Bud Storage

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by IrishPirate, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. So I've heard two conflicting ideas. One person has said that you should never store bud (in a glass jar) in a fridge and absolutely never store them in the freezer. Yet others have said quite the opposite and actually suggested storing buds in the fridge.

    Who is right?
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  2. If you plan on long term storage (say 7 months from March through October) and you have at least an oz, and you live in a desert community, then yeah, I'd stick it in the fridge (in a ziplock). But if I pick up an 8th, then my dark blue baby food sized jar (air tight lid) will do just fine. Sometimes I even keep it in the plastic pill container they come in from the dispensary.
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