Your Concept Of God?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Blix, May 12, 2023.

  1. I'm an Atheist, but I like thinking about things and it suddenly
    came into my head, what I think God would be if he existed.

    I figure if God did exist He'd probably be like a scientist.
    Just set everything in motion, sit back with a big ass
    doobie in hand, a huge buzz on and just smile at everything
    as it unfolds.

    Pretty much Deism.

    Your opinions? Let's see how many different concepts of God
    we can get in here.
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  2. God is the energy of the universe. Jesus was a energy who took human form. Jesus said I am not of this world. He talked about light again and again. the light which is the energy of the Universe. You can't destroy energy.
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  3. This is the simplest explanation I've heard in awhile and I like it. "I am that I am"

    ~ Jazz Hands ~
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  4. #4 MickFoster, May 12, 2023
    Last edited: May 12, 2023
    I'm an atheist as well.
    If there is a god, or supreme being, I doubt he would be involved, or even care about people's answering prayers. It's totally stupid when athletes make a motion towards the sky to thank god for their hit or touchdown.

    I went to 12 years of catholic school and I never believed any of the shit they were teaching........even when I was 6 years old.

    I understand why humans have to believe in gives them strength that they don't have themselves, and gives them hope that there's a beautiful place to go to after death. Unfortunately most so-called believers don't practice what their god preaches.........and if there is a heaven........they aren't going.

    I don't need a god and the threat of eternal damnation to be a good moral person who cares about others.
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  5. Jesus talked about love. Love is a universal force. We did a experiment in school. We had two flowers which got the same light and food. one we would play soft music and said good morning and say nice things. The other flower we play loud music and would yell and say bad things to it. The first flower blossomed into a beautiful bud. the other never blossomed at all. You show a dog or cat love and kindness, and they will return it tenfold. I see on YouTube of bears loins and gorillas that have been loved by man then release into the wild. Even years later when the humans would call their name, they always greet them with love. Rather it's human plants or any living thing responds to love.
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  6. Whether there be any god, or gods, I cannot say, but from what I’ve seen, if there be any god, or gods, they are totally indifferent to the affairs of human beings…
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  7. Here's why:
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  8. If Jesus really existed it'll probably be a very cold day in Hell
    before He comes back, after what we did to him.
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  9. Genesis 1:27 fully explained…
  10. I think Jesus has been back multiple times. But we have a system in place that locks up and medicates "messiah" types.
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  11. In the Bible there is 47 different names of God all allot alike but at the same each being different in its own way.
    The English translated Bible took 12,500 original different words of the scrolls and reduced those words to about 6500 different words.
    Leaving 6000 words with two or meaning's.
    Gen 1.1
    In the beginning God .
    In Hebrew it reads In the beginning Elohim.. < first name of God spoken in the Bible .
    In Hebrew any word ending in IM as in Elohim is plural. and is where the trinity comes from.
    What are the different names of God, and what do they mean? |
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  12. Okay, Here's the deal. I don't believe in the Old Testament. I don't believe in Adam and Eve Noah ark or anything like that. When they murdered Jesus, they were after the Disciples as well. the disciples say they don't know him nor follow him. They said Jesus' return to them. They say he rose from the dead. After that the disciples went out and told people what they saw. Knowing they would be killed for it. Each one of their deaths is a historical fact. what did they see that would make them do that. This is a natural human reaction to something they saw.
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  13. Well Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. And the Old Testament is the you if you don't believe in the OT then you don't believe in the Jesus of the New Testament. :blush:
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  14. Actually, His entire purpose for taking on flesh was to be sacrificed, so He wasn't surprised. Sad, probably...but not surprised.

    The bible says the first time He came into the world was to pay the price for our sins (Think, spotless lamb of the Old Testament) and the next time He comes it will be with a sword (i.e. judgement). It also says that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he is Lord of Lord and King of Kings.
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  15. If there was an omnipotent God I think he'd be bored out of his mind. Having the power to create anything must get boring after a few trillion years or so. No wonder he created us, we must have been good for a laugh or two. Creating humans was God's hold-my-beer event.

    My truth is we each have a God right between our ears. My God can read my thoughts for they are also his and he knows when I've been naughty or nice. He can give me the strength to accept all the crap I can't change but he doesn't seem to be powerful enough to give me enough strength to change what I could change if I wasn't so lazy and unmotivated. I wasn't always like this, I think I accidently killed my God about 10 years ago.
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  16. Made up man in the sky drivil. But people can believe what they want.
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  17. The Garden of Eden was called paradise because??????????
    There were no mother in laws there.
    God made Adam first......... because he didn't want Eve's advice...

    And that concludes the lessons of the day..
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  18. My personal belief is in something akin to the Force in Star Wars, but without the dark side. My God isn't an intelligent humanoid being but a force of everything good and of all life. It exists in all living things and guides people towards moral good. It doesn't choose what is good, it simply is the essence of goodness. Hell is just seperation from good. Hell is where lost souls go. Suicide victims are in Hell, not because they are being punished for anything, but because they died separated from the force, having lost their way.

    This probably totally contradicts another post I just made but, like everybody, by philosophical beliefs evolve and sometimes contradict each other during this development, I'm figuring shit out.
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  19. Athletes praying has always been stupid to me because, why should God favour you over the other team? most of them believe they're praying to the same God as you. I would hope, if God were real and had any sense of fairness and ethics, he would stay neutral in competitions. Of course I love the movie Angels In The Outfield, but that doesn't mean I'd like it to be real
  20. Religion is just there to keep humans in line. Civilization is heading for the end of this round. Every other civilization before us has went down this same route of wild, crazy, deplorable, acceptable things and vanished shortly after.
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