Your worst fear?

Discussion in 'General' started by o0o0o0o0110, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. I will start

    Unfulfilled potential. In myself and those around me.
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  2. Nothing.:coolalt:
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  3. Getting cancer again. Fucking nightmare fuel....
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  4. #4 Dizzy, Aug 18, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2017
    That something bad will happen to my daughters.
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  5. This question. o_O
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  6. Being a virgin forever in a state of purgatory nonexistence...without weed to keep me calm. Bolt
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  7. Same
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  8. I pray you don't.
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  9. I would like to add things that touch my feet in the ocean.
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  10. The decimation of all cheese on earth.
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  11. If you look down at those icky things, won't your fear just turn into loud screams and running out of the ocean?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I am not supposed to have cheese so you can imagine it is like I have experienced this..
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  13. All ears going deaf, and music in all it's forms becoming extinct.
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  14. I have bad hearing but it is also VERY selective.
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  15. I used to surf with some guys I knew in the navy. One of the places we surfed was some little fishing village on the coast of no where's ville. I'm out there trying to catch a wave of any kind, it's cold, it's raining, I'm miserable as fuck and pretty much shivered the buzz I had off.

    Then I felt a little tickle on my foot. As I looked down I noticed something crawling up my leg and coming up out of the water. It looked like a giant scorpion mixed with a fucking octopus. I freaked, shrieked like a little girl, backhanded the mini Cthulhu off of my upper leg, caught a decent little three footer and noped the fuck on back to shore. I didn't go back in that water ever again in Japan. Ever...
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  16. Whoa! Did you ever figure out what it was?
  17. Ya, I figured out it was some sort of face raping alien bastard hell bent on having his way with my throat hole. That was as far as I needed for it to go...

    No, I never did figure out what it truly was.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  18. I don't think I'm truly afraid of anything.

    ...Because I'm a cartoon character. :ph34r:
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