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Yahoo Answers doesnt like medical marijuana.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by legalize_ganja, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Someone asked the question about what herbs are good for back pain and me being the helpful one said "medical marijuana" which then got my account suspended, and my answer deleted for violating the terms of use SOME HOW. I was pretty pissed, becuase people ask stuff like "What can i buy to get high off of" and other stupid shit like "what can i sniff that will get me high". But then I give a good answer to a regular question and get suspended. Stupid shit. Oh yeah and the fact that MEDICAL MARIJUANA is a "valid" and legal "method" for pains and shit. - in some states.

    What do you guys think about this?!
  2. I hate the answers those cuntbags give on that site. Whenever anyone gives a good unbiased answer they get flamed by a bunch of uninformed ignorant soccer moms.

    Im not surprised you got banned that shit is retarded any question about smoking just gets bombarded with answers like
    "blah blah blah your a pothead you contribute nothing to this world and you are addicted to a dangerous drug"
  3. pretty much sums it up. bunch of lame-o's fuck'em man you know your welcomed here!
  4. Yes, very true. ive noticed that too. Anything related to SMOKING weed ignorant people start giving bs answers, and then when someone says something like what are the effects, people are like youll become stupid and addicted!!!.
    Hah, and yes ive seen the "your a stupid failure in life" and shit like that if you say you use marijuana.
    But sometimes if they ask for like experiences it will only be people who are for marijuana. No ignorant bastards.... Idk why...
    I can only hope the ignorant people actually read my answers... (the ones that didnt get deleted that is)
  5. Pretty true, and its nice to know that theres a place that doesnt stereotype and all that jazz.
  6. I just got diagnosed with Ulcerative colitis yesterday...

    it sucks. on the bright side, now i have something that i can "use" it for.

    i've been smoking for years, though.

    time to go hit the bowl!!:hello::smoking:
  7. That doesnt sound fun at all, and im sure it does suck. Atleast you have more reasons to smoke some green. :wave:
  8. i dont think itll bother me much, because it doesnt now. i think i can keep it at bay

  9. well thats good to hear

  10. Yahoo answers is just not for weed. No need to flamed the mislead people on there.:mad:. There just brainwashed from the gov.

    Thats what Grasscity for. And place to talk about herb:rolleyes:
  11. Misled and ignorant. Its not like they listen to any facts. Thats the problem. Sure i can see that everyone (mostly) was once brainwashed at some point, because they start it with that D.A.R.E. shit in like 6th grade. But the people i cant stand have been TOLD the truth and still just let it go in one ear and out the other.:mad:

    And true yahoo may not be the place for weed, but in the Health/Alternative medicine (that would include marijuana) there is alot of questions about marijuana.
  12. It just shows that despite the fact that more states are passing laws allowing for medical marijuana, that there is still a lot of hysteria and ignorance out there about it.
  13. I've been on Yahoo Answers for a long time now, I answer a plethora of marijuana related questions. I am not sure why your account would have gotten suspended, I would most certainly try and get that reversed.

    But I will tell you something about that place as many others already is filled with a lot of ignorance and it doesn't just start or stop with cannabis questions.

    What everyone said was true, cannabis questions there are filled with a few different people:

    1. People with an agenda, I've seen a lot of religious people post about the "evils" of marijuana. I've seen a person who spams those questions with links to his youtube videos and his homepage where he sells a book about how to stop being "addicted" to marijuana.

    2. Soccer moms who are the epitome of "trying to be good and wholesome" and marijuana can't fit into their equation. They state how you will ruin your life, never have a good career and how you are slowly killing yourself.

    3. The kids who are told how bad it is by parents and teachers and they bite onto everything they are fed. "It kill brains cell, will cause brain damage, lung/throat cancer, makes you so stupid you can't concentrate, you will never accomplish anything, etc."

    4. People who just want to flame anyone just for smoking pot. The only contribution they make are short remarks. "DUH! Stoners are so BLIND!!!1111!!! Dumb idiots." Sometimes this and number 3 go hand-in-hand.

    I'm sure I could think of other examples, but there is no need.

    There are a lot of ridiculously stupid people on that site. I believe, in fact, that the stupidest people who use the internet can be found there.
    All that aside, your account was wrongfully suspended and considering the high amount of marijuana question I take part in and I haven't even been warned I can't see why yours would have been.
    Someone may have complained and instead of looking into the matter someone just decided to suspend your account.
  14. oh man i hate that. i'm on my third account. those people dont know how to be open to things.

  15. haha shit me to... thats fucking rediculous though, i say "medical marijuana" and thats it, but then of course in the health/alternative medicine people ask questions about weed, and people are like Your a stupid stoner get a life. and shit like that which im pretty sure is against the rules and no shit happens. First time i got a warning they didnt say what it was for but i think it was becuase i said "ignorant"

    It sux though i was like level 4 and it took a while.:(
  16. #16 Blutteufel, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2008
    Man, that is pathetic. I'm all for being against violence, but when shit like that happens, people like that really need a good-old fashioned chainsaw sodomizing....
  17. yeah. lol.
  18. and i thought yahoo answers was a good fair open minded place to get answers to all of lifes questions. i will never use that site again for what they did to u. thats just sicking. i have heard countless stories about weed easeing peoples pain before they die. and stories of people being able to eat right after chemo cus they smoked some good herb. people need to wake up and realize that medical Marijuna is real and not just a ploy to make weed legal.

    i say everyone on GC boycott that stupid site!
  19. thank you. i sent a request for them to review it or what ever (when it happened) and they said that it was infact in violation of the rules. yet people ask all kinds of shit like what are good drugs to get high on OTC and all kinds of stuff. and i say use medical marijuana to help your head and its against the rules??? idunno its fucked up. i have come to the conclusion that it is infact only illegal because it would replace half of the pharmaceutical drugs and you cant monoplize it. big companys are probably paying off people.
    Why would they still have it illegal for MM if bayer once used HEROINE as medicine.
  20. Fuck no! You'll get answers, sure, but if you get one that wasn't postyed by someone who is clearly mentally retarded, you'll be damn lucky. The "people" on there are complete morons and probably all 8 years old, too:
    And if you think that's bad, then you should see that whole "how is babby formed?" crap. Man, these people are idiots....

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