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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by malsauce, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. What's Wrong With My Lady??

    ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413483184.195513.jpg

  2. Your soil looks dry and not very good with drainage.

    Please provide more information so that we can give you a better answer.
  3. My guess would be the sludge you're growing it in.  We really need more info if you want help. What soil is that? Lighting? Temps in the grow room?
  4. lower those cfls to about 2-3 inches.
  5. Ok

    I ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413502272.825096.jpg

    I transplanted because I thought that was the problem

  6. You need to put more soil in the pot and plant a stronger seed.
  7. Ok so these won't grow anymore?

  8. Those lights are nowhere near close enough. Them plants gettin no lumens boi.
  9. Ur cfl's are way to high so ur girls stretching cuz they are asking for light. U need to give them some up close. U won't burn them with cfl's unless they are super close and or touching. Put ur hand right over ur plant, then lower ur light until u feel the light. If it burns ur hand, then it's to low. If it's comfortable, then it's confront able for ur girls.
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  10. I put them closer will they come back up?

  11. Oh and that soil sucks a$$ 😜 Sorry to be harsh but u need a better medium.
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  12. @malsauce I hate to say it, but those two are goners man. If you can salvage one of the two go for it, but it's looking to me like you're not going to have any recovery, regardless of what you do. Make sure you keep your soil moist next time around, but not wet. Don't let it dry out, especially on seedlings. Many seedlings, should they not receive enough water, will die VERY quickly. Additionally, a recommended seed starter mix is going to be Promix seed starter, with a pinch of dolomitic limestone powder in it to buffer PH. Additionally, until the plants get their second set of true leaves, keep the CFLs approximately 4 inches from the seedlings' tops. No fertilizers, nothing but water and soil until second set of true leaves. After that I'd go with the lightest fertilizer regiment possible until the plant has got 5+ sets of true leaves...
    At least that's my opinion anyway. Also, move that fluorescent bar out of the way. No need for it. ;o
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  13. #16 -Martyr, Oct 17, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2014
    If you really want to make a run at growing, it's imperative that you don't cut corners... especially on what's going to be housing and nourishing the plants. What you put in, is what you get out. If you want some amazing shit to smoke, put out a little extra money, buy good soil, invest in some additional nutrients and fertilizer, and disinfect the fuck out of everything beforehand.
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  14. Thanks everyone so basically germinate new seeds? And try again

  15. Correct. Sorry to say it, but at this point cut your losses and start over. Like somebody else said. Don't cut corners. Get some promix, some sunshine #4, there's all sorts of mixes you can buy that're ready for pot plants, or just mix your own.. Jiffy is a low quality medium.
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  16. They are stretching. Move light closer

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