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Anxiety anyone with experience using CBD for anxiety?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by RenaissanceMan, Dec 20, 2016.


CBD & anxiety

  1. I suffer from anxiety, and CBD has had a POSITIVE impact on my symptoms

    7 vote(s)
  2. I suffer from anxiety, and CBD has had a NEUTRAL impact on my symptoms

    4 vote(s)
  3. I suffer from anxiety, and CBD has had a NEGATIVE impact on my symptoms

    1 vote(s)
  4. I know someone who suffers from anxiety, and CBD has had a POSITIVE impact on their symptoms

    4 vote(s)
  5. I know someone who suffers from anxiety, and CBD has had a NEUTRAL impact on their symptoms

    0 vote(s)
  6. I know someone who suffers from anxiety, and CBD has had a NEGATIVE Impact on their symptoms

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. A member of my family suffers with significant anxiety and panic attacks. I recently found some anecdotal information about CBD improving anxiety levels, and am really hoping it would work for her. THC is a no-go (legally speaking) since we live in a prohibition state.

    I'd love to hear about your experiences and outcomes. If you have good reputable sources for CBD, I would really appreciate it if you would share those as well.
  2. Personally use it for anxiety, luckily I can get pretty much anything I need from local head shops, I'm going to start dabbing soon though so I'm going to have to travel a bit further to get some higher CBD content oils. It definitely facilitates a calm, which if you have someone with anxiety around you then you know they basically just have a constant whirlwind of thoughts running through their heads. When you have that kind of nonsense day in and day out you forget what calm is. CBD definitely got me what I needed so that I could do what I need to do to get through the day.

    I'll also mention that as I've had anxiety and depression since I was around 14 I've had very brief periods of time where I've been happy and all of them have been when smoking weed. I stop for a while to see if I really need the stuff but after a while, even with meditation, I stop being able to be calm or happy. A regular use of CBD will definitely be beneficial as will occasional or even regular usage of high THC strains.

    That said I've only used CBD in the last year because I've been searching for better jobs and have to test for almost everything, and medical was recently legalized in my state and I'd rather not have weed in my system when I go to get my card for anxiety.

    Now, to give an opposing statement, I can tell you that my anxiety did resurface upon rather excessive use of heavy THC strains and dabbing but I personally believe it to be more related to the illegality of the use of it at the time more than the THC on its own.

    Best of luck with your family member.
  3. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'd be thrilled if CBD helped -- she's at the max dose of buspar, so something's got to change.
  4. Best option is to move to a legal state ,The Problem is getting CBD that's made from flowers and not seed hulls in a non legal state .Biggest giveaway is % our CBD flowers range from 10%-20% CBD So if your buying oil that is lower than 30% CBD it's not from flower (we have CBD shatter here 34% CBD 34%THC And one at 57 % CBD 23% THC)

    So finding RSO will really hard you may find some CO2 extracted oil maybe.

    Has she ever tried MJ? I really would just get some Hindu Kush(indica) It has a hi CBN % that would really help her .
  5. I suffer from aniexty, and also I'm manic, I get frequent panic attacks just going to the store. Smoking literally changed my life, I was on so much medication with so many different side effects mostly bad side effects.
    • Like Like x 2
  6. Sadly no. I do not live in an accessible state.

    I just thought I would mention that I drink something called kava tea once a day and it helps immensely with anxiety somehow. If I drink a few cups it puts me to sleep. I don't even buy the expensive kava herbal tea anymore, any tea I've tried with kava in it is enough.

    Sent from my N9519 using Tapatalk
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. I recommend Theanine and GABA for anxiety. It works for me and is quite reasonable. I bought some 100 mg Theanine Melatonin mix at the grocery store for about 7$ a bottle at 2 for one.

    I've been struggling with anxiety my entire life.
    Also the "Relora", Theanine GABA mix are quite good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  8. Thanks for the replies.

    I bought some CBD (no THC) online, and I am happy to report that the results have been very positive. It's technically for vaping, but also works sublingually. It hasn't cured the anxiety, but it certainly smooths out the roller coaster. It helps enough that she sometimes goes several hours before she realizes, "Oh, that's right, I need to take my meds..." If she doesn't take the CBD, it's an hour at most after a missed dose, and then it's a NEED. I've also taken some for my anxiety (far less severe than hers). The noise in my head drops to a manageable level and, instead of all my thoughts demanding attention at the same time, my thoughts all "take their turn." Quite a welcome change.

    Thanks also for the suggestions. We have theanine and GABA on hand, but they haven't proved to be as effective. Theanine has an effect but, in our experience at least, the effect doesn't match the severity. It would be analogous to putting a tablespoon of gas in an empty gas tank. Did it help? Yes...maybe? Did it make a real difference? Not so much. GABA helps, but sleep is almost certain when taken in a dose large enough to be significantly anxiolytic. That's OK at night, but isn't helpful during the day. Kava is somewhat similar. By the way, I'm not poo-pooing any of those three -- there's a reason we have them in our cupboard. My comments are relative to a specific and severe situation.

    Here's to a great Friday and an awesome weekend. Cheers!
  9. research whole black peppercorns for anxiety... the beta caryophyllene in it is what does it... you must use fresh whole peppercorns and not pre ground... chew on one for up to one hour away relief... ground and smell for immediate relief...
    Cannabis Black Pepper.

  10. I have social anxiety apparently I've never tried cbd strand but I usually smoke weed before I have to go out or when I feel anxious and it helps
  11. Don't worry about anxiety. You will get very good at handling it. It is a great way to know when your pot is kick ass.
    I don't worry about being forgetful and that being alzheimer's.
    What a great way to dismiss the anxiety and forgetfulness as being because of marijuana.
    I don't allow myself to think I'm crazy or stupid. I leave that up to others.

    Sacred Pipe or chunk of rock - Slashdot
  12. Love CBD oils for anxiety, I tend to smoke some flower along with the CBD oils to enhance my mood!

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