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KCs first grow, 125w cfl, Auto bomb.

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Kush cookies, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. Just a 2 fem Auto bomb grow, second is germing. On day 6 atm still need to transplant into a better soil mix.. will be done soon.
    Set up is a 125W dual spec light, 3 gal pots with a 4inch inline fan sucking through a carbon filter. Dont think i will be doing any lst unless you guys think it will be useful.
    Got some Fox farm big bloom for flowering stage gunna keep it on 24/0 til then.

    The set up.

    Day 1

    Day 4

    Day 6

  2. #2 blazer12345, Mar 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
    subscribed. Good luck mate hope it goes well keep us updated! Ill be checking in regular :)

    sent from under mi sensi tree
  3. Day 8

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1394295428.520085.jpg

    Transplanting to new soil tonight.
  4. In!

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  5. Enjoy

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  6. Day 10

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1394492185.857816.jpg

    Transplanted into a 30% soil, 60% organic compost, 10% perlite, mix. Second seed is planted, already starting to break through.
  7. Day 12

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1394637903.130655.jpg

    Recovering well from the transplant, auto bomb #2 has poked through the soil :D
  8. Day 15, starting to see real progress.

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  9. Day 18 starting to look strong

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    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1395152143.937441.jpg

    Auto bomb #2 is weak and falling over gunna wait til she's strong and lst her, so I can see the difference in yield.
  10. You're about as far in as I am. I'm lsting and pruning the hell out of my plants though
  11. Nice ill keep an eye on your thread, what strain you growing? Im not gunna train my plant just gunna let her grow how she wants.
  12. I have a really small grow space MAYBE 30"x12"x25" or so but with my lights my plants will max out at about 18", which is why in my first few grows I'll be practicing intense training and chopping. Right now it's some random bag seeds I've collected. But my next grow will be blueberry af and by then I'd like to have two of these boxes so I can veg and flower/clone in the future I'm hoping to start flowering (pending sex) in late April. Stay tuned man.

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  13. Day 30 still no signs of flowering yet.

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1396176166.263985.jpg
  14. I'm surprised you don't have preflowers yet. How long is it advertised to take?

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  15. 65 days... Load of shit,, all the grow journals I've seen have been 80-90 days
  16. I actually got my attitude package yesterday. 3 x auto berry Ryder 1 x green o'matic 1 x auto bomb

    Got a silver surfer haze and a blue og seed. I also have a seed from a friend labeled lemon og. I'm thinking for my next grow ill do a berry Ryder and one of my non-autoflowering. That way I can run 24-0 til I harvest the auto and then flip to 12-12.

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  17. Damn nice thinking man could veg your photo plant for ages and get a nice harvest. Ima start looking into photo plants for a next grow, lemon og sounds dank! Always love the lemon strains think id go with one of Arjans lemon strains.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if it is misnamed though. And yeah that's my thought there.

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