heya guys, i after alot of research on the city i finally decided to start my grow. Im really cheap and used everything from around my house and from friends. I have rockwool cubes, some bagseeds, a "soiless cubes" (ph neutral) medium and a rubbermaid tub to grow in. i got 2 silent pc fans from the back of my closet. i installed them to 2 phone chargers. I am considering this day 1 because the seed had successfully germinated and shown a tap root, and i put it in the soaked rockwool under the lights in the box.
---------------UPDATE---------------------- We have a sprout ladies and gentlemen!!!! she seems to be nice and healthy
HIGH All, welcome to The City drix224....make sure the RW isn't to soaking wet...little seeders don't like it and could get a thing Called Damping O.F.F.F. Circulation is Also critical.
i have 2 fans as u can see in the pic, the on top is outtake and and the bottom is intake. i soaked the rockwool for 30 min and let it drain a bit for 10, then i planted the seed. for how long should i keep it before watering it and when i do, how do i water the rw properly? thanks
I don't use RW drix..but wait till it is fairly dry and then I'd water from the Bottom and let the RW soak it up...what are you putting the RW in...soil or you doing Hydro?
-------------UPDATE------------- so on day 6, everything seems to be going well and looks healthy. 2 new leaves are really starting to show!! i took your advice unoit and put some water in to let the RW soak it up. i am probably gonna buy some ffof soil.....should i buy anything else to mix in with the soil?
I dont know if this is a problem but it is kind of getting yellow tinted a bit on the edges and in the middle
Hi Drix, I saw that same yellow discoloration once at the base of the leaves when they were still seedlings. I wasn't sure what the problem was, but it could have been 3 things I was doing wrong, Miracle Grow Extended release soil, 90 degree heat, not enough light(looks like this one is not your problem). I hope your plant lives, but if it doesn't, then you should check the root system to see if it got established in that foam medium. That could be your problem. Sorry I know that was very vague but I hope it was somewhat helpful.
---------------UPDATE-------------- so now its day 9, and ive added another light. the plant is currently on at an 18/6 light schedule. im not sure but this seems like kind of slow growth. any suggestions? and also the discoloration in the leaves is apparent, i hope nothing is wrong
Sorry to see what is happening to your baby. Those leaves definitely should not turn yellow so soon. I've got no idea what's going on, because your set up looks great. I'm using the same model of Y-splitter. Therefore, I think it must have something to do with the planting medium. Once again I'm no expert, but it could be pH, overwatering(but i doubt it because it isn't drooping), or poor root establishment. Has anyone else had success with that mossy foamy medium stuff you are using? I hate to say it, but at the rate your plant is turning colors I don't think it will make it. If your plant has the same problem I had a while ago, then the next step is for the base of your newest leaves to turn yellow and slowly spread to the tips. I wasn't able to save mine, and I'm still not exactly sure what the problem was. If I were you I would start germinating other seeds today, but in soil this time, and please don't skimp on the quality. No miracle grow.
That's really unfortunate D: I will start to germinate some seeds and pick up some organic soil. My friend has a fem jack herer seed I'm gonna pick up, as well as I have some bagseeds. I'm still gonna tend to the plant and see how long it lasts.
------------------Update---------------------- Ok so despite what everyone has said, my plant still seems to be living . The roots have firmly established and are stickin out the bottom so today i transplanted into soil. I hope this will help the plant out well, and also the intake pc fan is blowin a nice soft breeze over the plant at all times. Nice new Leaf set
Awesome! I'm glad to hear the good news. I guess the problem wasn't being rootbound. I wish some knew what was wrong with it. I wonder if it wasn't a problem, and that is just what that strain does as a seedling. I only say that because it looks very healthy aside from the yellow cotyldons(spelling?).
Nice setup man, I dig the vertical placement of that rubbermaid! Now that its in soil, it should take off. If I were you, i would screw on that relfector on the fixture you have.(if it fits) Lookin good though! Will be in for the ride
---------------UPDATE---------------- So now this is officially Day 17 of the bagseed and day 2 of the jack herer, and i think things are goin along nicely
thanks, the bagseed is actually from mids that my friend and i thought were the more fire kind of mids, it had hairs and crystals, but it was still mids =/ i hope it grows fire =p
Hey all! Here are a few pictures of bag seed day 18, glad to say looking very healthy! this is the Jack Herrer at day 3