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Chest Pain/Sensation/ Acid Reflux when Smoking?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by DankNud, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. Hello all, my first post. I have a question that maybe some fellow smokers can help me answer. I'm 20 years old and I was on the Drug Accutane for some acne I had for a month and a week. If you don't know much about Accutane it has a lot of side effects and chest pain/bowel pain,/ heartburn etc as well as esphogus problems can occur. I smoked bud for only 2 weeks prior to starting Accutane. I was great, had no problems and wonderful highs with no pains. As I started smoking while taking accutane I began to have really bad chest pains, somewhat burning pressure pain. Some to the point of me being paralyzed for an hour as it passed. I didn't know what was going on, heart burn/ or heart attack? After this went of every time I smoked for a month I finally went to the ER for chest pains (After smoking bong hits..).

    They performed an EKG, and all sorts of blood work to make sure my heart was ok because that was what I was worried about (Don't ask, just paranoid I guess). They said everything was perfect and I was experiencing bad heartburn. They made me a GI cocktail and it numbed me up and the pain eventually subsided, but at the rate it might have without going to the hospital as well.

    Anyway I'm taking Priolsec and stopped accutane. I still get this chest burning pains when I smoke green. I can eat spicy foods etc and NOT get anywhere near this pain/sensation. What is also weird is I can down Maalox and ant-acids and not get any relief...

    So, is me feeling more "pain" because I'm high and I'm more sensitive?

    Is the weed affecting my LES Sphinceter valve to open/relax and have acid flare up?

    A combination of both because I just stopped accutane and am not healed yet?

    Something else? I wrote this high (With my pains..ugh) so hopefully it's coherent.
  2. You know, I've had a similar problem at times, but it was a bile problem. You have to remember that weed slows your gastric motility (or the rate at which your stomach empties into your intestines). This means your food stays in your stomach longer when you are high. It also makes it a little easier, in my opinion, to let my stomach get too empty. When this happens to me, I get a tightness of the chest and something like heartburn, but without the acid burn feeling. The only way I get over it is to make sure I never smoke on a stomach that is completely full or empty.

    Also, sometimes the side effects of meds stick around for a few days. I think...:confused:
  3. I get the same thing and I really need to get rid of it because smoking as grown almost painful as of late...
  4. "I got, a pain in my shez...and I chan breav!" - George Lopez
  5. same problem but the severity of my pain is in my side/ lower abdomin area. but my pain would come/go even without smoking, but was always present while smoking. so i stopped all together and after 2 months the pain went away and still returns if i smoke. so i haven't really "hit the bowl" in 6 months. dont know how to fix the problem.
  6. Yeah I recently got a prescription for Zantac, but I'm not sure smoking caused the acid reflux, although I am 18 which is very young for A.R. I don't get much chest pain but I have developed some bad stomach problems, not sure if it's from weed, but I'm hoping not. Im hoping it was from cigs which I have just recently committed to quitting (4 days and counting haha)
  7. Thank you all for your responses. It seems all day today I've been researching it and browsing every MJ forum out there to see if their are similar cases, which there seem to be. Anyway, to ease my self from "heart" problems I decided to run some laps around a local track getting my heart rate into the 190s. No pain, everything was good, just a hard beating heart. So, my stomach was pretty empty and I hadn't ate much all today so I downed some food and water. I could feel a slight pain when swallowing. This leads me to believe it IS esphogaus related. I'm going to Dr. soon hopefully to get an Endoscopy or something to see what's up. I'll keep you all posted!

    Tokn' Girl, that's an interesting point. I've noticed when I smoke on an empty stomach I get a lot of pain versus being somewhere in the middle. I still have pain, but not as severe.
  8. Do you have access to a vape? I'm curious to see if vaping as opposed to smoking alleviates these problems
  9. ^^ Same. I've never had access to a vape so I could never try the theory out. But am just as curious to know if anyone with these problems have tried using a vaporizer as well.
  10. Idk if acne med. is worth that i was taking Tetracycline the only side effect is it can give you yellow teeth

    And you might be having pain cause of the higher sensation from MJ but im not a doc so idk
  11. I don't know, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of sketchy, un-discovered shit about accutane. Well, be glad that you don't automatically get induced in an anxiety attack whenever you smoke pot. Since my friend has taken accutane and finished with it, he can no longer smoke without feeling these symptoms of anxiety/panic attack. It really sucks since he's one of my close friends and I've yet to burn with him because he smoked before I started, and since the end of his accutane medication, hasn't been able to smoke again comfortably and for now, has given it up all together.
  12. I'm pretty sure the accutane just hurt my stomach esphogaus. But I know what you and your friend is talking about. I would have some crazy mood swings. Be pissed then cry it was crazy. But I know about the anxiety/panic attacks I have had them while on just because I could not stop worry about the pain and then it got out of control in my mind and I started to freak out. I just have to smoke with other people and keep convo going and take my mind off of it. Accutane is bad shit.
  13. Yeah, it's a lot like that. My friend's heart starts to beat hard and fast and then comes the panic attack. Ugh, he's a mad chill hippy duder, and man, I'd love to have a nice blunt with him.
  14. Dude totally, I would be good, then think about it, then put my hand on my heart and feel it beating fast and hard then I would worry and it would exacerbate the problem into panic and worry. Hopefully I can physically and mentally beat this. I made some firecrackers and green dragon and that I will down tonight with a female friend. Hopefully her company and us doing stuff will keep my mind off it and enjoy my high.
  15. Strange. I did the whole 6 month course or w/e it was of Accutane and I didn't get anything like that. In fact the only side effect I had was dry eyes, lips, and skin. I agree that there could be nasty stuff about Accutane that is undiscovered. Having to take blood to make sure its not destroying your liver....sounds like a safe drug to me. But neways it did work great for me and I almost never get a pimple anymore.
  16. I'm officially stumped. I get the same pain when I eat firecrackers as well. I smoked a quarter bowl of dank and got the pains. But here is the weird thing. When I lay on my side the pain pretty much subsides and is just a little bit just below the sternum. I have a sternum pain sober when I lean forward (like a situp, etc) so maybe MJ is just bringing out that pain because I'm more sensitive? The pain goes when the high goes..and laying on my side is fine. so yeah?
  17. It may be due to increased sensitivity...

    I was diagnosed with GERD and gastritis last month. The doc perscribed 45mg FAMOTIDINE twice a day and since then whenever I smoke, I get the oddest feeling around my navel and below my ribcage... It's not pain but it is uncomfortable. It is bearable with Indicas but Sativa strains make it worse and then I go into a panic...The kush im smoking right now makes is less pronounced but I may have to quit smoking (vaping) altogether...
  18. I used to have a lot of problems then my neighbor showed me his volcano. I haven't had any problems since - unless I really pig out after smoking right before I go to bed.

  19. The Volcano was the best investment I ever made in my life. Storz&Bickel knows what they are doing. I've got the Volcano classic. Love it.

  20. I think it's Costochondritis. Inflammation of sternum/rib cartliage. I used to lift heavy and I maxed myself out on chest day and never went back to the gym after going for 2 years, just decided to stop. I now put myself in sit-up positions etc and I get the same pain, not at intense when high, but I can see how being high would make this pain worse.

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