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AlliDoIsTalkYay's Grow Journal

Discussion in 'Hydroponic Grow Journals' started by Allidoistalkyay, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. #1 Allidoistalkyay, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2015
    Hey guys, just starting a journal here so I can document my grow. I am brand new to growing, first one went bad with the AxT due to overwatering (Rockwool) so I am going to start with the next grow I am attempting.
    My setup is as follows:
    Gorilla 2x4x7 tent
    T5 for seedling/early life
    Kind L600 for rest of cycle
    2 5gal bubble buckets, was SuperPonics switched to these because they were easier to maintain IMO
    Phresh filter w/ 4" inline fan
    Nutes: GH Flora series, CalMag, GH RapidStart
    Plants I will be going with this time is Barney's Farm Critical Kush and Royal Seeds Special Kush #1 freebie seed.
    At first tried germing 2 critical kush, one never sprouted, and germed the SK about 3 days after the CK sprouted.
    So far no nutes yet besides some GH Rapid Start which they seem to be liking.
    Pics of the setup and the girls.
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    First up is the Critical Kush, at first I think she had heat/moisture exhaustion which caused the burnt tips, or the same thing Linux thought in his thread where the water may have magnified it and burnt it.
    Anyways last pic is today and the new growth is looking good. Day 11
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    Next up is the special kush #1, remember it is about 3 days behind the CK, but growing very fast and looking good. Again last pic is as of today.
    Day 8.
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    Any suggestions are always welcome being I am a total noob.
    But ready to rock!!

  2. Also will be trying to post a pic everyday in this journal.

    pH sitting at 5.8 right now, started it at 5.5. Once it gets to 6 I will adjust back to 5.5
  3. Looking good! Looks like you're a few steps ahead of me, and I'm using the 8 pot superponics setup. So I subbed. That way I can stalk you and copy your every move. No pressure.
  4. Good luck with them guys. Newbies and hydro can be a stressful combination. LOL I wasn't brave enough to try and start out with it myself. You both need to do a ton of reading in the various threads that apply to what you've got going. Everything has to be on point with the hydro or your plants die FAST... LOL But there are lots of great folks on here who are always willing to try and help when crises arise. The key is knowing as much about the process as possible. Alli...sounds like the setup you've got has all bases covered. Your light is more than adequate for 2 plants. Actually, you should be able to grow some killer plants with that 600 watt KIND and your tent seems like it's has plenty of room in it too. Everything I tried to start out in the rockwool cubes would die so I hate that stuff. The antibacterial cubes work great though. Hope it's a good ride for both you and Krisbee. TWW
  5. Yeah this time using Rapid Rooters or the off brand equivalent. Also I didn't mention my water level. I have it real low as in say 15 gallons in the res is about an inch under the netpots, I have 10 gallons in there and the rooters are still getting pretty wet almost to the point I might have to lower it more. I don't understand how anyone else with the same system can have it so high in early life and not drown the plants.

    Also I have done a ton of reading for a few months straight before I even made an account and started posting. I know I still don't know shit but for some reason really wanted to do hydro, it's what I just started reading about first and stuck with it.

    Hoping the KIND 600 will produce 2 big girls. Almost did the 450 and said screw it and got the 600. Still only 320 actual watts.

    Sounds good Krisbee will be checking out your thread and taking some pics pretty soon here for today
    Also WW I just got some WW in the mail today from the vault, will be doing 2 of those next time around. Hopefully I long time after a big harvest hehe
  6. Talk,

    Here I'm is....
    Locked, cocked & ready to rock. I told you I was gonna head up over here to see what's crackin. Things are looking live, looks like you got erything under control. Do you have the roots poppin' through the net pots yet? I just noticed that they are doing that on mine today. Day 14 I think. I posted pics. I was glad that the other cat who was peepin' my thread posted the pics of what he had at 16 days, it helped alot.

    Well man, I work quite alot, but I should also be around alot too. I'll be stoppin in here and there. Oh, and don't worry about droppin' your thread link at my Journal, I gotcha covered, done.

  7. Glad to have you here.

    The SK actually has more roots coming down than the critical. I'll take some of the roots tonight when I get my daily pics.

    Keep in mind I have smaller netpots, I think 3". So not sure if your roots had farther to go than mine.
  8. One thing I wanted to ask anyone who might know is my ppms are jumping up and down like crazy with this rapid start, forgot to mention blue lab guardian is what I'm using.

    And I mean jumping like crazy it'll go from 100 to 0 to 60 within seconds. I mixed up the stuff real good when I put it in and constantly 4 2" air stones going full blast to keep it mixing.
  9. Hey I'm subbed up. I'll catch up tomorrow after a night of rest [​IMG]but Linux brought me on over here. So I'll sub up for the ride!

    Your PPM is going to jump if your putting it in the bubbles. Try in the water where it's just water (nute solution) and see what it reads. If that's not it I'm at a loss.
  10. Good to have ya bud, I'll check that didn't think it was in the bubbles but just may be.
  11. Here's today's pics

    Critical Kush Day 12

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    Special Kush Day 9

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    Both girls

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    Current stats

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  12. You could always just shut your air pump off when you're checking ppm and ph. I started doing that just on the off chance the bubbles would screw up the readings.
  13. He blue lab is in the res 24/7, I guess I could do that, but I have the ppm sensor in a corner where there are no bubbles, and it still jumps like crazy.
  14. #14 Allidoistalkyay, Oct 11, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2015
    Here's yesterday's pics. Got way too high last night I don't even remember going downstairs to snap the pics. But they were there! Haha

    Just got home from work time for some football!


    Critical Kush Day 13

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    Special Kush #1 Day 10

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    Attached Files:

  15. Day 14 Critical

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    Day 11 Special

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    Haven't introduced nutes yet? Any suggestions as to when I should?
  16. Also pH had been staying right at 5.7-5.8 without any adjusting, today dropped to 5.5, usually doesn't pH go up? I put a couple drops to up it back to 5.7
  17. I think I am going to do a res change tonight, with a 1/4 strength nute feeding and see how they like it.

    Will be using GH Flora series
  18. #18 Allidoistalkyay, Oct 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2015
    I think I fixed my ppm meter problem, stupid me, never though to unplug the son of a bitch and plug it back in, only messed with where it was in the res. After the reset looks to be at steady 30ppm, doh

    My RO water is 0 so now I know with how much rapid start I used how much it will affect ppm, not much as others have stated
  19. Well got the res change done but not without fucking up.

    Lifted my res lid during the removing/replacing water and after I got nutes in and pH right went to lower the lid, and plants roots were all thin as strings, fuck! Hoping they bounce back and fatten back up.

    Put the water level back where I had it (low) thinking of raising it up because of how I fucked up the roots.

    Anyway, here's the numbers after nutes. I did 1/4 strength of what GH recommended for seedling stage.

    Per my 10 gallons I put in I used
    6.5ml (roughly) of

    Here's the blue lab stats after nute addition

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  20. Sorry guys no pics from last night, I actually took some but they came out like crap.

    Roots still look worse than they did but special Kush seems to be bouncing back fine, the critical's roots are still very thin, and there's only a few, some shriveled up to almost nothing.

    Well the girls are about to go to bed and I am heading off to work, take care everybody

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