www.shroomery.com is being sold

Discussion in 'General' started by XxRollinDirtyxX, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. idk if any of you guys are members there as well, but www.shroomery.com is being sold!.. current bid stands at about 1.6 million dollars for the domain name, severs, and everything else.
  2. Is this an april fools joke?
  3. damn i wonder if they turn a profit from it
    cause i dont like shrooms but i been der one and its a sweet website for something that specific
  4. no its not.. atleast i dont think so, its actually on ebay.. like go to ebay and type in shroomery and it shows it..

    shroomery.com is an amazing site.. my site (www.themushroomarmy.com) is actually a brother site of shroomery

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