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My Small CFL cab with Blue Cheese and Pineapple Skunk

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by theratdude64, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Been lurking/reading around here forever, building up my knowledge to tackle this project, and I feel decent about it.

    I have 3 seedlings going, 2 Blue Cheese and one Pineapple Skunk. They haven't broken ground yet, but the seeds were doing the water cup germination while I was out of town for two days. I came home to some of them having pretty impressive tails, but they all got the taproot. They went into the dirt on 2/24. I have an app that helps me track them on my phone "My Plant Diary"/Android if anyone interested.

    Anywho, now to the fun part, the pictures. Anyone have any suggestions? Right now I've got 2 120mm fans against eachother to have beastier air flow, does anyone have any suggestions on improving my intake? Does anyone think I can fit 4 in here? I plan on scrogging probably, It's a small cab, but much bigger than a PC case :p

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  2. looks good.I would dab some silicone over the open electrical connections, or a zap is bound to happen.The moisture build up or excessive plant height will cause you problems there.
  3. Ah good call, didn't really think that part to be a problem. It's so dry around here that my fingertips have a couple SUPER painful cracks... That goanna cause too much of a problem? Their moisture and higher temperature make it more humid in there I'm sure, but I'm far too broke at the moment to get a proper hygrometer/thermometer. That Brown wire is the lead to a Fluke 87v Volt meter :p
  4. Pineapple came :) I hope the cheese isn't too far off :eek:

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  5. the joy of
  6. That it is, tis a good feeling to see hard work pay off :cool:
  7. looks nice and clean
    how many watts do you have in there
  8. Thank you :)

    it's 6 26w / 100w equivalent bulbs.

    It's pretty hard to keep the temp under control, it's usually ok, but creeps up to about 89 occasionally. I've enlarged my intake twice. I'm nervous to just enlarge the hole until it can't keep up with negative pressure. Any ideas?

    Sent from my HTC One S using GC Forum
  9. Nice light set up, I made a 3 bulb cfl stand out of an old lava lamp base.
  10. haha thats awesome. I'd try that with mine but I believe it's a mini base bulb, tis why I never get to use it :(

    Any reccomendations on a way to mount an 80mm (or the 2 fans out of an XBOX 360) fan directed at the lights? With them being up in the ceiling it's hard to figure out :confused_2:

    edit: One idea I Had was to make a small upside down "L" duct out of black foam poster board that has a fan mounted on the top arm directed at the lights. That way, it sucks up the cooler air from the bottom and puts it up at the lights. Sound good?
  11. Zip ties are always good to mount a fan if you can drill a hole or two.

    And I was surprised about the lava lamp as well, the light bulb for that was about the size of a golf ball. But with a pair of metal snips I was able to fully expose the socket and it works really well as a base or like i have it mounted on the side of the wall if ya wanna see check out my journal.
  12. Oh and I have recent experience with using the fan from a PS3, idk about yours but mine is a circulating fan, it doesnt blow in one direction the air is blown out from around all the sides of it. If you can find the right power transformer it could possibly work great.
  13. In a TV? haha that sounds awesome, but the link isn't working :(

    I have a bunch of PC fans and transformers laying around for this project, just gotta figure out what to do with them lol. I can work on it more tonight when the light goes back on, probably make the duct and fan mount.

    I'll also hopefully post pics of the other 2... I'm worried about over watering, but my dry ass thought that the soil was really dry, but the droopy leaves on the pineapple say otherwise. I've treated them all the same, so I'm cutting back on the watering. What also lead me to believe it was dry was the sides were shrinking in away from the cup. Watering confuses me more than I thought it would :(
  14. Trying this on the GC app, hopefully works...

    The smaller two are the blue cheese and the bigger is pineapple Skunk. Looking ok? All planted at the same time. Soil look to dry or anything?

    Sent from my HTC One S using GC Forum

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  15. Looks like a healthy seedling to me
    Are you useing a passive intake?
  16. #16 theratdude64, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 4, 2013
    The two small ones haven't really moved in a couple days :-( is not yellow, but seems stalled. When I checked them this morning the dirt seemed pretty dry, early watering sucks (for me) lol. When there's more of a plant giving me feedback I should be ok lol

    Yep, passive intake. I should get some more pics of how that works

    Where should my temp probe be? That might be part of my "high temp" problem. If I put ANY fans on the lights, it jumps to almost 95F in there

    Sent from my HTC One S using GC Forum
  17. I would say that's why they havent grown in a few days .. The best temps for cannabis
    Is in the low to mid 70s. Try to cut your intake bigger. That should help alot rule of thumb
    Usually is you want your intake twice as big as tje exhaust on a passive intake
    Hope im some help
  18. Hrm, never heard that rule of thumb. When the exhaust is going can you feel the airflow strong? I feel like if I make the intake bigger it won't have negative pressure. I'll probably have to make the intake bigger Tonight. Then should I have the probe tip at soil level?

    Sent from my HTC One S using GC Forum
  19. You should def be able to feel the exhaust pulling air if you put
    Your hand on tje passive intake. Another way you could see
    Is blow some smoke by the intake and it should b strong
    Enough to pull tje smoke through and out the exhuast
    as the probe i would put it canopy level
  20. Here is the intake as it sits now. It's 2 120mm fans stacked so that it's beastier air flow, the hole for it is something like 6.5" Squared I believe. Little bit smaller than a CD. This intake is about 5" long by 2" wide.

    The front of my cab is glass, I made a board that seals it. When I take the board off and run it right now, it's holding 76.6-8 degrees. Should I perhaps add some intake onto the sidewalls? The only real thing I have is a hole saw bit, is why the intake is 3 circles long lol. Ive tried blowing smoke in it before, but with the carbon filter, not much comes out haha.

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