
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Linktogunner, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. What, in your opinion, is the best way to consume Robitussin Cough syrup? Just the thought of drinking it straight is horrible.
  2. How else would you consume a liquid because drink it..

    You gonna do a handstand and have someone empty it into your bowels?
  3. in the mouth sounds right!
  4. What I meant to ask is if it would be any better mixing it with something..
  5. mixing that shit just makes a lot MORE of a vile tasting liquid, just down it and plug your nose for best results.
  6. Hold your nose, take a chug and chase it with something like OJ. Or you can try using strong mouth wash swish it then hold your nose and drink it. (Not the mouthwash)
  7. ^that. you can isolate the dxm if you want, but the whole process doesn't seem worth the hassle
  8. Alright thanks One Truth, swisher, and sourpatchkidss.. Time to drink!

    edit: and theweedian
  9. You have a brain dont you? No offense, but your asking questions that can be answered if you actually thought about it. What could you mix it with to make it better? THINK. Maybe some sweet drink like soda?
  10. Put in 2 tablespoons of sugar in the mix.
  11. mouth FTW!:hello:

    haha jk, but don't mix it. it just takes forever to finish something that sucks. just go for the chug imo.
  12. plug it in your asshole.

    naw lol. i heard mixing it with sprite or any soda is decent. of course you can just extract the DXM and put it in a capsule
  13. pour it in your gaping asshole

  14. rofl i just got nasty porn fetish flashbacks.

    milkshake+funnel+some sluts 3 inch asshole, thats all im saying lol
  15. The fact that you have watched pornography like that creeps me the fuck out.

  16. hahahaha theres grosser things i guess. dont make me bring up a certian viral video involving a certian cup and a certian crack heads shit and vomit....*cough*twogirlsonecup*cough* lol.

    plus i dont enjoy that kind of shit i just think its funny to gross people out with
  17. ^BME pain olypics tops 2irls1cup.

  18. lol i seen that but i think its fake. theres no blood and the tuniquet thing wouldnt work in real life. i heard it was just a tranny that changed her (or his?) mind. the other clips by them i heard are fucking duisgusting.

    if you really want to be traumatized go to snuffx.com. that shit is just fucking wrong. illusionist showed me that site when we were on acid last night and it made me well...uncomfortable. its a death website incase your wandering
  19. pain olympics 2 involves a firecracker and some sick dude's urethra. it gets really bad.

    tl;dr this thread is now about wierd porn

  20. sorry to jack lol. i jst had to make fun of plugging and someone brought up gaping asses rofl.

    but seriously just mix the bottle with a 2 liter of dank soda

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