
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Tyscho, Mar 29, 2012.

  1. I figured out if you grow your own plants of MMJ and you have green thumb or Great luck at the genetics of the seed and you get a pound per plant, and you smoke a average of a 8th On weekly bases. One plant will last you 2.5 years so if you have 6 seeds and super luck and get 6lbs yield.What ever it is it will take you 15 years to go through that if you smoke it all yourself...

  2. If I were to strictly smoke 6lbs everyday like the same way I do now it would last me maybe a year and a half give or take.
  3. 1 plant yielding a quarter pound lasts me 2 months. Give or take a week.

    Thats averaging 2 grams a day, ish, and thats very accurate for my current consumption rates.

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