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Vaping VS Smoking

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by PresidentKush, Jul 9, 2011.

  1. Which do you prefer? Why?
  2. smoking because of the feel of putting a fresh jay you rolled right on the kissa
  3. vape. higher and healthier, tho a good bong rip and nicely rolled j is good every now and then
  4. i mean vapes do get you fucked up and they are healthier. buttt man i love to sit there and just smoke and smoke. i love the feeling of a fat bong rip, a blunt rolled nice and perfectly. theres nothing else like it, sometimes i even buy shwag so i can sit there and roll up like 12 blunts and just smoke and smoke all day for $25 how can you beat that. also it doesnt give me headaches cuz ive smoked alot of swag and dro. tons of both im just not a picky smoker. im not the richest person i cannot afford dro everyday so good for you if you wanna go completely broke smoking, not me.
  5. Why does is have to be vaping VS smoking? I prefer to vape AND smoke. its always hard for me to choose between the two so i just choose both :smoking:
  6. Vaping. Honestly, I don't give a shit about the health benefits (though I'm sure my lungs will thank me when I'm 50), the quality of high is just so much better. I find that a smoke high, while great, can become easily zoned. I can look at a blue led from my computer and stare at it for half an hour. That can be great, but its not the high I'm after usually. A vape high is more of a consciousness but there can be some great couch-lock going on too. And you only need a super small amount of herb to get you there :)
  7. #7 DriftingApart, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2011

    Smoke half as much, still get just as stoned, I don't fall asleep or crash as often after smoking sessions, there isn't a 'crash' a couple hours after vaporizing, and I can use all of the vaped weed afterwards to make edibles.

    Also, when I used to smoke I used to wake up with horrible stomach aches, which have completely disappeared since I started vaping. If you vape instead of smoke for pain relief, the anti-inflammatory cannabanoid is more effective in reducing inflammation in comparison to smoke which causes some inflammation naturally. And I also used to cough up a lot of mucus from my lungs after a night of smoking, which doesn't occur anymore since I started vaping.

    Plus, in my opinion, the body high feels more intense.
  8. I know theres probably a better thread to check this on but regarding vapes, I've been a toker for years ( decades) and have never tried a vape. What in your opinion is a decent reasonably priced, easy to use vape?
    I just would like to sample its ability to do the job and god knows my lungs at 51 are 2 raisins on a vine by now, and when I saw Willy Nelson telling Larry King that its the shit, I thought I outta check it out.

  9. #9 sirspacepilot, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2011
    I'm a huge vape advocate, but honestly smoking just had that special something that makes me prefer it. Plus I get wayyy more baked off of a couple of nice bong rips than I do from a vape sesh. It's a different kind of high as well (I've smoked the same strain in each of the following).

    Vape: sort of creeps up on you, but you know when you're baked. Evens out and it's a gradual come down. It's easy for first timers to overdo it. Saves a ton of weed because you can re-vape it like 3 times and still get something out of it.

    Pipe: Harsh on the lungs and throat even if you're seasoned, but gets the job done. I think of the pipe as a quick and dirty sort of thing. You feel the high right away.

    Bong: If you're doing it right, you definitely feel the hit but it's not harsh or raspy. I think of a bong rip and I think "Ahhhhh...". Like the pipe, you feel the high right away. A bong is the only thing that will knock me on my ass... as in, full on tard-happy. It's like a 70% chance of couch lock.

    Joint: Hurts my throat. Don't like it. Never have. Not a very clear high, and I always have to break out the visine.

    For all of those I'm just talking about the standard defs- no zongs, hookahs, etc.
  10. Do it properly. Smoke a doobie.
  11. Both have their purpose. Vapes get me high energy, smoking makes my eyelids heavy.
  12. There are a lot of great vapes out there and a lot of garbage ones too. Basically, you need to find what appeals most to you as there are many different styles. A good way of getting into trouble is buy a vape that's less than 100 bucks. You get what you pay for with those models. They work, but its not worth the hassle. Also, more expensive doesn't mean better. There are vapes out there going for +600 bucks, unnecessary in my opinion since there are plenty of top-quality vapes for a lot less. If portability is a priority, there is the Magic Flight Launch Box (my rec) as well as others like the iolites. If you are looking for a no-hassle thing, the PurpleDays and Myrtlezap are great sans the long warm-up time. I've heard great things about the Da Buddha's and Silver Surfer's as well. Look them up and check them out. A vaporizer is an investment so treat it like one. Do your homework :cool:
  13. Thats interesting, i've been told the highs are a little different. I've been thinking about investing into the Magic Flight Launch Box. Is it worth it? 100 is cheap for vapes but ive heard it superior quality to all the other cheap ones.
  14. Yeah it's definitely a matter of personal preference.

    When I have to be stealthy, I vape. The high is more functional along with the smell factor. It's also just a nice change.

    My first choice is the bong, though. Laying back after blowing out a rip and staring at the ceiling is the best when I want to kick back.
  15. #15 SirElton, Jul 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2011
    Yes, the highs are slightly different, but in a very good way. Getting the Box really depends on your wants. It does its job brilliantly, hardly any warmup time, and its crazy portable. It does have its drawbacks though. Constantly switching batteries can be annoying, the batteries it comes with aren't very good so you should get some better ones, and you shake it alot to make sure you got all the vapor you can. I don't recommend it as like a daily workhorse vape. For the more day-to-day thing there are some quality vapes out there for 50 to 350 more than the Box. But it is far and away better than that 50 dollar Easy Use junk.
  16. Well I need something thats pretty cheap in price, but is good quality to use frequently, once to multiple times a day. Something thats going to be portable and not give off too much of a smell. Life is getting hectic, and im not going to have as much time to sit down and enjoy big smoking sessions regularly, so i need something I take take with me that can do the job pretty quick. I have a decently high tolerance currently, but its not so high that i can face a fat joint of dank and not feel it or anything like that. I actually haven't tried vaping before though, but I don't see myself not enjoying the high from it since I smoke regularly anyway.
  17. Give the Launch Box a go. I promise you will like it and use it for a long time to come so its definitely worth the price. If its practical for your lifestyle all depends on you, but its a safe bet regardless. I would highly recommend buying some 2700 nimh or higher batteries so the Box gets hot enough to vape all the oils out of the plant. That's the number 1 complaint with it, the included batteries are too weak.

    Happy vaping :)
  18. Thats what i've heard most is that people don't like the high from it cause their not getting the complete effects from their herbs. i hear the shaking technique does take care of most of most of that though. but i think i will invest in one soon enough because i think this lifestyle switch might be coming around regardless, and this seems like the best way for me to deal with that. I just dont wanna drop $100 and not hardly use it or anything, thats my only worries. I think after getting the box i'm going to invest in a 4 piece grinder and those better batteries to go with it. Where can you get those batteries for the cheapest price? Thanks for the advice.:smoke:
  19. #19 daxdroxkilla575, Jul 11, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    The mflb is a great portable, stealthy and fun way to toke I have another vape more of a stay at home vape its a hot box . It's pretty good I enjoy it but if I were you I'd say get the mflb its worth every penny
  20. I feel that smoking gives me a much more noticeable high. Sometimes i can hit a vape and it just wont do the trick.

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