didnt know. I don't think many people understand. Your talking like $300 for a pan of brownies!!! An oz is an awful lot for one pan and about 12 brownies or so.
  15. lol.... not math strong point.... .25g is enough for a 9x9 brownie pan

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