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Advice on my Cooking Canna Butter/Oil method?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by BirdTokesNugz420, May 11, 2016.

  1. #1 BirdTokesNugz420, May 11, 2016
    Last edited: May 11, 2016
    Looking for any advice to improve on my method of making Cannabutter/CannaOil. When I make Canna Butter/Oil I use:
    2cups of Butter or Oil(for oil I use Coconut Oil)
    4-5cups of water
    3oz of herb/flower
    Then I mix it all into a Hamilton Beach crock pot on the Low setting. I stir the mixture up good and then stir it around every 30min after that usually for 12 hrs.( I have done 3hrs,6hrs, and 9hrs but for some reason I think 12hrs is best. Most of the material settles to the bottom around this point.) Can anyone tell me if I'm cooking for too long, or using to much herd and wasting herb? Does baking the cookies in the oven at 325°F heat out some of the Cannabinoids, making the cookies less potent? Are there any great recipes I can use to get more BANG for my buck out of my oil?. Thank you all in advance! Much Love and Stay Lifted!!
  2. Hi there for 3 Oz herb I'd recommend 6 pounds of Budder you don't need a lot of water. I did mine on crock pot low for twelve hours. It was dank and tasted great.
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  3. Sorry maybe 500ml water would be enough.
  4. I decarb my product for at least 20 mins before using to make butter. I have never used a crockpot either. I use a stove top double boiler method. I notice when I cook with my butter my potency is consistent across my batch.

    I use 2oz of product for every 1lb of butter.
    4hrs of steeping in cheesecloth sacks.

    If your butter burns you will lose potency
    If your butter bubbles while it's steeping you will lose potency.
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  5. With coconut oil it is better to use the double boiler method and not use water. This is because the oil stays a stable consistency and it absorbs the cannabinoids directly. Butter burns easier with this method and it is harder to control so if you use butter it is best to use your method you posted. Also you need to decarb weed before you use it. I used strictly vaped bud in making edibles and I do not vape it all the way so it is already de-carbed and I got high off it already. Its like doubling my weed.
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  6. FWIW PsychadelicSam from the stickie tincture thread has done extensive testing and found that the best decarb is 240 F for 40 minutes.

    According to my research, you should not use water with butter or coconut oil.

    When I make oil I do it via solvent transfer from an ethanol tincture. Edibles taste better using this method.

    I do not like the coconut oil to overpower whatever I am baking so I use a combination of coconut oil and palm oil.

    If you make butter/oil without water you can add lecithin which will will aid in absorption / strength.
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  7. I also use solvent transfer from psam and all my buddy's love it
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  8. When using 3 oz of herb does it concentrate the the potency of those 3 oz into the 1lb of butter I used, Or does anyone know if that 1lb of butter can only attach so many THCs to its fats and if I'm wasting bud by using to much.
  9. So basically if I made a RSO wash or an ISO wash, then used the Hash Oil from that extraction to put into my Coconut oil, that would give my coconut oil a better potency then double boiling or the crockpot?
  10. #10 BrassNwood, May 11, 2016
    Last edited: May 11, 2016

    Always decarb all material before anything else.. This activates your material be it Bud, hash, BHO, reclaim ect..
    Decarb = 40 to 60 minutes at 220-240 degrees F covered dish, foil pouch, oven cooking bag.. (not plastic)
    Coconut oil is by far the fastest and best to use as it needs no bile from your body to break it down for absorption.. Easy twice as fast as butter or other animal grade fats-oils..
    Coconut oil is virtually tasteless and what slight taste it may have is overwhelmed by the taste of the hash-bud..
    Why in gods Name would you add water I have no idea but many of the antique recipes call for it.. Totally unneeded unwanted and unnecessary..
    Hours of cooking = Again not needed at all.. It was a botched attempt to make up for the lack of a proper decarb up front .. All 8 hours of cooking butter gets you is ZIP.. Nada.. Nothing good comes of it.. Burned butter at worst..
    5 grams of decarbed hash or 10 grams high grade powdered bud
    1 tablespoon of coconut oil.. if working with bud you may need a touch more oil..
    1/2 teaspoon of soy lecithin..
    Powder, liquid or granules all work.. This is your power adder.. Turbocharger, nitrous, Lead in your pencil.. Without this your only at half strength..
    Blend and heat covered at 220 degrees for 20 minutes then freeze.. 2-3-4 more heat and freezes will smooth the consistency and degrade more THC to CBN and change it to more couchlock -sleep aid..
    2 or 3 cycles is my daily choice..
    Makes 30 wickedly strong (0) size caps..
    The internal temp of all baked goods like brownies and cookies is far below the temps for any further processing of your oil so do all the heating up front as an oil before blending with more oil for a baked good.. Just keep making the same batches of oil over and over so you know what to expect from each dose..
    At this strength to much is like getting super drunk with the spins and puking more then possible and it'll last a miserably long time.. 4 hours or more.. You won't die but you'll wish you could for a while..
    We all make the same mistake with this potent a product and have licked the tools and the bowl when finished.. Not fun but I keep doing it even now.. I've just got enough tolerance now to not get body slammed to the floor from the stuff now..
    My 2 cents after making and taking oil only for over a solid year.. Rare I toke at all now.. Just not needed or even wanted.. A toke will kick my oil into overdrive and I'm just where I want to be on oil alone.. A single toke at this point would have me gripping the table and holding on for the 45 minutes the toke effects last..
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  11. So under no circumstances should I ever have my mixture bubbling?

