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Been a few years

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Guy Manwich, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Had to take a few years off of growing due to the renting situation.
    Have been dreaming of growing my own flower again.

    Here are 5 cactido and 5 Nitro Cookies. Both are new strain for me but I've heard great things.
    Planted the clones at the beginning of the month. They've been topped and most are in 10gallon smart pots.

    I use an organic soil mix and supplement with the earth juice line.


    Any advice/pointers are welcomed.

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  2. Quality worm castings can make all the difference in the world. Topdress & work into the surface of your soil with some kelp meal mixed in - the two go hand in hand.

    Good luck!

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  3. Do you recommend a certain brand or is it better to make your own?

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  4. Always best to use ur own but I've had excellent results using Worm Power vermicompost out of upstate NY - depending on where you live...
  5. Day 17 of flower

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  6. Subbed! I'm also back to growing after years of not being able to (had a mold situation personally) dude doesn't it feel so good to be back? Plants look nice

    PK's roof-top organic grow
  7. [​IMG]
    Cactido finishing its 3rd week of flower

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  8. So far so good with the new URSA Optilux lights. I'm loving all the color changing that's going on with everyone.

    Diamond OG


    Nitro Cookies

    Green Crack

    Gum Drop

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  9. Nitro Cookies turning out great


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  10. Diamond OG

    Can't wait for this Green Crack to finish

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  11. They look amazingly good. Where did you get your seeds?
  12. These were all started by clone, I usually get my seeds through attitude though.

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  13. The colors look beautiful but I think you'll find that they are basically deficiency signs. You need more nitro later in flower to prevent that. I also see signs of phosphorus/potassium deficiency. It's nothing that causes bad health just limits the plant's full potential.

    Absolutely beautiful work. Not trying to put it down. I love me some purple buds but I've learned to keep them a green a little longer and it's really increased the final yield for me. I start cutting nitro about week 6 in flower depending on the plant. Up until then it's the same level as my large veg plants.
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  14. I appreciate the input my friend.
    I always error on the side of under feeding when I first start out again. Until I get into the swing of things. The temps are also kept a little low.
    I also top dress with EWC for a little nitrogen if they need it. I may need to increase the amount. They are at about week 7 now of flower.

    I'm thinking about switching to the nectar for the gods line instead of earth juice.
    What line do you currently run?

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  15. I'm a GH guy. I use a few other supplements but mostly General Hydroponics. I do DWC and promix/perlite in fabric pots.
  16. Im running nectar and I have to say that I love it. I've been using it on my SEEDLING in soil and no nute burn. Had a plant start off in hot soil, transplanted to new soil and started using nectar, she's doing amazing. Just my opinion

    Oh and if you go to their website you can get a free sample for shipping.
  17. I have heard good thing about the nectar of the gods stuff. My local hydro store has been carrying their whole line for about 6 months.

    I just feel like I'd have to learn all over again. I'm getting to know the stuff I use.
  18. They make soil as well. I'm gonna test out the #4 soil next grow

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