
Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by vc77, Sep 3, 2008.

  1. Prepare yourselves. The zombie holocaust is coming.


    All this talk about bigfoot and aliens has got me thupersticious! So who believes?

    (On a real note, what a fucking funny website)
  2. you gotta read the book zombie survival guide by max brooks. Shit is the best ever.
  3. if the zombocalypse comes.....I will die a happy man
  4. sign me up. If it means I can blow a bunch of "peoples" heads off and not get locked up for it. come at me zombiez! ahh shit looks like im out of luck. the disclaimer says I cant just wanna kill people? wtf, the army has no problem with this mentality.
  5. Die happy until you are reborn to feed on the flesh of the living!!:eek:
  6. The zombies will never get past my rippling muscles, huge guns, and cheezy one-liners to kill me lol :smoking:
  7. Never really understood the entire zombie thing, least of which why it is supposed to be scary.

    - They're dead slow
    - Not too bright
    - Rather weak

    Their only strengths are moving around in packs and being tough to get rid of entirely. Like rats, only slower and less smart.

    Come to think of it, rats are more scary than zombies.
  8. I am the Zombie-Woof!:D
  9. Agreed.. but now imagine something like that rage disease in 28 days later. That would be pretty scarry.

  10. Oh man . . .

    just to be in a field in the woods. . with a crescent blade

    the sweet woosh of decapitation in your ears as the sun rises on the brain matter. . .

  11. thats why I dont like the fast zombie movies, way to unfair lol, although more believable, hence scarier.

    slow zombies win because of numbers and suprise, if it hit in a city environment it could get out of control, considering every death by zombie = one more zombie. if you didnt take care of the problem fast itd be bad.

    and you dont think itd get out of control, but everyone would think its someone in a good costume and end up getting bit before they decided to shoot them in the head and risk a murder charge for it actually being someone in a costume
  12. Q – Why does this site exist? I have seen no proof of “zombies,” let alone any sort of wide-spread problem of this nature.

    zombiedefense.org exists for you, the informed consumer. The coming zombie holocaust is not a question of if, but when. Thousands of pages of research, hundreds of hours of video, and dozens of experts (many of whom are prominently featured here) have virtually guaranteed that zombies are not only real, but they are a potentially civilization-ending force of nature. In the words of Dr. Stephon Güttenwald, “Das spuchen zomben puich gulchessachenfädder” (translation: “We cannot falter in the face of our father’s corpses”).

    How can these scientists be so sure that a zombie-caust is going to occur. Is there any substantial proof at all?? If so, could somebody please post me a link or explain further :)
  13. You must be new to these things we have now called "jokes."
  14. It's PURELY satirical. Did you look at any of it?

    Check the weapon reviews:


  15. Heyyyyy, that wasn't nice. I'm not a bear. :(
  16. There is no proof of it. BUT when the day comes when some scientist creats some break through virus and it mutates and fucks the world over. Ill be ready, how about you? lol It just gives guys an excuse to buy guns and pro gear haha
  17. im down
    maybe this could be the beginning of a good friendship

  18. Well, I know what weapon I'm goin' for when the zombie apocalypse comes. How about you guys?
  19. Rasta_man...where art thou?
  20. zombies can happen
    there are virus in the world that make zombies, we dont really see it but.. its there and well its curable,
    i'm tryin find the site but cant find it :/

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