Yellowing leaves problem w/pic. Please help :)

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by jellybeansryummy, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. I got some yellowing of the leaves goin on. Not sure why. Here's a pic.


    Not sure if it's a PH issue. I've jsut been using distilled water that I bought and poured into a sprayer a week ago and that's what I've been using. Everywhere I've read the PH of distilled water is 7, which is alright from what I've read.

    Also, I picked up a soil PH tester to uh...test the PH of the soil. I'm using Fox Farm Ocean Forest Here's what I'm getting from that after a watering.


    I don't know if it's overwatering/underwatering cuz I basically just give it some water like, every third day maybe. It's a smallish cup and as you can see, there's not a whole lot of soil in it, and I have drain holes with a fan blowing on them so the water dries up pretty quick. I don't want to water it more in case overwatering is the problem to begin with. Anyone have any ideas? Is it time to transplant and start using a little bit of Grow Big nutes in case of some sort of deficiency?

    Fuck. This is aggravating. Thanks for your help everyone!
  2. What type of medium; soil or hydro? Soil
    What brand and type of soil? Fox Farm Ocean Forest
    Indoors or outdoors? Indoors
    What strain? Electric Fruit Punch
    How old are the plants? 12 days
    What type of lights and how many watts? CFL 6-26watts
    How far from the lights? About 1.5-2 inches
    What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? Fed nothign but water
    What is the medium/runoff pH? 7, I assume from the pics and the info I have
    What are the temps and humidity in the room? Temps around 75-79 and no idea of humidity
    What size pots? Dixie Cups
    Any bugs? Look real close. Not that I can see
    Any other pertinent info? Not off the top of my head
  3. Alrighty, so I went out and picked up a new gallon of distilled water and some epsom salt as well as a one gallon pot. It was a challenge but i got the thing transplanted. OMG did it desperately need it! All of the roots were at the bottom of the cup but none were poking out or anything so I didn't know. I did not expect them to be as long as they were.

    I mixed up 1/2 teaspoon of Epsom Salt in the gallon jug of water and poured it into my spray bottle and got the soil good and wet after I got her in there. Hopefully in a few days she will show some improvement :)


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