Zohai anyone?

Discussion in 'General' started by groundcontrol, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. I just heard of the stuff from a guy on 4chan. anyone try it and what is it?
  2. nobody can help me out on this one?
  3. #3 pavlakos, Dec 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2008
    nope...wtfs zohai...whats it do?

    edit: a quick google search yielded many results.

  4. What does that mean??
  5. never take seriously anyone in 4chan..all you heard is probably fictional.:p

    but really...
  6. Nah. Not fictional.
    Zohai is actually suppose to be a pretty good herbal blend.
    If you have heard of Spice Gold don't think that is the only working herbal blend that gets you high.
    Spice Gold, Spice Diamond, Zohai MX, Zohai RX, Ex-Ses, Yucatan Fire, Smoke..etc. They are all suppose to be decent.
    There are tons of herbs out there that hold psychoactive contents but you would have to smoke a load of it alone to get an effect, herbal blends is a mixture of a bunch of select herbs that are suppose to give you a high and duration similar to weed.
    I don't think you could go wrong with Spice Gold, Spice Diamond, or Zohai MX or Zohai RX. Now I have never tried them personally but from reviews I think they seem legit. There was a recent German article I read saying Spice Gold has an labratory created ingredient in it that acts like a cannaboid. (Cannaboids are in weed).
  7. oh man....i was being sarcastic/ironic for 4chan.and then you have to come here and spoil it for me..*sigh*:p
  8. Haha, never been a fan of 4chan myself. It's mostly bullshit. :rolleyes: But Zohai being truthful does appear to be a decent herbal blend, give it a try and let me know how it goes. I can give you a link to a vendor if you would like (To original poster).
  9. rep for actually resisting making fun of the 4chan and just answering to the OP.
    im impressed..and obviously bored..
  10. You don't want to mess with the Zohai
  11. i lol at 4chan, but it has it fun moments too
  12. It means what's good for someone might not be good for someone else.
  13. Ahhh ok thanks.

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