YEILD OFF 2 1000 watts

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by DxGxAxF, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. :wave:hello G C...... Was wondering what to except off two 1000 watts light
    on a four x eight foot table 32 plants on the table ffof soil gallon pots
    16 bubba kush from greenhouse 16 cole train from greenhouse all ff nuts

    Any suggestion please !!!!! I fugred at the min oz a plant but lookin for anothe opion:wave:
  2. Need more info. How much experience do you have growing? How long will you veg?

    Those 2 answers will dictate a large portion of the answers you will get. And experienced grower can yeild right around 1 gram per watt if done correctly.
  3. best situation period pretty much would be like 2400 grams hydro but that is a pretty good over shot i get around 189 grams per harvest with 150w hps and 2-3 42w cfs warm spectrum and i got pretty good genetics (purple widow double bag seed cross) 9 years grow experience

  4. Been growin for about four years now....last harvest with bagseed and 600 hps
    i got about .65 grams a watt.......i flip clones at two foot toopped four times

    a gram a watt would been nice but im not gonna give my hopes up:cool:

    this is my frist grow with know and good gentictes all others have been bagseed
  5. Yeah, with your experience I think you should be able to get about .75g per watt realistically.
  6. thanks for:) info
  7. sativa produce less, but i like the high. or indica youll get more. genetics play a big part in yield. or get a hybrid and try to get both.!!

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