This is my first grow and my sour d has a lot of leaves with this yellow color with dark spots and I can't figure why.I've been pretty good at feeding with nutrients and feel I have an accurate distance from light to plant. I also had a small spider mite problem which I took care of right away with a neem oil spray that I applied right before lights off. I test my ph and it hangs around 6 - 6.5. For nutes I use a combination of flora duo a and b, floralicious grow, and armor si all from general hydroponics and have been very careful on the amount I give them. So tell me what the hell am I doing wrong. Your advice is greatly appreciated.
Whats the temps like and how close are ur lights as well as that how old is she gauging by the leaf ur still vegging Sent from my GT-P5113 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
You're missing calmag. Probly 1 or 2 ml per gallon would do the trick. Careful on the pH cuz that will drop it. Its not an instant fix but it would probably solve the issue. Good luck!