Yoga for Newbs

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Lodi Dodi, Aug 28, 2013.

  1. So I have been interested in trying out Yoga for quite some time, but there aren't really any studios around here.  I am in fairly ok shape, I used to swim when I was younger but I cannot say I am truly athletic.  I have a gym membership, which I use off an on, but I have been upping my cardio as of late.

    Well, I was interested in trying Yoga, and I found an App for the iPhone called, "Yoga Studio."  It was $3, but wow what a great app!  I had literally ZERO knowledge about Yoga positions, other then Downward Dog.  This comes with Flexibility, Balance, Strength, and Relaxation workouts. As well as combinations.  In 15, 30, or 60 minute sessions.  The lady explains how to do each position, and the music that plays in the background is pretty relaxing itself.  You could also just browse through all the posistions, and make your own workouts.  But since I am so new, I figured I'd stick with the premades, and I did the 30 minute Relaxation (worked 14 hours today)

    Wow, it was not the most difficult workout I've ever had, but definitely relaxing.  Like,  the high I got from doing the Yoga was almost as good as a weed high lol.  I've experienced runners highs before, but after I was done with the session, my body just felt fucking awesome.  I took a shower, and it still felt great.  And my mind feels real sharp and clear. I even went out to toke, and the same effects have persisted.

    I like the idea of being able to test what I can do with my body using my body.  I think I'm going to do 60 minutes of balance or flexibility tomorrow morning when I wake up, I'm trying to make it an everyday occurrence.

    My favorite position was called fish I believe. Just never had my body like that, and my back feels fucking great.  Just thought I'd let grasscity know about the good experience, and if anyone has any tips or pointers, they would be more then appreciated :D

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