Yellow Spots on Leaf, any ideas?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Nutty sKunK, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. So for a while my Kali Mist just over 3 weeks old has had these yellow spots on her leaves. My water is really soft, 38 PPM so for the past few feedings I've been giving some CalMag 0.5ml/L but the problem seems to be getting worse... My other plant has had the exact same treatment and is a week or so behind and has nothing wrong.

    Since the Kali's Coco Mix is a lot lighter than the other, really spongy in fact, could it be this causing Yellow spots?

    I've been feeding them both at PH 5.8 @ 240 PPM

    The brown burns are from Lime, they haven't changed since.

    Cheers for the help! :)

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  2. I soon as i saw the pictures i thought calmg but if you're adding extra to your vege/grow feed then it might be early Iron? Soft water can lack in lots of minerals so it might be good to get a trace mineral supplement like the Canna mono trace.

    I found that using sterilized rain water was better (when i was using Canna nutes) because it tended to be harder than my tap water!

    All of these promblems went away when i changed to a feed that was designed to be used with reversed osmosis water. It takes the maths out of it.

    My tap is fed by a cold water spring that has a PPM of about 15-20 on average.
    As you probably know its very hard to diagnose specific deficiencies in plants. It may be best to flush with a PH 5.8 @ 120ppm for a day and then begin to treat it for general nutrient def.

    From my experience you're best off going for a general approach - rather than trying to treat any problem specifically - I'am not claiming to be a pro though. I'm an experienced novice :D

    I'm sure some douche with loads of "cred" will come along soon and have some crushing remarks on my comment lol.

    Hope this helps anyway
  3. are you misting with the light on?

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