yellowing lower leaves help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by od01, May 3, 2008.

  1. im first time grower my plant is 3 weeks unknown bagsee im using miracle gro organic soil no nutes seems like as new leaves start to grow the bottom set of leaves are becoming less green and more yellow whas goin on any input is appreciated
  2. Lights?
  3. 2 40 watt cfl 2 100 watt cfl i need to test the ph i will post pics tommorrow but i think its the soil cuz those are the exact problems i have that i read in the pgamg thread do u think i can transplant to a better soil or jus get better next time
  4. Older leaves turn yellow for a couple reasons, its hard to determine which is the cause without seeing the yellowing pattern. It could be nute burn since salts accumulate in older leaves first(and you are using MG), or a N or Mg deficiency as those nutrients are mobile in the plant and will be taken from older foliage and moved to the newer leaves. Pics will def be helpful.
  5. I agree but most likely its the soil. You could transplant to different soil but get some pics up of the whole plant just so we can make sure its not a deficiency or something.
  6. First i gotta say i have bad eyes so this is kinda hard to give you an opinion on your plant.

    Does your container have drain holes?

    Looks like you might have some lockout going on but its hard to say for sure.Are those leaves yellow or actually brown in color?Are they crispy to the touch or still have a smooth feeling if you rub them between your fingers?

    I'm just trying to determine if the plant is starving from bad PH or just plain lack of nutrients.

    Try taking a better picture(more focused) if you can.
  7. You need to check pH.
    Too early for a deficiency. Are you sure no N P K on the bag?
    Looks like fert burn.

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