    Does infusing the herd into the Butter/oil around 200°F for 6-12hrs, also decarb the bud during the infusion process?

    And one of my biggest questions. Does the 1lb of Butter only allow so much THC to infuse in the butter/Oil?If so do I waste bud by using 3oz in 1lb of Butter/Oil?
  12. Yeah if you're bubbling your mixture is too hot. I use the oil method exclusively. I use between an eighth and a quarter of random stuff I've collected, add it to however much oil my brownie mix needs and cook it on super low for at least 30 minutes then let it rest for another 15 or so. It should be dark brown and lovely. From there just add it to your brownie or whatever mix and cook it normally. 3 oz sounds like a LOT of herb for 1lb of butter. I'm not sure you need that much.
  13. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with me. Next time I make butter/oil I WILL decarb first. I figured that the bud would decarb when I was extracting it into the Butter/Oil. I add water to make sure the bud is all wet or some what submerged in the liquid. How do you get 1 tablespoon of coconut oil to saturate 10g of bud? Also I'll get some of the Soy Lecithin for next time as well. Once again thank you!
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  14. The decarb process is the dislocation of a C02 and an H20 molecule from the THCA carboxyl group converting it to THC.. As my very unscientific mind understands it.. From my personal experience decarb is best done before the material is submerged in a fluid like oil..
    I'm working on the 4th bag of 1000 caps and I've played with the basic recipe backwards and forwards now and keep coming back to the base numbers and routines..
    As far as saturation point of the oil goes mine is a just workable sludge at 200 degrees.. That's a coffee mug heater under the cat dish I make my batches in to keep it hot enough to draw up the eyedropper.. More hash or less oil and the sludge is to thick to work at all.. So you don't need but just enough oil, butter, bacon fat, olive or most any other oil you can think of.. all work.. I've just cooked up my 2nd batch of bacon fat hashies.. They take longer to hit (90 min) but the taste is great and they last a bit longer on the far end too..
    For baking I'll take the finished tablespoon of canna oil and blend that with the regular amount of pre warmed oil called for in the brownie recipe first to insure an even distribution of the canna.. Then cook following the standard cooking directions..
    BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    Bad Kats thread is the base for all my work.. God bless her for blazing the path.. All I had to do was follow the trail of bread crumbs..

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  15. I don't see how you would infuse three ounces of cannabis into a lb. of butter without using water. The liquid would not be enough to saturate the cannabis. For this much cannabis I would recommend a solvent transfer, or removing the kief from the flowers and just use that. Bird- I'm with you on the potency- I don't want to have to eat six cookies.. I'm sure the butter can extract all the goodies from that much cannabis, but not without enough liquid to immerse your cannabis. The water will also help your butter/oil to not have the chlorophyll taste, but rather a mild, cannabis flavor. Do decarb as sickmanfraud has suggested. Good luck, have fun, enjoy!
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  16. @BrassNwood thank you so much for your input on this and I look forward to using the method you have mentioned. I'm also going to explore both of those threads you linked.

    @Joker1121 I know what you mean I want them 1 and done edibles lol. With the way I've been making them I usually eat 2 and kinda get a wobbly feeling in my legs, great head lift, and my speech gets hit with spoonerism hard. One of my buddies ate half of one of the cookies (which are just over a Tablespoon in size.) and she said she was tripping and couldn't get out of bed without stepping into another world (Granted she has a low tolerance) I wanna have that feeling haha. I went to a braves game and like 6 and eyes got so dry I had to take out my contacts and I was downing water hahaha.
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  17. Here is a picture of my end result from yesterday, from using my method.

    Attached Files:

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  18. For butter no bubbling or simmering. Should just stay flat and melted.
    I have never heard of decarbing by infusion otherwise I think I would be doing it to save time. Think of it like coffee beans. Coffee beans dried straight off the plant will give a cup of coffee. However if you roast those beans first will give you a good cup of coffee. And depending on the temp and how long you roast those beans will determine the kind of coffee you get. Darker roast has more flavor but less kick a blonde roast has a less robust taste but it's gonna get your engine running. These are things you will have to experiment with. Remember all factors will yield a different result: gas/electric, elevation, amount of product you're decarbing.

    Lastly allow me to clarify. When I refer to product I mean 2oz of trim with some bud that got messed up during the trim session. Honestly 3oz of actual bud is some mighty expensive butter. If I were using actual bud I would use a half O or maybe an O. I would imagine 3oz would get me no less than 3lbs but no more than 6lbs. Depending on bud quality of course.
    I would use less product and start decarbing and use the double boil method and You should be done in about 3 to 4 hours tops. Only takes me all day because I set aside a day to do multiple batches.

    There's multiple ways to get to the end of this recipe and everyone is going to do it slightly different. As long as your happy with your result then nobody can say nay.
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  19. When I posted this thread I had already started making a batch of Coconut Oil with my method up top. I've had 5 people (2 who don't smoke but 3 times a year maybe and 3 who are decent to heavy smokers) who said they have eaten from half a cookie to a whole cookie and said they had hallucinations. I've eaten like 4 cookies a day since this post and I've just been baked but not hallucinating. I mixed to 2 cups of oil into 2bags oatmeal cookies and 2 bags of chocolate chip cookies and mixed it all together with 3 bags of crushed heath bars. I ended up with 80 cookies and had 3 oz of bud( that wasn't decarbed). My next batch I'm going to make a cup of oil and 1 oz of decarb bud and see how it works. Thanks for all of your advice and I'm sure imma be back on with other threads or chiming in on other conversations. Stay lifted cuddies!!
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