I always though most people on the internet were generally pro cannabis, but the majority of people on yahoo answers are always saying crap like smoking weed will ruin your life and make you stupid or that if you toke up once you immediately end up s**cking D*** for heroin
[quote name='"Tainted593"']Since when was yahoo answers a legitimate source of knowledge?[/quote] ^^ literally made me lol it's true...
[quote name='"Ballen1994"']I always though most people on the internet were generally pro cannabis, but the majority of people on yahoo answers are always saying crap like smoking weed will ruin your life and make you stupid or that if you toke up once you immediately end up s**cking D*** for heroin[/quote] That's cause it's just a bunch white house wives who think they are filling yahoo with wisdom ....... I hate those people but you can't add comments after its closed
I actually tend to go to Y! answers when I want to know shit... not really on purpose, google just tends to direct me there. I actually get some straight forward answers, which is not what I'd expect. Never really looked for MJ related stuff there, though.