This thread is to share your stories of the times you actually laughed so hard, you fell down and started rolling on the fucking floor, laughing your head off. Some of you may think that its not possible and may wonder why one would roll on the floor and laugh when you can just sit there and laugh. Believe me, its possible. Maybe something really funny happened or (probably) a large cocktail of substances was involved and someone said something funny. Whatever it may be, share your experiences and why you started laughing (if you remember).
This one time, we got glow sticks and tied them to the blades on the ceiling fan in my room. Turned on the fan and watched the fuckin light show. Then we started throwing things into the fan and watching them fly across the room...that's when I fucking lost it. That shit's hilarious when you're high.
I have ROFLed but this story is about when I made someone ROFL. I was working at bennigans and i was hanging out with 3 black dudes, who were waiters like my white ass, and the manager who was this white girl. The guys were talking about something the manager did and how she should have fought with someone. so she pretends to break a bottle and points it at one of the guys. I'm chillin listening to this and say something like, "you should have taken this steak knife (i hold up a steak knife) and said 'Ima cut you *****!'" and as soon as i said this, I realize I'm with 3 black guys who wouldn't normally approve of such language. They all stop talking and just look at me. I;m honestly scared for a sec. One guy, Kenny, asks me to repeat myself. I said no, he said "i'd better." I slowly make out "I'ma cut you *****" and in an instant all three of them EXPLODE laughing and start rolling around on the ground. all i could think was damn i'm lucky! I dunno what it is, this suburban white jewish kid seems to be down with the homies.
I was high on mushrooms for the first time and at my local skate park when this kid rolls up on MY bike! I forgot to grab it after school and this kid stole it, my bad, anyways I couldn't even begin to comprehend the situation so my buddies older brother chased the kid down so far, I fetal positioned myself on the ground and ROFL'd
Me and my cousin smoking about wanted to get rid of a HUGE and I mean HUUUUGGEE tree in the backyard, after an hour or 2 of planning we decided the tree would fall on our property. He cuts it from the root and the tree falls of 2 houses totally crushing(nobody hurt) them I couldnt stop laughing at the look on his face as his eyes darted back from his calculations to where the tree was suppose to fall.
I was watching T.V with a few friends and how it's made was on we were all stoned and this girl who was seeing at the time was commenting on what they where making Her: yummmmmm BBQ flavored Her:I'm so hungry... Her: that looks so good, I could eat all of that TV: this Is a delicious snack.... Her:It sure does look delicious TV:.....for dogs. They where making dog food We caught it half way through and she was commenting extensively on each process. it was pretty funny I guess you had to be their.
Might sound lame, but way back when, when i started playing vanilla WoW. I never laughed harder in my life after seeing that leeroy jenkins video. I still, till this day, have no idea why. I dont even find things easily funny :\
I have had a few instances where I literally fell to the floor laughing. The best one was in 7th grade. I lived in Key West at the time, and we had a substitute teacher in math class. There is a catch though. The substitute was a FLAMING homosexual. I can actually still remember his name, and this was 16 years ago! His name was Mr. Hacker. LOL Makes me laugh just thinkin about this shit. The guy had such a bad lisp that the entire class couldnt help but laugh when he would say certain things. Within 10 min. of him going over our lesson I literally couldnt control the laughter. He kept yelling at me and it just made me laugh harder. It was just an uncontrollable laughter that I couldnt stop. Me and one of my friends actually had to leave the classroom and go to ISS (in school suspension...ahhh the memories). I can still hear Mr hackers voice as I type this.
A couple of weeks ago i was at my friends house toking and playing RISK. I came out to them, and for the whole night we joked about me being gay and i spent a considerable time on the ground ROFLing
i'm not sure if this counts because I was already on the ground. Me and 4 other friends were smoking and we had these 3 girls over (which one of us do you think picked the short straw? xD) and my 2 friends were laying on the ground talking, so I went to lay down with them, and then the other guy came over. So we're all laying down on the ground in a circle looking at each other. And the one girl on the couch looks down and says "you guys look like a bunch of little kids at their first sleepover" and I started laughing, and my one larger friend has the most hilarious belly laugh and when he started, i was literally rolling, as if I was on fire, laughing.
I'm a really giddy person in general and I have hit the floor laughing like 5 times in class back in school. I Usually find something to ROFL at once a month. Good times.