Your worst drug experience..ever!

Discussion in 'General' started by borked, Oct 16, 2009.

  1. Please respond with your worst experienc every, i dont care if its shrroms, lsd, salvia, weed, x, coke, being up for a week on meth whatever.. I JUST WANT TO KNOW!

    I was in the Mo val hills by myself in a rental car(07 jettta i believe) because my truck had thrown a rod. ANYWAYS I had been fighting with my fam all god damn day and said FUCK IT i am out. I took a gram of 20x salvia out to the mo val mountains and was under the impression I would relax and have a good time. I packed an overflowing bowl and cached it . I immediately tripped out of control(this was my 8th or 9th time doing salvia) I had put myself in the back seat of my jetta to keep me from driving. After I toked in my mind I had fallen over then sat up saying "what the fucK" in an indefinite repeat..I then for the 3rd time sat up saying "what the fuck!?" this time smoke came out..and I knew it was for real. Then sheer panic came over me, I opened my door and flopped out onto the dirt panicking. I reached for my door handle to get back into my car and my jetta had now turned into a smear of 100 jettas sliding across the canyon.

    Finally i found the handle and got myself back into the rear seat where a song began playing in my head about how this night was the night I finally did it. I finally went insane and I am currently in a mental institution reliving the nightnmare of the night I went insane over and over again every night I fall asleep. I panicked jumped in the drivers seat and took off down one of the side streets in moreno valley desperately trying to talk to my current g/f show she could verify life was real and she was my g/f and i'm not insane. I also tried to contant my sister and because of the pervious actions of the night and the family drama her phone had been smashed(which wehn you smoke salvia you don't know the real deal). I triled to call her and it said "out of order" which amplified my current state of i dunno psychosis 100x. I was driving down a mountain road under the influence of salvia and quickly realized "HEY IDIOT..YOU'RE HIGH YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IF YOU'RE DRIVING RIGHT NOW OR FLYING OFF A CLIFF .STOP!!!" So I did stop and sat there till visual blurniess and mind scrambled egg stuff went away. Still paranoid and higjly psychotic I drove down and down till I reached my girlfriend reaching for some type of stability and some reason why I am not just a figment of my imaginatin while I am incarcerated living a double life everynight. She calmed me down and let me sleep in the driveway in my rental car. The next morning probabbly 10 hours after I had ripped that masive bowl I finally was condfident it was all the drugs and I was OK now.

    I have done salvia many times before that and many times after that..both while already sober and while I was already under the influence of mushrooms but for whatever reason lady salvia grabbed ahold of me that night and took me for an extreme wild ride I will never forget. Ever since them.. when I do try salvia I go back into the same trip. So..I honestly cannot try salvia ever again.

    Aolgize ahead of time if it doesn't make sense. I am drunk on booze because as of my current situation I can't mess with anythign narcotic or close to narcotic.

    I appreciate any responds and look forward to reading them.

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